A Covid read for our Canadian friends

So, I probably should have posted both. But understand that I found both the abridged and original truly dumbfounding (and sadly funny). I simply would suggest that even the original article reads somewhat differently to those of us who actually live in Florida or Florida-like environments.

And I have no doubt that my perspective is indeed colored by where I make my home. However, I truly do not believe that "somewhere in-between" is a reasonable position any longer. I would hasten to add, this has nothing to do with vaccine efficacy, but everything to do with logical cost versus benefit analysis of the data. As I have noted elsewhere, I am vaxed and boosted.

I have become convinced that both governments and far too many people are so vested in the over-reach of their initial individual and collective response to the virus that they find it almost impossible to objectively look at the two-years worth of data that we have accumulated - most of which is available to the public within governments' own published and updated analysis.

I am convinced that the data convincingly shows that Florida, a number of other states, and a few countries were right - not that they represented some pole. I won't live to see it, but I am also certain the next generation of historians and sociologists will take many lessons learned from this two-plus year period. Very few of them will be positive. Those studies will not mirror those of the great influenza of 1918, but instead, will be about the great hysteria, governmental over-reach, and citizen acquiescence.

No, on this issue, I am convinced the middle way is very nearly as bad as covid internment centers, 10-day isolation, and mandated masks, vaccines, or any other directed personal health related behavior. This virus was never deadly enough to warrant the extraordinary measures government took to supposedly combat it. And the cost, which we will tally for a generation, was far too high.

In this country at least, the majority of states really are moving on. Perhaps Biden and his handlers will eventually try to move him to the front of the parade. I can't speak for Trudeau.
Trudeau ( which translates to Castro-son) has spent nearly 300 billion sense the pandemic started, buying himself another term in the process. Inflation is at a 30 year high.
CTV news is predicting food shortages due to his latest bill banning unvaxxed truckers. The product shortages will not only cause a direct cost increase due to shipping you also get the secoundary increase after the large box stores force the independent stores out due to lack of buying power on the bulk market.
Canada will send 120million to Ukraine along with possibly some small arms to aid. Yet he’s given forty billion to the natives.

At the rate he’s going if we can’t oust him our economic future looks about as bright as that of 1919-1923 Germany.
Any reasonable person, and any reasonable Canadian, has to recognize that President Trump, by approving Operation Warp Speed and spending billions of American taxpayer dollars, gave the world access to vaccines which otherwise might have taken years to arrive.

So, first point, as a Canadian, is that I am grateful to president Trump and the US taxpayer (which, BTW, includes my wife and children) for their efforts. Not to acknowledge that is at the least churlish.

I do believe there are different approaches to protecting health and the economy, and I believe that reasonable people can, within a reasonable range of alternatives, differ on where exactly within that spectrum one should land. Having said that, I will be among the many Canadians who will say that Canada has not gotten that choice even close to right. I believe our governments, federal and provincial, have been motivated by media pressure and the desire to control people's lives to a grater extent than people would otherwise allow.

That's what government does, experience tells us.
My God, the maniacal right wing drivel on this platform has finally exceeded the breaking point. I have never seen so many self-righteous, criminally ignorant minds assembled in one place at one time. For you Americans who don't like coming To Canada, please don't come. We do not want you here. Actually, I can't think of any place that does.
As for AH sponsors from Africa, I will have to look for your ads elsewhere. It is sad that the "African Hunting" mandate platform has been hijacked by utter idiots to spout whatever nonsense enters their heads, and to grind whatever axe needs grinding with no thought to neutrality or objectivity. I intend to delete my membership of the "if you don't think like me, you are wrong club". Jerome, can't this website return to what it was intended?
@Cam Moon,

my thought is, does "somebody" noted above pay taxes? then they have the right to access the hospital like everyone else. also, you DO KNOW that the vaxed do get and give out the covid virus right? so maybe they got sick from a vaxxed guy, whether you are vasxed or not, i suspect everyone is gonna get the omicron. does canada turn people away from the hospital for being fat? diabetic? smoking? drinking? etc. all are illnesses that hurt health and take up hospital beds, nobody turns them away i bet.


sir, take a breath!!! i suspect you are the criminally ignorant if you have not read up on all the potential treatments for covid, (early being key) the individuals that helped create the vaccine says there are issues with it. anyway,,

if the thread or its subject matter bothers you...then stop reading it and go to another subject!!
or as a wise man once said "change the channel stupid!!"
Is jeffro really all that incensed or is he just trying to stir up trouble? That's what it sounds like to me. A lot of unsubstantiated blathering and very little substance. If he is so worked up maybe he should go home, shut the door---and his mouth, and let the rest of us live our lives the way we choose.
I think the hospitals are overwhelmed because they never had much capacity anyway. Nowadays they kick you out pretty quick after a surgery that used to keep you there a week. So when something like covid came around they weren't prepared.
@1dirthawker You pretty much hit the nail on the head with what I was trying to say.
Some might make a few observations from your post...
My God,Who is your god? It would seem it's a toss up between Trudeau and/or Fauci. the maniacal right wing Thanks for making it clear that you are left of centre and by what follows very left of centre. Definitely no surprise there! drivel on this platform has finally exceeded the breaking point.Thin skinned much? I have never seen so many self-righteous, criminally ignorant minds assembled in one place at one time.This is probably the most telling as to your blinkered version of life! If you want to see what you have branded many here then look no further than your own government for EXACTLY that For you Americans who don't like coming To Canada, please don't come. We do not want you here. Actually, I can't think of any place that does.Pretty xenophobic attitude and a little childish while also having the balls to speak on behalf of every Canadian as well as every nation on earth. Well done!
As for AH sponsors from Africa, I will have to look for your ads elsewhere.Seeing as you set the standard for speaking on behalf of everyone, I'll take up the same standard and say most sponsors will miss you like a government lockdown and a bout of dysentery. It is sad that the "African Hunting" mandate platform has been hijacked by utter idiots one man's fool is another man's Prime Minister to spout whatever nonsense enters their heads because only your opinion and facts are relevant and true?, and to grind whatever axe needs grinding with no thought to neutrality or objectivity Surely this is an attempt at humour? Please say it is so that I can live with the notion that you have at least one redeeming quality.... I intend to delete my membership of the "if you don't think like me, you are wrong club".By this rant of yours you actually have the balls to say this. Wow, you have big brass ones!! Pot, kettle, black... Jerome, can't this website return to what it was intended? It's about hunting and the hunting COMMUNITY I would think. By your stance the community should have their lives restricted and lost or shut down so that you can bow to your gods. Chill out, we are community of thousands around the globe and we definitely don't agree on everything...
Like I stated "some might make a few observations from your post"... I'll simply suggest you remove one of your masks, either the one from your mind or the one from your face. Fresh air clears the mind and allows one to think clearly. It's a liberating experience, maybe you should try it...
But that's just my opinion. It counts for as much as you paid for it.
@Zambezi I actually laughed out loud when I read this!
"Seeing as you set the standard for speaking on behalf of everyone, I'll take up the same standard and say most sponsors will miss you like a government lockdown and a bout of dysentery."
And I let out a snicker with
"one man's fool is another man's Prime Minister"
SO true!
My God, the maniacal right wing drivel on this platform has finally exceeded the breaking point. I have never seen so many self-righteous, criminally ignorant minds assembled in one place at one time. For you Americans who don't like coming To Canada, please don't come. We do not want you here. Actually, I can't think of any place that does.
As for AH sponsors from Africa, I will have to look for your ads elsewhere. It is sad that the "African Hunting" mandate platform has been hijacked by utter idiots to spout whatever nonsense enters their heads, and to grind whatever axe needs grinding with no thought to neutrality or objectivity. I intend to delete my membership of the "if you don't think like me, you are wrong club". Jerome, can't this website return to what it was intended?
You are free to live your life cowering in the corner. I won’t stop you. But the problem is that it seems that you (and those who share your views) wont be content unless I am forced into that corner with you. Sorry, that’s not an option.
You are free to live your life cowering in the corner. I won’t stop you. But the problem is that it seems that you (and those who share your views) wont be content unless I am forced into that corner with you. Sorry, that’s not an option.
He went further than that. He declared plainly he hated Americans based on national origin.
Yes Scott is a little more relaxed then most other leaders but he still brought in vaccine mandates that forced people to get vaccinated in order to keep their job.
You're right and that was wrong. If I hadn't already been vaccinated I would have been in the same boat, only from the Feds. Two of my colleagues who are also friends of mine chose not to and are now on leave without pay. I could not afford to do that. From what I heard on the radio today there are further relaxing of restrictions coming soon.
Couldn't help but resurrect this thread. :unsure: Now that the FBI has unequivocally concluded that the COVID virus likely emerged from a lab in Wuhan; that NY Times is promoting research that masks were essentially useless; that the CDC has concluded that natural immunity is superior to that provided by a vaccine; and that virtually everyone has agreed that shutting down economies was totally counter productive, it might be good to hear where some of the righteous true believers are on the subject now.

Bill Maher, as usual, has some pithy but accurate comments for his friends on the left (perhaps for a few of the lately virtuous in Canada and Blue State America as well.) And Russel Brand is a very weird but very bright fellow.

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Couldn't help but resurrect this thread. :unsure: Now that the FBI has unequivocally concluded that the COVID virus likely emerged from a lab in Wuhan; that NY Times is promoting research that masks were essentially useless; that the CDC has concluded that natural immunity is superior to that provided by a vaccine; and that virtually everyone has agreed that shutting down economies was totally counter productive, it might be good to hear where some of the righteous true believers are on the subject now.

Bill Maher, as usual, has some pithy but accurate comments for his friends on the left (perhaps for a few of the lately virtuous in Canada and Blue State America as well.) And Russel Brand is a very weird but very bright fellow.

i agree red leg,

a reasonable time has passed and a calm and measured look back might be valuable to the "next thing" that is in our future.

the part that chaps me the most; the "true believers" were willing to deny reluctant, non compliant people their rights to live in the same society and actually deny freedoms and materials and in some cases JAIL or PUT THEM IN AN INTERNMENT CAMP!

i was a "no thank you" to the vax guy, i never belittled anyone who felt the need to get one because we all have different concerns for our health. BUT, there were some that literally wanted me removed from society or at least not allowed to participate. now that time has proven that i was right on many counts, it would seem appropriate that the "true believers" would take an honest look at what they tried to or actually did to their fellow countryman.

many of my friends took the jab so that they could fly to other parts of the country or the world. or, they were required to take it to be allowed to continue to work. i am concerned for their future health considering some of the fall out of the vaccine.

finally, the most criminal aspect, the children. to require an experimental vaccine that had never been properly tested, that the makers were unable to take any responsibility or liability for, be mandated to children that were more at risk from the vax than actually contracting the disease makes me angry in a way that would not be appropriate to place on paper.

oh, and the FBI that knew where the origin of the virus started and chose not to disclose for a year or two, really?!!!

i truly hope that those that took the vax are doing well with it and suffer no side effects but i truly believe the real danger is/was the social contagion that pitted family and neighbors against each other for merely dis agreeing on taking a shot for a disease that was much more dangerous to those with certain co-morbidities than the rest of the population. i hope we do better in the future, because, you KNOW that there will be another "crisis" in our future.
i agree red leg,

a reasonable time has passed and a calm and measured look back might be valuable to the "next thing" that is in our future.

the part that chaps me the most; the "true believers" were willing to deny reluctant, non compliant people their rights to live in the same society and actually deny freedoms and materials and in some cases JAIL or PUT THEM IN AN INTERNMENT CAMP!

i was a "no thank you" to the vax guy, i never belittled anyone who felt the need to get one because we all have different concerns for our health. BUT, there were some that literally wanted me removed from society or at least not allowed to participate. now that time has proven that i was right on many counts, it would seem appropriate that the "true believers" would take an honest look at what they tried to or actually did to their fellow countryman.

many of my friends took the jab so that they could fly to other parts of the country or the world. or, they were required to take it to be allowed to continue to work. i am concerned for their future health considering some of the fall out of the vaccine.

finally, the most criminal aspect, the children. to require an experimental vaccine that had never been properly tested, that the makers were unable to take any responsibility or liability for, be mandated to children that were more at risk from the vax than actually contracting the disease makes me angry in a way that would not be appropriate to place on paper.

oh, and the FBI that knew where the origin of the virus started and chose not to disclose for a year or two, really?!!!

i truly hope that those that took the vax are doing well with it and suffer no side effects but i truly believe the real danger is/was the social contagion that pitted family and neighbors against each other for merely dis agreeing on taking a shot for a disease that was much more dangerous to those with certain co-morbidities than the rest of the population. i hope we do better in the future, because, you KNOW that there will be another "crisis" in our future.
I got one shot when this fiasco started and within a week developed side effects that are causing me health problems still today. I said from the get go that this was(is) a money grabbing scam perpetrated by The Fraud, Gates, CDC, big pharma, and Bidumdum to attempt to control people.

Even today I see dummies driving alone in their cars with a damned idiot rag on their face. In stores I see these loons and shake my head and smirk. I get some wierd looks but no one says anything. I actually feel sorry for theirs and anyone else's stupidity who still believe that scam.
Don’t think for one moment that the mental midgets learned anything from this, they did not. They will behave exactly the same next time, turning on us again.

They are however very likely to become violent next time as they now know there are a very tiny percentage of us that won’t tow the party line, and that terrifies them.
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I think that anyone who was one of those fanatics and sheep that were lambasting us as heretics and non-scientific peons, we should be allowed to walk behind them in public ringing a bell crying out "Shame! Shame!"

Never let them forget they became Nazi's. They became Fascists. They became the Overlords depicted in Orwell's 1984... so willing to cast us out and terminate us from society with extreme sanctimonious delight.
Canadian here, took the shots - 3 of them. Was made to, partly because of work, the threat of actually throwing away my 22 year career and pension. Also, partly because my wife is from the U.K. and we could not fly to see her family without getting these "vaccines". I am not a boat rocker by nature, I was going along to get along. I had never really paid attention to politics, choosing to stay out of it, as I never saw myself as being able to really make a difference in the outcome of an election.
This has changed.
I feel like such a fool. I blindly followed those in power, the people that made decisions based on gaining power over the masses and for gaining personal profit. Our personal rights and privileges have been taken away and, I believe, trampled on. I find myself paying attention now, questioning things, whereas before I just would have swallowed what was put in front of me. Literally.
I guess the silver lining in all this, the consequence of my new awakening, as it were, is that I consider myself a better citizen now. I question authority, I research topics for myself before marching like a Lemming over that cliff. I am really looking forward to our next election. I still don't know if my vote will make any difference, but goddamn, I will show up and voice my dissatisfaction with the status quo.
The Bee's satire stings. :cool:


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can you send some pics of the 2.5-10 zeiss. I can't click on the pics to see the details. You noted some scratches. thx.
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