What does a first timer have to do to attend.do I have to be a member?advance tickets? Best days? what to attend? Other things happening? How much money to bring? I'm used to traveling so flights and hotels I understand.
Normally you would just need to arrange accommodations and show up!
Best days... simple answer is all of them! Some like Sunday for getting the best buys on things on clearance or exhibitors just not wanting to haul stuff out. But there is also the negative that it gets rushed with peope wanting to get packed up and out. Saturday is probably the busiest with locals driving in. I like Thursday and Friday best, everyone is still fresh and not as crowded. But I'm buying tickets for all 4 days
Number one for my wifecand I to attend is the Friday night AH dinner

But there are lots of DSC things in the evenings (probably really important to buy those tickets in advance). If not attending DSC evening events (I never have), it's great to line up with friends and Outfitters and go out to eat.
I've never bought ahead in the past. I signed up for a 3 year membership at the door and got some free entry tickets. Making the membership pretty reasonable. And then always just bought entry tickets at the door the other years.
However this year, just in case they decided to limit attendance last minute.... I may just buy ahead. I looked last night and you can get 4 days for $55. 3 for $45. Pretty cheap
How much money? Are you shopping for optics, a Heym, Chapuis, Kreigoff, Rigby... Clothes from the likes of TAG or shoes from Courtney or Russell? Leather products, a fur coat? Jewelry, bronze staues, polished rock with fossils in them, Mammoth tooth or tusk fine knives? Down payment on a hunt,, or more than one.. Top end Holland & Holland? May need over $250,000.
Minimum would be entry tickets, lunches and supper. Maybe some Uber funding.
Hope you make and have tons of fun! Maybe book a hunt