Gert Odendaal
AH legend
ZG 47, your input is as always much, much appreciated Sir. Looking forward to some discussion in this regards. Have a peaceful night`s rest
Shootist43, I will try to get to the gunsmith shop more often, installing new kitchen cupboards in my house are keeping me busy..but I really try to keep up with all the projects I am currently busy with... While busy building the magnum length magazine box for the live round 91mm , 8x68S , I want to fit the double set trigger that HWL send me from Germany...if all the work on the action is completed I will commence working on the Wall nut blank soon as the barrel arrives I will focus completely on fitting the barreled action ...the scope is arriving as well some time thing are going to speed up ....Gert this is getting more interesting all the time. Please keep the progress reports and photos coming.
Yes, Garry, you are quite correct, one of the irons is the wood and bone I still need to send to you...I need to put that one to the front of the fire Been busy fitting kitchen cupboards made from old pallets , I want my kitchen to have an antique/rustic look...some photos:Irons in the fire Gert will keep you warm rotating them
We do need projects to keep the mind and body active
you live a good life.
Garry, you really are a great , great craftsman , who really can make/build anything ..and then do it perfect as wellA lot more work (and satisfaction) than picking up hinges from the hardware store and making the cupboards from a sheet of something from the same outlet.
I spent 18 months building a home that was to reflect being built in 1860 and made the kitchen, ceilings, staircase doors and much else from recycled timber.
I made the trusses from 300x100 for the bottom cords and 2 x 300x50 for the top cords and braces. I made the trusses in two parts and then bolted them together for instalation.
All the interior wood work was from weatherboards that I re machined as was the kitchen and doors. The stair case was from kauri and the newel posts I made from the 100mm thick rimu left from the truss bottom cords. Handrails etc were all from the 50mm rimu that was left from the truss top cords.
Six sets of French doors and hundreds of pains of glass in the colonial set windows. The most rewarding house I built before I retired. A few years later it was sold on for 1.75 million so I took some pleasure from the value placed on it.
There was a full basement underneath where I built in a wine store room and an old style meat safe. A hidden opening in the stair up to the storm door that allowed access to a hiding place
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Nothing so grand Bruce. The treads were made from 300x150 rimu so it was simply one step that could be removed to allow for access to a recess underneath. 20 or 30 guns could be hidden there with ease or anything else of a similar size that would fit through the 300 wide opening.might that hiding place be a "priest hole".?
very popular during the English civil war.