American Hunter Killed in Uganda

Condolences to the hunter and best wishes for the PH, after all It sounds as though the PH, even if he recovers could be left with life altering injuries.

To each his own, but at 78yo with a pacemaker, a mans got to know his limitations, for both his own sake and others.... Just like making the decision to hang up the car keys when your getting old, it may be a hard decision, but one that needs to be made for your own safety as well as others.

Regardless of age we as hunters should make every attempt to be as accurate as possible with the first shot; while in Zimbabwe this July.......

Two PHs'(for other Safari camps) were severely mauled by Leopards that were wounded by clients.

One PH in camp had to deal with a Lion that was wounded by another hunter before we arrived and shot it while charging......

Another PH for the same company had to deal with a Leopard that was wounded by a hunter.
Buffalo can really ruin your day. Very sad to hear.
It is always unfair to Monday morning QB these type of things, but maybe there are lessons to be learned.

This isn’t the first time, and won’t be the last time, that people have been killed or injured after the client taking the position that “I don’t want anyone else shooting my animal”. There is no place for pride in DG hunting. Maybe the guy was a good shot and the PH trusted him to take the follow up? Who knows? In general I think we would all prefer to finish our own animals. It’s not my intent to cast any negative aspersions on Mr. Cox as we really don’t know the facts.

The rifle malfunction aspect is interesting. Hopefully more details will come out about the rifle. I’m having a hard time envisioning a scenario where the rifle went bang for the first shot, but failed later in such a manner that the firing pin was laying on the ground.

I’m also curious as to the nightly stripping of the rifle. Was the guy just compulsive about it? Not sure what the weather was like. Maybe the rifle was getting wet while out hunting?

In any event, prayers for fall involved and the family of Mr. Cox.
Don’t fix it if it’s not broken, borrow the PH’s gun if you think you have a problem
My prayers to all of them.
This is a terrible tragedy, but there are lessons to be learned, especially for those who haven't done much buffalo hunting before.
A few thoughts / observations…

1. You absolutely ALWAYS keep shooting your buffalo until one of 3 things happens - You either run out of ammo, your buffalo disappears from sight, or your buffalo is DEAD. Even when on his side on the ground, you shoot him again unless and until he’s DEAD DEAD. Ammo is cheap and more than one ‘dead’ buffalo has gotten up after laying down. A Death Bellow is not a sure sign of a dead buffalo. I have first hand experience with a dead buffalo getting up and traveling 2+ kilometers after death bellowing and pouring lung blood on the ground. We eventually killed him dead enough but it was an interesting tracking job after he'd taken 2 - 300 grain TSX’s through the lungs. It was Good experience for my son, he did well all the way and finished what he started.

2. After a buffalo has been hit, nobody should have issue with your PH shooting if he thinks the situation calls for it. Nobody should insist your PH defer shooting so that you can kill your own buffalo. Once a buffalo has been hit, put your pride aside and get the buffalo dead as fast as possible, no matter who has to shoot it. If your PH judges that he should shoot to stop the buffalo, you should not 2nd guess his judgement. Lives sometimes depend on it.

3. Dont work on your gun while on safari unless absolutely necessary. Clean the barrel if you need to, but a typical barrel doesn't need cleaning for the amount of shots fired on 95% of all safaris. Especially, don't screw around with your scope or mounts while on safari unless absolutely necessary and if you do, don't hunt with it till you've verified zero is still good. The time to finish gun and sights adjusting is weeks before you leave home. It’s not while you’re in the bush.

4. Be physically & mentally ready to hunt buffalo. I’m not saying this fellow wasn't, but at 78 with a pacemaker he may not have been. I saw more than a few horribly out of shape men at SCI who were looking at dangerous game hunts. Some of them (most?) have no business hunting dangerous game that requires walking.

5. Realize that dangerous game hunting isn't for everyone and don't let pride or ego cause a bad decision. We all will reach a point where we just can’t do some things like we used to and we need to know when to step away.

Condolences to the survivors of the deceased fellow. Word is that Mini Trappe is stable and should recover, but he's very lucky. He suffered broken ribs, a collapsed lung, lacerated diaphragm and internal bleeding. Was in surgery 6 hours but is now stable. A few mistakes were made and different choices would have likely resulted in a much different outcome. RIP Mr. Cox.
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This truly is a tragedy. Having no understanding of the client's life or family situation, I have hard time concluding it was a "good" death. That whole Viking thing tends to fall apart when mortgages, businesses, family, and dreams are added to the mix. My prayers go out to the PH as well. Losing a client is the sort of thing from which nightmares originate.

I simply would urge everyone to use whatever gun as accurately as possible. Wounded buffalo tragedies can only happen when the first shot fails. 300 grs of the right bullet in the right place beats 500 grs in the wrong place every single time. Bigger is better only if it can be placed exactly where it needs to go.
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#2, Kind of a touchy subject. I had a conversation with my PH prior to my buff hunt. I had seen a number of buffalo hunting videos where the PH would shoot immediately after the client, without even determining the effect of the hunters shot. This would rub me wrong. I am not even sure if it is a pride thing, or more likely an OCD thing. If I am hunting an animal, I want to know I killed it, not have the mental doubt. Maybe it is pride. Anyway we had the conversation early on before I committed to the hunt. My PHs position is that he would ask before shooting unless it was coming for us, then he would be shooting, not asking for permission. It turned out well, I got my buff with one well placed shot and a second insurance shot at a dead buffalo with no need for the PH to enter the fray.
#2, Kind of a touchy subject. I had a conversation with my PH prior to my buff hunt. I had seen a number of buffalo hunting videos where the PH would shoot immediately after the client, without even determining the effect of the hunters shot. This would rub me wrong. I am not even sure if it is a pride thing, or more likely an OCD thing. If I am hunting an animal, I want to know I killed it, not have the mental doubt. Maybe it is pride. Anyway we had the conversation early on before I committed to the hunt. My PHs position is that he would ask before shooting unless it was coming for us, then he would be shooting, not asking for permission. It turned out well, I got my buff with one well placed shot and a second insurance shot at a dead buffalo with no need for the PH to enter the fray.
I simply don’t hunt with those type of PH’s. Maybe I’m fortunate but the PH’s I hunt with know me and I know them, so we all know what to expect. I’ve only had a PH shoot one buffalo with me and one elephant. Him shooting the elephant with me likely saved one or both of our lives. The buffalo charged unprovoked from very close range and was a few feet off muzzles when we both shot. In both cases, the PH shooting was totally appropriate.
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I don't believe the official report and consequently I don't see how we can learn much from this tragedy. It is virtually impossible for any rifle I've ever seen to successfully fire a round and then moments later fail to fire and somehow lose its bolt shroud and striker. A buffalo could dance for a half hour on my 404 Mauser and the shroud would never come off the bolt if I'd just put a bullet in him with the gun. I don't believe Mr Cox was shooting a Gunwerks rifle or similar mutant. Watching the company's promotional video I don't see a detachable shroud, only a striker unit. If the bolt somehow became disembowelled, there would only be one piece laying on the ground, not two as described in the report. I'm not sure Gunwerks even has a shroud. Clearly, someone failed to reassemble the bolt properly. If it was a Mauser or CRF clone with 3-position safety, which seems the most likely candidate, and the bolt was reassembled on safety position 2 (necessary for reassembly) without threading the shroud onto the bolt, the rifle could still be loaded without knowing the bolt assembly was inoperable. The safety could then be fully engaged to lock the bolt, again without any indication the shroud was not properly threaded and the rifle inoperable. Mr Cox could have carried his rifle this way for hours without knowing it could not be fired. At this point the story goes awry. The quarry is spotted and stalked to shooting distance which as we all know is typically VERY close. Supposedly Mr Cox then gets on the sticks and wounds the bull. Sorry, but that just didn't happen. It could not happen. Not with a rifle that had a bolt shroud that was essentially detached. My theory is the client attempted to fire and the shroud became fully detached when the safety was disengaged. Perhaps the client had instructed PH he would only pay for a buff that he personally killed. The PH is exclaiming "Shoot! Shoot!" Confused client utters all kinds of expletives and frantically recycles the action thinking he had a dud round. PH holds off shooting because he hears and/or sees the client successfully reload (detached shroud would not interfere with cycling). The racket unnerved the buffalo and it charged. After client reloads twice and fails to fire, the PH finally shoots but not in time to put the bull down before it's on them. Unknown what the armed soldier was doing through this. I think I can guess. Bull clobbers the client and the detached shroud and striker slide out of the bolt. I would bet money that buffalo has three slugs in it ... all from the PH's rifle.

Why was the gun not reassembled properly? It is hard for me to believe anyone in command of his faculties who repeatedly disassembles his rifle every night as the report claims, would somehow fail to reattach the bolt shroud properly. There again the story becomes unbelievable. I wonder if we will ever know what actually happened.
There are many ways a rifle can fail in the bush. I already provided conjecture on two ways taking your bolt apart can lead to disaster, one by not putting it back together correctly, the other by damaging that critical profile on the cocking piece where the trigger and sear meet. Damaging that geometry is super easy to do as you use tremendous forces to re-cock the bolt to insert it into the gun.

A third very dangerous thing that can happen to almost all rifles is to remove it from its stock and then put it back together. It is doubtful someone brought a torque wrench to camp to torque the bottom bolts to specification. A non-gunsmith may not be aware of the tightening order of those bolts as you bring them up to torque specs. Why does it matter? If the bottom metal bolts are too loose, you’ve changed the tension between the sear/trigger/cocking piece. It could barely grab on the first loading if you’re pushing down and forward on the bolt, you could prevent cocking on the following shot by pushing straight forward where the bolt skates right over the top.

The facts we know is that it was a rifle (not which kind), that the client was taking his weapon apart for cleaning in the bush (nobody should be doing this), and that the bolt shroud was found separated from the rifle (critical failure is possible, but improper assembly is more likely, followed by incredible mechanical advantage forces trying to desperately close the bolt once more)

There is no delight in the injury and death of fellow hunters, ever. Whatever the full situation was, the OCD cleaning of the rifle was a contributing factor. Gunsmithing is a skilled occupation, not something to occur during a hunt with your “proven” rifle on a recreational basis amidst a hunt. That’s the whole point of sight-in at camp, to re-verify that your rifle is proven once more. Any alteration, adjustment, or disassembly of a gun nullifies that sight-in process you do when you arrive on safari. Please don’t do it. We know the gentleman did do that from the report.
I enjoy watching “Untamed productions” and “This is Africa” on YouTube. I learn a lot from the DG hunts filmed. Basically a filmed AAR

The defects I see most often are(

walking like a pregnant Yak

Taking too long to shoot

Not immediately being prepared for a quick follow up. Many stand there in shock and need to be told to reload.

It’s apparent they are not practiced with the weapon.

We owe it to the PH and his team to be prepared. Enough things out of our control will go wrong. Go on a lot small game or big game hunts or any hunt that allows you to know what to do at crunch time. Shooting at a gun club is fine. But if you are not practiced at stalking and actually killing you are a liability to the team.

I’ve known hunters that hunt A LOT. But are trophy hunters and very selective. Turning down most animals waiting on larger. Then often balk when actually shooting. They hunt a lot but don't kill often enough to be on autopilot at crunch time.

It’s a sad fact that a PH is financially forced to hunt with unqualified DG hunters.
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I have hoped to restrain from commenting on this because any comment I could possibly make would be based on lack of, or sketchy, information out of Ugandan bush. There is one thing that does stick out that I think is well worth taking note of, the reported nightly disassembly/reassembly of the rifle. Several have already mentioned this as the likely culprit to the tragedy and that may or may not be true; probably is a contribute.

The take away is do not do any disassembly of you rifle while on your hunt. Yes, wipe it down if you like but really your time is better spent around the campfire.
I enjoy watching “Untamed productions” and “This is Africa” on YouTube. I learn a lot from the DG hunts filmed. Basically a filmed AAR

The defects I see most often are(

walking like a pregnant Yak

Taking too long to shoot

Not immediately being prepared for a quick follow up. Many stand there in shock and need to be told to reload.

It’s apparent they are not practiced with the weapon.

We owe it to the PH and his team to be prepared. Enough things out of our control will go wrong. Go on a lot small game or big game hunts or any hunt that allows you to know what to do at crunch time. Shooting at a gun club is fine. But if you are not practiced at stalking and actually killing you are a liability to the team.

I’ve known hunters that hunt A LOT. But are trophy hunters and very selective. Turning down most animals waiting on larger. Then often balk when actually shooting. They hunt a lot but don't kill often enough to be on autopilot at crunch time.

It’s a sad fact that a PH is financially forced to hunt with unqualified DG hunters.
I would classify myself as a highly experienced stalker and on autopilot I would never instantly reload my rifle. For me not wasting meat is important. I typically will give an animal enough time to die if hit in the vitals. Of course, dangerous game is different. I'm appreciative that my PH is there to override fifty years of deer hunting autopilot and order me to reload. From what I've seen "Reload reload" is autopilot for a good PH no matter what's being hunted. I'm sure that's what is drilled into them during training.

Sometimes too long on the sticks is a good thing. My first buffalo was a relatively long shot at 110 meters. I was on the sticks long enough to turn down the shot because the wind was moving me too much. Informed the PH, he rushed up and supported my right arm, and that was enough. Drilled it through the heart facing towards us. If the client is unsteady or unsure, it's better that he takes his time rather than place a bad shot. I see more video screwups due to client shooting too fast and hitting the animal poorly.
I have read many posts by more experienced African hunters than me who report sand getting into the actions of their guns. I have also seen more than a few videos of Uganda hunts that appear to be in quite arid environments. Was stripping the bolt every night a case of OCD or was it applicable preventative maintenance? Perhaps someone who has hunted the area can weigh in.
one thing in the report that ticks me off is: in the report the plane would not fly until they received payment of 7500! if it was me, after I recovered would be to go see who made that decision not to fly till paid.
one thing in the report that ticks me off is: in the report the plane would not fly until they received payment of 7500! if it was me, after I recovered would be to go see who made that decision not to fly till paid.
Unfortunately a pretty common thing for medical services in Africa. Payment is upfront. Harsh reality compared to US, Canada, or Europe where you have option to walk away without paying bill.
Absent any information you deem reliable perhaps it would have been better to keep your speculations to yourself.
A man is dead and a prominent young PH with a family is in the hospital. And all @Ontario Hunter can do is talk about himself.

It’s truly remarkable how out of touch he is.
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Unfortunately a pretty common thing for medical services in Africa. Payment is upfront. Harsh reality compared to US, Canada, or Europe where you have option to walk away without paying bill.
In the States air ambulance can go to court and come after your house or garnishee your wages to get paid. That's likely not going to be an option in Africa.
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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!