Ammunition company will not sell to people that voted for Biden

Was this directed at me? Your badly worded and incorrectly punctuated post is nearly indecipherable. If it was directed at me, you’re free to peruse my posts on this forum, which are open source, to ascertain whether I’m a serious hunter. As for voting for Democrats, you’ll just have to take my word. I have voted for a few Republicans in local elections, but I swear on everything I hold sacred that I will never, ever vote for one again following the debacle of the past four years.

You might also consider that this is an international forum, and as such holds a wide variety of experiences and viewpoints.

And, finally: No, I will not shut up.
You can voice your viewpoints all you want. But you are not entitled to your own facts. Not sure how the last 4 years were a debacle with record employment, stock market highs, etc etc. Or do you only care about likes on Twitter rather than an improved standard of living?

Also, please do not say you were bipartisan, when you have spent the better part of 3 decades voting democrat. Like many full of shit democrats, I am sure you would tell me you would vote for a reasonable middle of the road republican...yet by your own admission you voted for Obama.

I have found liberals also ask, "how does the world view us", similar to your international opinions and viewpoints. The government leaders usually are left leaning, but the common people tend to be more conservative. So do not believe everything you read in a headline. One of my favorite captions in the past year was be the America that Hong Kong thinks you are.

You can vote liberal all you want, that is your right and I respect it. But if you really want to see how tolerate and reasonable people are, go on the Huffington post (or other left leaning site) and say you are a gun owner and post a picture of you with a dead animal. I'm sure they will appreciate having someone with a different view point.
You can always tell a liberal, you just cant tell him very much, they dont listen, their minds are closed to all thought other than what is spewed in their own little echo chambers of unreality, and Utopian thought now manifested in the new cancel culture mentality ie., EVERYTHING IS RACIST!!!!!
No one doubts your hunting prowess, Trail Rated, nor likely does anyone care, I sure dont. What we wonder is why you openly brag about voting against your own interests! Multipe times when given better options.
The "debacle" of the last 4 years, sadly ruined by a relatively few miscreants who let something get completely out of hand, not Trumps fault btw,: but prior to that and the Covid crap, was doing more good for this country than any president since Ronald Reagan, better than all those demtards you brag about voting for rolled into one!
I will grant you one concession. Slick WIllie for all his faults, and they are legion, was in retrospect a fairly effective president, just too slick for his own good and couldnt keep his fly zipped while in office.
This latest moron you voted for will have this country on the road to ruin in no time (already does!) even before Nancy dusts off the 25th Amendment to shoehorn Cameltoe into his place, which was the plan all along. She couldnt get up a game of jacks on her own: first to leave the primaries, no following at all.

There is no more closed minded person in the world than a liberal and its supposed to be the opposite. Sadly it is not.
You can always tell a liberal, you just cant tell him very much, they dont listen, their minds are closed to all thought other than what is spewed in their own little echo chambers of unreality, and Utopian thought now manifested in the new cancel culture mentality ie., EVERYTHING IS RACIST!!!!!
No one doubts your hunting prowess, Trail Rated, nor likely does anyone care, I sure dont. What we wonder is why you openly brag about voting against your own interests! Multipe times when given better options.
The "debacle" of the last 4 years, sadly ruined by a relatively few miscreants who let something get completely out of hand, not Trumps fault btw,: but prior to that and the Covid crap, was doing more good for this country than any president since Ronald Reagan, better than all those demtards you brag about voting for rolled into one!
I will grant you one concession. Slick WIllie for all his faults, and they are legion, was in retrospect a fairly effective president, just too slick for his own good and couldnt keep his fly zipped while in office.
This latest moron you voted for will have this country on the road to ruin in no time (already does!) even before Nancy dusts off the 25th Amendment to shoehorn Cameltoe into his place, which was the plan all along. She couldnt get up a game of jacks on her own: first to leave the primaries, no following at all.

There is no more closed minded person in the world than a liberal and its supposed to be the opposite. Sadly it is not.
Amen brother!
For an online ammo company that will likely be out of business by the new administration's agenda if what's being proposed becomes law. Most likely that company does not want to do business with the folks who voted to put an administration in place that intends to destroy their company and livelihood. Fairly logical.......

this is directly from

End the online sale of firearms and ammunitions. Biden will enact legislation to prohibit all online sales of firearms, ammunition, kits, and gun parts.
Typical liberal.You care more about punctuation then the argumen.About shutting up don’t .Your words are clear enough.You sound like a California transplant. They would string you up outside of Austin,You don’t hunt or shoot.You must be bored.
Was this directed at me? Your badly worded and incorrectly punctuated post is nearly indecipherable. If it was directed at me, you’re free to peruse my posts on this forum, which are open source, to ascertain whether I’m a serious hunter. As for voting for Democrats, you’ll just have to take my word. I have voted for a few Republicans in local elections, but I swear on everything I hold sacred that I will never, ever vote for one again following the debacle of the past four years.

You might also consider that this is an international forum, and as such holds a wide variety of experiences and viewpoints.

And, finally: No, I will not shut up.
My Dad had a great saying: "Keep your mouth shut and no one will know you're a damn fool". Just saying.
I have a real hard time trying to understand libtards and commucrats. They preach they are hunters, sportsmen, 2d amendment defenders, etc. Then they turn around and vote for the very assholes who are trying to destroy all our freedoms and rights. To me they are two faced liars and cowards who won't take a position and stand by it. Stand up on your hind legs and try to act like a man instead of some gutless wuss swaying in the wind. So someone says "No". Grow a set and live with it. Nobody said life was fair.

I will now step down from my soapbox.
PS: If these hard truths offend you--Tough. The truth can sting.
I have no problem with @Trail Rated voting Democrat or liberal. However, I just don’t understand a gun enthusiast or hunter voting for Democrat or liberal candidates unless as a voter, you don’t really value your firearm freedoms and hunting traditions as much as globalism, multiculturalism, unrealistic “green energy” goals and REVERSE RACISM. Geez has anyone watched TV lately? This country is being destroyed!!
I have a real hard time trying to understand libtards and commucrats. They preach they are hunters, sportsmen, 2d amendment defenders, etc. Then they turn around and vote for the very assholes who are trying to destroy all our freedoms and rights. To me they are two faced liars and cowards who won't take a position and stand by it. Stand up on your hind legs and try to act like a man instead of some gutless wuss swaying in the wind. So someone says "No". Grow a set and live with it. Nobody said life was fair.

I will now step down from my soapbox.
PS: If these hard truths offend you--Tough. The truth can sting.

I find that extremely funny and plan to support them.

View attachment 390964
Would any gun owner or business want to vote for an administration that is dedicated to disarming "lawful" gun owners and putting those supporting businesses out of business?. Good on them for making a stand.
also to the more liberal on here...are you ok with the "pending" gun control our new leaders are trying to jam down our throats?

I'm not only ok with it, I 100% support it

I am a hunter, not an arm-chair bumper sticker freedom fighting wanna be. That is not addressed at you, but rather at what our hobby has become (at least that's where the money and publicity are). The fewer than 10% of gun owners who are NRA members are nothing but pawns to the NRA who use scare tactics and lies to launder money instead of having serouis conversations about very serouis problems regarding guns in this country.

As to Fenix Ammunition, F them.
I'm Canadian. So, in essence, an outsider in the direction this thread has taken recently. So, due to that, I don't feel the harshness that many of you feel towards @Trail Rated However, I do follow American politics a little bit, and know that if I was a US citizen I think I'd have a really hard time voting "demoncrat". If someone would have asked me five years ago if I would think that Donald Trump would make a good president, if I was drinking something at the time it would have come out my nose! No way! An arrogant, opinionated, obnoxious loud mouth? I don't think so! However, as I thought about it, I felt there were two things he brought to the table. First, you know where he stands. He's pretty transparent that way. You may not like what he has to say, but you can damn well bet you're gonna hear it anyways! Him or a wishy-washy Nancy who says what she thinks you WANT to hear? There's one for Trump.) The second thing is that he's a businessman. I know that's what we need here in Canada.....Someone who can run the government as a business. If the expenditures surpass the income, things aren't going well. That's something that may seem very simple, but our self entitled, richy rich, born with a silver spoon in his mouth prime minister Justin Trudeau CANNOT seem to comprehend it! Anyway, fast forward to today. I may be an outsider, but I think Trump truly cared about America and the American people. I feel he DID make America stronger, despite the situation COVID-19 brought. And I think that says a lot! I know for sure I would have voted for him over sleepy Joe! And yes, I still think he's loudmouth with the attributes I listed above!
l feel for you, my american friends and neighbors. I think you're in for a rude awakening with Biden at the helm. I know Canada has taken an absolute shit-kicking with Trudope in power. The ideas of the left are a dreamland, and in a practical application, simply don't work.
Just remember my friends, you can vote your way into socialism, but you'll have to shoot your way out!
And @Trail Rated with all due respect, what "debacle" are you referring to? Legitimate question.
I'm not only ok with it, I 100% support it
You agree with the pending gun control legislation? May I ask why? And what you agree with? Could you outline the benefits and advantages to me please? I'm genuinely interested in hearing your opinion. I haven't followed it much, as with me not being american it doesn't effect me immediately and directly at this time. BUT I still view it as being important, and having a very real potential to have an impact on me in the future.
You agree with the pending gun control legislation? May I ask why? And what you agree with? Could you outline the benefits and advantages to me please? I'm genuinely interested in hearing your opinion. I haven't followed it much, as with me not being american it doesn't effect me immediately and directly at this time. BUT I still view it as being important, and having a very real potential to have an impact on me in the future.

The big issues at hand are background checks and high capacity arms

Regarding the background checks, I believe every single gun purchase should be ran through a background check - something that 90-95% of Americans belief should happen. However, apparently that's too much to ask for. I can privately sell a gun to literally anyone, not ask their name, not anything. That is insane! Now, are most of these buyers legitimate buyers who want to take advantage of used prices? Sure. It's also entirely possible I am selling a gun to a convicted felon who can't pass a background check or to their slightly cleaner looking family member who buys it for them. You have to know the person who you are selling a gun to isn't going to commit a crime with it. A universal background check which takes 30 minutes and 30 dollars at a gunshop is entirely reasonable.

Large capacity magazines and assault weapons. Why the hell are they needed? To shoot as many school children, theater goers, or concert attendants as possible? The bottom line is a person does not need more than 10 shots to defend themselves. I'm sorry to ruin people's fun, but folks do not need to play soldier at the shooting range. Your fun should not cost dozens of people their lives in a matter of minutes.

Or maybe you need lots of firepower to try to overthrow the government like the despicable acts of right wing terrorism we saw inside our nation's capital in January. We always from our friends on the Right that we need guns to over-throw the government some day. Well they tried to - they lost an election fair and square and then listened to their Facist leader who is trying avoid prison time for the numerous felonies he has committed over the past decades, including time in office as President. Hell, even his own FBI said the greatest threat to American democracy are Right Wing Terrorists

I firmly believe even the most hardened guncontrol advocates have good intentions - they don't want people to die because of gun violence. Now, could they be going about it wrong? Sure. Would it be beneficial to have conversations across lines to come up with a bipartisan plan to address the gun violence in this country? You bet. But the NRA won't let that happen; they have money to launder. You can't launder money if you aren't presenting mass conspiracy theories to the paying members.

The bottom line is the NRA represents fewer than 10% of gun owners. 40% of gun owners are left or left-leaning voters - a number that is consistently confirmed in exit polling. Sure, its 60-40 in favor of the right and the right has 100% of the money. Now, the Right believe 99% of gunowners agree with them. Obvouusly not true. They just go on hunting and shooting forums and declare victory bc they yell and bully the loudest to the point where reasonable folks either ignore political threads or just leave all together.

I've been shooting and hunting all my life. I'm here to tell you that it's not fun any more.
I'm not only ok with it, I 100% support it

I am a hunter, not an arm-chair bumper sticker freedom fighting wanna be. That is not addressed at you, but rather at what our hobby has become (at least that's where the money and publicity are). The fewer than 10% of gun owners who are NRA members are nothing but pawns to the NRA who use scare tactics and lies to launder money instead of having serouis conversations about very serouis problems regarding guns in this country.

As to Fenix Ammunition, F them.
Support it?? When it doesn’t work they will just keep passing more and more until we are treated like the Brits and Aussies. Criminals don’t care about rules and laws. This should be self evident.
The big issues at hand are background checks and high capacity arms

Regarding the background checks, I believe every single gun purchase should be ran through a background check - something that 90-95% of Americans belief should happen. However, apparently that's too much to ask for. I can privately sell a gun to literally anyone, not ask their name, not anything. That is insane! Now, are most of these buyers legitimate buyers who want to take advantage of used prices? Sure. It's also entirely possible I am selling a gun to a convicted felon who can't pass a background check or to their slightly cleaner looking family member who buys it for them. You have to know the person who you are selling a gun to isn't going to commit a crime with it. A universal background check which takes 30 minutes and 30 dollars at a gunshop is entirely reasonable.

Large capacity magazines and assault weapons. Why the hell are they needed? To shoot as many school children, theater goers, or concert attendants as possible? The bottom line is a person does not need more than 10 shots to defend themselves. I'm sorry to ruin people's fun, but folks do not need to play soldier at the shooting range. Your fun should not cost dozens of people their lives in a matter of minutes.

Or maybe you need lots of firepower to try to overthrow the government like the despicable acts of right wing terrorism we saw inside our nation's capital in January. We always from our friends on the Right that we need guns to over-throw the government some day. Well they tried to - they lost an election fair and square and then listened to their Facist leader who is trying avoid prison time for the numerous felonies he has committed over the past decades, including time in office as President. Hell, even his own FBI said the greatest threat to American democracy are Right Wing Terrorists

I firmly believe even the most hardened guncontrol advocates have good intentions - they don't want people to die because of gun violence. Now, could they be going about it wrong? Sure. Would it be beneficial to have conversations across lines to come up with a bipartisan plan to address the gun violence in this country? You bet. But the NRA won't let that happen; they have money to launder. You can't launder money if you aren't presenting mass conspiracy theories to the paying members.

The bottom line is the NRA represents fewer than 10% of gun owners. 40% of gun owners are left or left-leaning voters - a number that is consistently confirmed in exit polling. Sure, its 60-40 in favor of the right and the right has 100% of the money. Now, the Right believe 99% of gunowners agree with them. Obvouusly not true. They just go on hunting and shooting forums and declare victory bc they yell and bully the loudest to the point where reasonable folks either ignore political threads or just leave all together.

I've been shooting and hunting all my life. I'm here to tell you that it's not fun any more.
Gobblygook you have swallowed. Gun control in small measures doesn’t work so then it just builds and builds while idealists like you think it must help if we will only try. I’m definitely not an extremist but I will go down swinging if someone comes for my guns. You’ve got to take a stand and draw a line. That’s my line. Until then I will keep voting against people with your idealist beliefs in the fool’s errand of gun control for the supposed “greater good.” I guess people of your belief didn’t learn a gawd damned thing from the riots and civil war that started last summer! If you want to see even bigger problems, try to pass the legislation and then try enforcement. It will get ugly.
I’m not an American and have no bone to pick in this fight. But I am a dual citizen with a total of 5 firearm permits between my two countries, and here is my warning to those who believe firearm control measures actually benefit people and do not negatively affect law-abiding shooters. The total cost of getting my permits ran into thousands of dollars. I also had to jump through hoops and pass some absurd exams that have nothing whatsoever to do with safety (and admittedly, some that did focus on safety). The gun control lobby states clearly and openly that their goal is to ban guns completely bit by bit. It’s not the extra few rounds in the mag that make the world unsafe. Antis come up with rules that are dumb and not based on any facts or reason. Look at OZ, you are not allowed a pump-action shotgun, but a pump-action rifle is fine. In Poland, on a hunting permit, you can have a semi-auto 50BMG rifle but not a single shot rimfire. Or the NSW ban on “Any firearm that substantially duplicates in APPEARENCE (regardless of calibre or manner of operation) a firearm referred to in item 1, 5 or 6.” (that is “military-style” firearm). It’s like saying that banning white stripes on a car or any other decor that looks “sporty” will improve road safety. It’s utter nonsense. In a free country, any and all limitations enforced upon citizens should be based on facts, not emotions and opinions. When it comes to gun control, I am yet to see firearm control laws that are logical and actually improve safety. If you think that banning high capacity magazines can stop murders, look at what happened in Paris. Machine guns are not legal to buy in Europe, and yet a couple of blokes bought some AK47s and shot up a concert hall using high capacity mags. But of course, that could not have possibly happened because it’s illegal and therefore impossible to obtain such firearms. A criminal will make a high capacity magazine or increase a small magazine's capacity when they choose to do so. This is not a difficult thing. Murder is illegal. Since this was signed into law, did murders stop?

Experience from around the world shows that if you give the antis a finger, they won’t just take your hand, they’ll take you and those standing near you too.

Have a look at the graph below. It proves how pointless gun control is.

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John Kirk wrote on Macduff's profile.
Great transaction on some 375 HH ammo super fast shipping great communication
akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia