AH legend
I have always respect your opinion and you have usually voiced it in an adult matter but you are out of line.The big issues at hand are background checks and high capacity arms
Regarding the background checks, I believe every single gun purchase should be ran through a background check - something that 90-95% of Americans belief should happen. However, apparently that's too much to ask for. I can privately sell a gun to literally anyone, not ask their name, not anything. That is insane! Now, are most of these buyers legitimate buyers who want to take advantage of used prices? Sure. It's also entirely possible I am selling a gun to a convicted felon who can't pass a background check or to their slightly cleaner looking family member who buys it for them. You have to know the person who you are selling a gun to isn't going to commit a crime with it. A universal background check which takes 30 minutes and 30 dollars at a gunshop is entirely reasonable.
Large capacity magazines and assault weapons. Why the hell are they needed? To shoot as many school children, theater goers, or concert attendants as possible? The bottom line is a person does not need more than 10 shots to defend themselves. I'm sorry to ruin people's fun, but folks do not need to play soldier at the shooting range. Your fun should not cost dozens of people their lives in a matter of minutes.
Or maybe you need lots of firepower to try to overthrow the government like the despicable acts of right wing terrorism we saw inside our nation's capital in January. We always from our friends on the Right that we need guns to over-throw the government some day. Well they tried to - they lost an election fair and square and then listened to their Facist leader who is trying avoid prison time for the numerous felonies he has committed over the past decades, including time in office as President. Hell, even his own FBI said the greatest threat to American democracy are Right Wing Terrorists
I firmly believe even the most hardened guncontrol advocates have good intentions - they don't want people to die because of gun violence. Now, could they be going about it wrong? Sure. Would it be beneficial to have conversations across lines to come up with a bipartisan plan to address the gun violence in this country? You bet. But the NRA won't let that happen; they have money to launder. You can't launder money if you aren't presenting mass conspiracy theories to the paying members.
The bottom line is the NRA represents fewer than 10% of gun owners. 40% of gun owners are left or left-leaning voters - a number that is consistently confirmed in exit polling. Sure, its 60-40 in favor of the right and the right has 100% of the money. Now, the Right believe 99% of gunowners agree with them. Obvouusly not true. They just go on hunting and shooting forums and declare victory bc they yell and bully the loudest to the point where reasonable folks either ignore political threads or just leave all together.
I've been shooting and hunting all my life. I'm here to tell you that it's not fun any more.
First. You are completely 100% wrong, sell a gun to a felony, *****EDIT*****, anywhere and you are going to jail. Second, very few states are you allowed to transfer a gun to a stranger without a background check.
Second point, who are to say how many shots are necessary to depend ones self. Also, maybe if we made murder and assault illegal people would stop doing it? Also the shootings you reference took place in GUN FREE ZONES, *****EDIT*****!!! I was at Virginia Tech, he didn't use an assault rifle, no one was able to defend themselves and he went through all background checks...he followed the 1 gun a month law...What the fuck could have been passed as a law that would have saved those 32 lives. *****EDIT***** like you with your "common sense guns laws" created his gun free zones and probably want more laws because you feel guilty about the blood on your hands.
Third point, right wing terrorism. WTF are you walking about?!? Do you seriously believe that shit. No weapons found or confiscated. Stop believing everything you read on internet you seriously sound like a *****EDIT***** person.
Fourth, you can be legitimately be upset with the NRA. They have nothing to do with my right to own a gun. Please see the constitution, and present a clear argument against it.
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