My God, the maniacal right wing drivel on this platform has finally exceeded the breaking point. I have never seen so many self-righteous, criminally ignorant minds assembled in one place at one time. For you Americans who don't like coming To Canada, please don't come. We do not want you here. Actually, I can't think of any place that does.
As for AH sponsors from Africa, I will have to look for your ads elsewhere. It is sad that the "African Hunting" mandate platform has been hijacked by utter idiots to spout whatever nonsense enters their heads, and to grind whatever axe needs grinding with no thought to neutrality or objectivity. I intend to delete my membership of the "if you don't think like me, you are wrong club". Jerome, can't this website return to what it was intended?
When I started reading your post, I thought it was meant in jest. But no, I think you are a member of the cult. A key characteristic is an unwillingness to discuss the subject, analyze the facts, or let alternative opinions be discussed. Red America has had a very different covid experience than Canada. Rather than potentially learn or understand anything from those experiences, it is part of the cult's catechism to refer to me as - how did you put it - criminally ignorant.
I simply would urge you to take an honest look at the self-righteous maniacal drivel coming from the left as well. It should be instructive to you that the post I referenced was a Canadian couple's actual reaction to the life Floridians (and most other red states) are actually living. You should go, do you own research, and see what those states' death and hospitalization rates per 100K are compared to Canada. I would suggest that would be a "neutral" course of action on your part.
And since Canada's draconian response to this virus has affected a lot of us who regularly and genuinely like to hunt there, I would think Canada's Covid policies are objectively a very timely topic for this forum.
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