.458 Win Mag chronograph results

Below:D Pop Popcorn:and above :A Tease:lies our beloved :A Stirring:Off to the extreme right....and :S Bs Flag:is featured much lower.
Nobody even said that 458 win was worthless for anything but tomato stakes.:p
It's toe-mah-toe stakes! And only a bloody 2-4-3 is good for that! We'd have to call it Clumpy McWoundy Poof! Haha!

:E Lol:
Ha! Ha! Where's @Bob Nelson 35Whelen (Townsend Nelson) when the mention of tomato stakes come up?
The only rifle that makes good tomato and flower stakes is the 243.
As Russ @Badboymelvin pointed out the 458 with the new powders and projectiles has regained the throne where it should have been.
It's just a pity that naysayers hang shit on things they feel challenged by as it shoots their ideas down.
Russ is doing to the 458 what I did with the Whelen. Learnt to load it to its potential and enjoying it.
He should be commended for passing his findings on so others can drag their 458s out load them the way Russ does and have fun with their new found information.
More people are now enjoying the Whelen. The 458 deserves the same.
The only rifle that makes good tomato and flower stakes is the 243.
As Russ @Badboymelvin pointed out the 458 with the new powders and projectiles has regained the throne where it should have been.
It's just a pity that naysayers hang shit on things they feel challenged by as it shoots their ideas down.
Russ is doing to the 458 what I did with the Whelen. Learnt to load it to its potential and enjoying it.
He should be commended for passing his findings on so others can drag their 458s out load them the way Russ does and have fun with their new found information.
More people are now enjoying the Whelen. The 458 deserves the same.
What about the Crudmoor barrels? They should have a place in the garden too?
What about the Crudmoor barrels? They should have a place in the garden too?
Nah mate they can have a reamer run thru them to make a 260 or 6.5x55. If it is a good 26 inch target weight barrel the a 6.5-284, 264 win mag or even a 26 nosler.
No matter what you do to a 243 barrel it will always be a 6mm barrel. Hell even the 240 Weatherby won't do anything the 25 ought six won't do as good or better.
Leave the 6mms to do what they do well. Punch holes in paper and that's it.
The O.P. asked we keep this thread on track in post #32.

I thought better of posting but I'm just saying he did ask. Throw stones if you like but a member who doesn't post much has started a thread about something he is passionate about and asked we don't
sh#t on his thread.

Can we do that?

He's a big boy, he spoke up for himself and some still mised the point.

I really enjoy conversing with the Aussies here and others. I would hate to see us lose members because people derail their thread.
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I was not trying to crap on anyone’s thread, I was just having conversation with a few fellow hunters. Just because I am on team Lott doesn’t mean I hate the 458 Win Mag.
As far as de-railing, these threads are like campfire talk, they wonder all over the place. Every new post also puts it to the top, where new people see that the 458 can do what it’s supposed too, instead of being unread.
I’m sorry.
The O.P. asked we keep this thread on track in post #32.

I thought better of posting but I'm just saying he did ask. Throw stones if you like but a member who doesn't post much has started a thread about something he is passionate about and asked we don't
sh#t on his thread.

Can we do that?

He's a big boy, he spoke up for himself and some still mised the point.

I really enjoy conversing with the Aussies here and others. I would hate to see us lose members because people derail their thread.
CBH Australia,
You maybe right, but I/we were waiting for @Badboymelvin next chronograph results and the rest of these posts are just chatter. I think he was annoyed at the naysayers of his velocity results with his .458WM and rightfully so? I personally, am not one of those. I too have a Whitworth .458WM and a CZ .458WM. I agree with Russ wholeheartedly on the ability of the WM to perform well on any DG anywhere. These posts seem to sometimes "drift" off the original thread as time goes on, but I don't think in this case it was done with malfeasance? When Russ posts his next results with his .458, we'll be back on track.
Thank you for taking the time to share your results.

Hey guys,

This is for all you .458 Win Mag fans out there!

The last few days I've finally got around to doing something I've wanted to do in the .458 for a long time... load up some Woodleigh Hydro's.

I contacted NT Firearms Gove and got hold of some Hydro's in 450gn.

Here's what they look like...

View attachment 423810

I then loaded up a few (in some cruddy looking brass! ) with a healthy dose of Benchmark 2 powder and they looked like this...

View attachment 423811

Then today saw me at the range to put a couple over the chronograph.
I was after around 2200fps.
After 3 shots, here's what I got...

View attachment 423808View attachment 423809View attachment 423812

This is 100fps faster than what I was expecting and seemed to be very consistent.
It also punched out a lazy 5370ft/lbs.
Bolt lift was normal, fired primers looked great and the cases just fell out of the chamber.

Haven't used them on game yet so hope to try them on a big Sambar stag in the next couple of weeks.
I don't reckon they'll bounce off!
As soon as I've tried them on game I'll post the results...


Dude, I was just having a little fun. Your post is interesting and informative. But honestly, without stirring it up, it would have died at 4, maybe 5 replies and then went to the land of the lost threads.

Apparently you're new to forums, and especially this one. Ole @Bob Nelson 35Whelen is always one of the first to "rib" people a little because it's not a .358 lol Point is, it's all in good fun. The other stuff is not useless info. Now people have comparison info in your thread.

I'm sorry I hut ur feewings: -(

Not new to forums mate - and not new to this forum, been around for a while now...

And no, you didn't hurt my feelings.

It can just get incredibly frustrating when time and effort is put into load development and testing and then more time and effort is put into writing it up for people to read.

I try to take a bit of pride in how I write things up so people can enjoy them - but then when I see it get derailed it makes me realise I've wasted my time.

This ALWAYS happens when I write about the .458
I get people don't like it but in my posts what I'm trying to do is inform and show it can be safely loaded to reach it's promised ballistics.
I do this to help people.
I always post my data (with a caution) to give people an idea where they can start and as I said, I do this to share and inform not start stupid internet arguments.

I didn't get hurt feelings mate or spit the dummy... it just get's incredibly frustrating thats all.

I started out with 75gn of BENCHMARK (BM2) and reached a velocity of over 2300fps.
There were no excessive pressure signs but I was curious so dropped back to 74gn and got the same velocity.
So I've dropped back to 73gn to see what that delivers.

To be honest I was ever only after approx 2200fps so I reckon I'll settle on the 73gn load - provided accuracy is acceptable.

This is the same charge I use with the 550gn Woodleigh so it makes it easy having the same powder charge for my 2 loads I will be using.

Hopefully the weekend I'll back out at the range with the chronograph and I'll post the results with the 73gn load and how the hydro's feed without the caps.
Thank you for taking the time to share your results.

No worries (y)
Not new to forums mate - and not new to this forum, been around for a while now...

And no, you didn't hurt my feelings.

It can just get incredibly frustrating when time and effort is put into load development and testing and then more time and effort is put into writing it up for people to read.

I try to take a bit of pride in how I write things up so people can enjoy them - but then when I see it get derailed it makes me realise I've wasted my time.

This ALWAYS happens when I write about the .458
I get people don't like it but in my posts what I'm trying to do is inform and show it can be safely loaded to reach it's promised ballistics.
I do this to help people.
I always post my data (with a caution) to give people an idea where they can start and as I said, I do this to share and inform not start stupid internet arguments.

I didn't get hurt feelings mate or spit the dummy... it just get's incredibly frustrating thats all.

Russ I know how you feel it was the same promoting the Whelen but hang in there all it takes is a few people to try your loads and experience the same as you. They then write it up and the food gates open and 458s that have been lying dormant come out to play as well.
Not new to forums mate - and not new to this forum, been around for a while now...

And no, you didn't hurt my feelings.

It can just get incredibly frustrating when time and effort is put into load development and testing and then more time and effort is put into writing it up for people to read.

I try to take a bit of pride in how I write things up so people can enjoy them - but then when I see it get derailed it makes me realise I've wasted my time.

This ALWAYS happens when I write about the .458
I get people don't like it but in my posts what I'm trying to do is inform and show it can be safely loaded to reach it's promised ballistics.
I do this to help people.
I always post my data (with a caution) to give people an idea where they can start and as I said, I do this to share and inform not start stupid internet arguments.

I didn't get hurt feelings mate or spit the dummy... it just get's incredibly frustrating thats all.

Well I can understand that. Somewhere around here is my post, where I put a lot of work in comparing the 20" vs 23" .375 Ruger. So trust me, I do appreciate well documented load work.

I wouldn't even have replied, but someone said something about people throwing off on it because the internet says it's bad. I just kicked off from that. Everything I say is in good fun. The "wounder wonder" part came from Africa. The .264 Win Mag had the same reception there.
hey russ,

thanks for the info. don't let a bunch of haters get under your skin. i appreciate the work. do you know how much lead, powder and recoil you have saved me?? it is good to know what MY 458 win is capable of today, now, not 50 years ago, so....thank you.

i look forward to the new information that you post, as always, it is informative. this post started out as a private conversation but i realize that although private support on this venue is good, posting for all to read is likely better.

we as gun guys have our "pets", bob nelson is one of the best models for this, and we can get our back up if we feel that the "pet" is threatened in some way. mr bob is of course gracious and has a sense of humor and of course realizes that even his pet can be denigrated, no matter how effective it actually is.

then of course there is the mystical 458 lott, a fine caliber, that does a bit more than the 458 win. thats just fine, although all the fuss over 1-200 fps in velocity (when 500 gr bullets are already making 5,000 ft lb) seems a bit...unnecessary. the winchester was designed to duplicate the nitro express loads, turns out it did, but poorly with the tools of the time. now, it consistently does it, and the haters of the winchester for some reason feel that if they piss on the 458 win, their lott or 458 3" (which are both great cartridges) is somehow....mo bettah.

i said above that 5,000 ft lbs was a bit unnecessary, which is actually not accurate. if one is a backup on DG, then i suspect there is no such thing as too much "POWER", that said, precise shots from any large bore that will penetrate will ultimately solve the problem, not power.

so, keep up the good work and keep us in the loop here!
hey russ,

thanks for the info. don't let a bunch of haters get under your skin. i appreciate the work. do you know how much lead, powder and recoil you have saved me?? it is good to know what MY 458 win is capable of today, now, not 50 years ago, so....thank you.

i look forward to the new information that you post, as always, it is informative. this post started out as a private conversation but i realize that although private support on this venue is good, posting for all to read is likely better.

we as gun guys have our "pets", bob nelson is one of the best models for this, and we can get our back up if we feel that the "pet" is threatened in some way. mr bob is of course gracious and has a sense of humor and of course realizes that even his pet can be denigrated, no matter how effective it actually is.

then of course there is the mystical 458 lott, a fine caliber, that does a bit more than the 458 win. thats just fine, although all the fuss over 1-200 fps in velocity (when 500 gr bullets are already making 5,000 ft lb) seems a bit...unnecessary. the winchester was designed to duplicate the nitro express loads, turns out it did, but poorly with the tools of the time. now, it consistently does it, and the haters of the winchester for some reason feel that if they piss on the 458 win, their lott or 458 3" (which are both great cartridges) is somehow....mo bettah.

i said above that 5,000 ft lbs was a bit unnecessary, which is actually not accurate. if one is a backup on DG, then i suspect there is no such thing as too much "POWER", that said, precise shots from any large bore that will penetrate will ultimately solve the problem, not power.

so, keep up the good work and keep us in the loop here!
Ft/lbs has nothing to do with killing ability or penetration. It's a number that shouldn't be mentioned, much less, worshipped.
Ft/lbs has nothing to do with killing ability or penetration. It's a number that shouldn't be mentioned, much less, worshipped.
Oy, both you and the Australian tomato farmer saying this? It's easily quantifiable! That's why it's used so much as a datum.

So what do you think kills? And if you say shot placement so help me! Answers we'll accept are sectional density and/or tissue and organ destruction as well as exsanguination.

What pet caliber of yours has been recently slighted? Lol

Before anyone takes too much umbrage, I'll admit the bourbon barrel stout has been bereft of its cork for a short while and very enjoyable.
Oy, both you and the Australian tomato farmer saying this? It's easily quantifiable! That's why it's used so much as a datum.

So what do you think kills? And if you say shot placement so help me! Answers we'll accept are sectional density and/or tissue and organ destruction as well as exsanguination.

What pet caliber of yours has been recently slighted? Lol

Before anyone takes too much umbrage, I'll admit the bourbon barrel stout has been bereft of its cork for a short while and very enjoyable.
Impact Impulse, which is calculated by the speed, weight, and size of the meplat.
Oy, both you and the Australian tomato farmer saying this? It's easily quantifiable! That's why it's used so much as a datum.

So what do you think kills? And if you say shot placement so help me! Answers we'll accept are sectional density and/or tissue and organ destruction as well as exsanguination.

What pet caliber of yours has been recently slighted? Lol

Before anyone takes too much umbrage, I'll admit the bourbon barrel stout has been bereft of its cork for a short while and very enjoyable.

Now I want beer and tomatoes, thanks!!

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