Where would you aim?
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@BeeMaaYellow to stop the charge, but I think the dot is a little low. Like to see it from between the eyes to below the boss.
I’ll add another question. Soft or solid? If this springs up on me, I’ll be using whatever happens to be in the chamber. I’ll rely on my PH to let me know what to load before we walk into the scrub.
EDIT - Good looking old buff.
This is exactly how my PH explained it to me. When the Buff gets close, he'll lower his head, allowing you a better angle at the brain.Right under the boss. I’d wait for him to get within 7 yards, at which point he lowers his horns to attack.
If he was standing still unwounded, the green shot is deadly and I've seen it work quickly. On a wounded charge, above the yellow is better but get some lead into him and continue until he's down.Where would you aim View attachment 619224
I've seen that before. Brass ones for sure.Since this thread shows a charging buff, I'll pose a question to the pros at the table...
Many years ago was a video clip making the rounds where Johan Calitz and Ronnie "Brass Balls" Kraus and some other pros are trailing a wounded lion. The lion knows the jig is up and these guys spread out a bit; well here he comes, straight for Ronnie. Everyone is blazing away, Ronnie is running a bolt gun and waits for the very last microsecond to anchor the cat.
In the video everyone is crouched down to decrease the angle into the charging cat. My question is would it be better to crouch during a buffalo charge? In all the buffalo charge videos I've ever seen, no one crouches. Obviously, a buff is a lot taller off the ground than a lion.
Here's the video (not very high quality)
Ed Z
crouching has to do with how little a lions head moves durning a charge
I disagree with BeeMa's statement in one respect: It is not the lions lack of head movement in a charge, but the speed and relative angle of your target. Most people, in stressful situations, tend to neglect required bullet lead. If you drop down to one knee to take a charging shot, you're setting on the same plain of your charging target. Just pull the trigger before he/she get withing 7 yards. that is when the leap comesHadn't thought about that aspect. For sure, though. A cat's head barely moves compared to a buffalo.
My 2 cents. Good to have a big double in this situation. Let him come and then let him come some more. Then when the head starts to drop put one in his brain. Save the second shot for right before he gets u if you f*ed the first shot and brain him again!