Congratulations on the new canon Glenn Slaven, you seem to love it, and it is all that matters
To me, this is a wonderful thread because it illustrates so well the freedom we enjoy in the US
I absolutely have no clue whatsofreekingever what Glenn's unique rationale could possibly be to put together this contraption - heck, if even as ardent a R8 defender as
Red Leg is scratching his head, that tells anyone everything they may need to hear LOL - but I love the fact that he can do it
My heart too skipped a beat when reading "receiver opened up" but just running a wood dowel with sandpaper wrapped around it to open the molded plastic forearm channel is in a different world all together
I would personally not put together a custom DG rifle that I would not plan to take to Africa

; I would not consider the aluminum Blaser receiver for anything past .375

; I would NEVER put a scope that close to my eye on a .450+ light rifle

; etc. etc. but hey to each their own. God Bless America where Glenn does not need to convince a bureaucrat to issue him a permit to allow him to do all these delightful foolish things
One friendly suggestion if I can: consider adding the Kickstop recoil reducer in the stock
And I truly sympathize with
"I have more DG rifles than I have money to shoot DG with" because I too used to be there myself in this completely crazy self-defeating place

, until someone did me the favor of telling me rather dryly:
"Sell half the guns and go on Safari with the money!"
I bet the money spent on this thing alone would buy a genuine buffalo hunt on 20,000+ acres with a quality outfitter in South Africa
I am curious, is this a custom J Sip and Son's barrel, or did you have a Blaser Selous .458 barrel re-bored?
Correct. Then the question becomes: can you reload as you run? Access to the loading port is generally considered critical, etc. etc. That right thumb of yours might get to bleed a little under that sharp base angles...
Anyway, again, congratulations on the new canon, you seem to love it, and it is all that matters