With all due respect . . . we used to have an expression for this type of argument when I was younger. It involved a bunch of guys sitting in a circle . . .
Maybe it's because I don't earn or spend US$ except on hunts (and my kids' educations!) that the whole argument about exchange rates seems specious to me. Exchange rates will be what they will be, and the only thing we know is that they will change. There will be winners and losers, and most of us will likely be a bit of both at the same time. It makes no sense to hire an economist and spend good money to try to figure out where exactly you are on balance. Because that's what you'd have to do. And frankly, if you hire an economist, you've already lost.
If I may be so bold, what this comes down to is market segmentation, as I've mentioned before. Some will price hunts at a higher price, and offer more; some at a lower price, and will offer less. If you know where you want to be, and you know your market, you can manage your costs and efficiently and profitably run a business.
Yes, there will be some who will offer what you are offering at below cost. (In most businesses, that's called China.) You need to ignore those people, because they won't be around for too long. Yes, you might lose something in the short term, but remember, you're (supposed to be) here for the long term. People who offer the lowest cost hunts in a market like South Africa where animals have a reasonably readily ascertainable market value will have to cut somewhere - quality of areas, of food, of lodging, of animals, etc. That will become known, and those hunters who you are chasing will learn, and will gravitate towards the quality they want at the price that fits.
That doesn't mean that those who will buy the highest price hunts don't care about money. You don't get money by not caring about it, or about value. For example, I paid a relatively high trophy fee a couple of years ago to hunt buffalo in South Africa. ($14,000, for those who want to know). I could've gone somewhere else, which would charge me based on horn size, or shoot an animal specially brought in for the purpose, or be on a small piece of land, etc. but I chose this outfitter because they had a great property, a large number of buffalo on that property, all of which had been born there and roamed as freely as you can on more than 50 square miles, and it was up to me to decide which animal I wanted. It took us three days to get that, and my PH stayed my had twice during that time, saying "we can do better." Ultimately, we had a great tracking job, a great stalk, four hours of patience and then taking the buff. 43 inches, if it matters (see avatar for picture). Some would have offered me a cheaper hunt, provided the buffalo was less than a certain size. I don't like that type of game, so I don't buy those hunts. I was looking for value, and I got it. I didn't want what those who were charging materially less were offering.
Spend you time and money on those you want to attract. Manage your costs. Hire good people and pay them appropriately. Practice ethical hunting. Offer real value at whatever price point you choose.
You'll be in business forever.