Alexandro if I'm reading you right, you keep saying that if the mob says it is so, it is so. Don't you see that just because it may be the popular opinion or how the majority sees something, that does not mean it is right!
Right is right, wrong is wrong, no matter how many uninformed or wrongly informed people say otherwise... Mob rule is how lynch mobs are formed and innocent people get hurt or killed... Getting a mob worked up into a frenzy is how people like Hitler came to power.
This whole social media hype and political correctness is screwing up the World. Wrong is still wrong, right is still right. Unfortunately you are in the majority that believes political correctness to be fact, the President of the USA is in the same crowd as you... And he not right either.
If you knew anything about me at all, you'd know that I'm nothing like what you have concluded. I speak of the majority because I am a realist: we live in a world where the views of the majority dictate right and wrong. Do I agree with it? No. But just because I am against it, doesn't mean that it isn't so. Do I believe that the 1st world takes advantage of the 3rd world? Yes. But that is due to evidence I have gathered over time in both my personal experience and from an academic sense. So no, dearest individual, I do not believe in being pc, hence why I didn't hesitate to call our dentist friend an ass. I have no care for the US president, none whatsoever. I'm am neither liberal nor Republican because frankly I'm not American and care nothing for their political views or social goingson. USA is by no means the centre of the world, although the world may like to think so. Let me be frank, and sum this up for everyone that doesn't seem to be able to grasp what I'm saying:
1) Killing for a trophy in a foreign country is worlds apart from killing a big cat in order to protect your livelihood. In the one instance, you pay to kill an animal for personal gain, in the other you are killing an animal in order to defend your family and your wellbeing.
2) I do not agree with mob culture, I never have. But I'd be foolish to deny that the world, now more than ever, is leaning towards right and wrong being dictated by public opinion. We live in a democracy with social media filling the the gaps created by boarders.
3) The 1st world takes advantage of the 3rd world in various ways. It's almost like an unhealthy relationshiop. However, both parties buy into this contract, so blame is shared equally .
4) I'm a passionate hunter, but that does not mean I follow blindly. I support trophy hunting and I myself have various heads in my house.
5) I refuse to bow to public pressure on this, when no one can provide me with logical reasoning as to why a man, native to the area, should receive the same criticism for killing a lion for protection purposes as a man who flew thousands of kms to a land that isn't his to kill a lion for the purpose of sport. It's not the same thing and it's by no means comparable.