Good, members I had some time today to work on the action /double set trigger this stage I completed fitting of the double set trigger..the last step being securing the double set trigger in the trigger guard /frame..fortunately the double set trigger I received from a fellow member on this forum as a gift, HWL from Germany..has two holes where I will be able to pin it to the trigger guard frame...
Fitting the double set trigger onto the side of the trigger guard to enable me to make sure I drill the two holes correctly to pin the double set trigger secure in it`s place...
Work on the action/trigger near completion..I now need to focus on rifle stock design..through reading/searching forums and looking for appropriate stock designs that will fit a real classic 8x68S rifle ..I now have two choices are the photos of a African Mauser rifle stock and the Mannlicher Schoenauer design I previous uploaded onto this thread..
African Mauser design
Mannlicher Shoenauer design ..
Now for the fun part:
Members, I am asking you to make a choice for me between these two rifles stocks , which one should I use for this 8x68S rifle , classic rifle build????