Russ , Know that should you ever find yourself in Bangladesh ... I shall happily guide you on 1 free shikar for a sambhur deer . Bring your .458 Winchester magnum calibre rifle along with you . It works beautifully for sambhur deer with a premium quality soft point bullet . Our sambhur deer are as large as an American elk .
Countless of my American clients have used .458 Winchester magnum calibre rifles against sambhur deer with successful results . It is ( admittedly ) a little too big for them , but only just. You shall not feel like it is over kill.
When I visited Australia in 1979 to hunt my Kangaroo , I heard that sambhur deer exist in Australia as well . And some people were also using .458 Winchester magnum calibre rifles on sambhur deer in Australia , too.
Major Khan,
That is a very kind thing to offer and I thank you very much. If I'm ever in Bangladesh (and never say never as my wife's passion is travelling) I will definitely take you up on your generous offer.
Let's see if I can restore your faith a bit in the .458!
Yes, we have Sambar deer in Australia and yes the .458 is frequently used. I have harvested a few - but alas never with the .458. I've gone out a few times with the .458 but they have always eluded me..
But the Sambar deer here in Australia wouldn't be the same as yours over in Bangladesh and it would be a hunting highlight to hunt one with you.
Just as a side note, you mentioned Terry Irwin.
A member here who's also a great fan of the .458 (and I'm hoping he'll chime in) actually wrote to Mr Irwin in regard to his experience with the .458.
I won't re-post the letter as it's not mine to re-post, but he replied that he NEVER had a problem with the .458 and he killed approx 1000 elephants with it.
He also stated that it gave better penetration than his .375H&H.
His words not mine!
He did state though that his rifle had a 26" barrel - and he told the manufacturer that he wanted 24" - but they refused saying you needed 26" to get the claimed velocity.
I think 1000 elephants is a pretty good endorsement.
He also wrote to Richard Harland and got a similar response.
Speaking of Mr Harland, I have personally seen a written response from him stating that, and I quote;
"I am pleased you had good results with your .458 - it bears out my contention that one needs nothing more for the biggest game. My loads go spot on 2150fps with 500gr bullets and I used these most recently on
tusk-less cow elephant and buffalo..."
As the saying goes, we all choose our experts. And these 2 gentleman are the experts I choose because they have both shot more elephant than I can even get my head around. And today, we have better bullets and powders than they did back then...
Another thing (sorry, I know I'm rambling!) is that when the .458 is mentioned - everyone quips in and says it MUST be used 'with good handloads' or 'with careful handloads'
I find this confusing as when using ANY cartridge designed for DG, shouldn't they all be 'good' and 'carefully assembled'? And shouldn't they all be thoroughly tested and fresh?
Anyway, just my opinion!