You would if you missed the Ele due to flinch induced from the felt recoil. Seriously that would have to be one of the most ignorant relies I have ever seen from a person who by their Bio should know a bit. We are talking about felt recoil and reducing it and a slightly blue shoulder is not a bonus, never was never will be.
Sorry for that. I see that my post can be interpreted a little ignorant. Did`nt mean to. Wifey thinks I`m an idiot;D and I spend a lot of time in the dog house for answers like this to her

I just got word that someone in my wifes family passed so I am very sad but I`ll try to make some sense here.
What I tried to say is that a perfect fit rifle is not necessarily the best rifle for charge situations. I`ve been on the wrong side of elephant and bear charges + a couple of very close calls with moose

Now, a less than perfect fit rifle is only my personal preference and not a general recommendation.
After charge situations I analyse my decision making. What worked, what did not, what can be improved.
When a bear comes for you it comes in low, you have to point the rifle somewhat downwards. It can be harder to come properly over the sights and the buttstock can be also be caught up in your shirt (it almost happened to me). My preference in such situations would be a little too short, light, agile rifle in a calibre that kicks my teeth loose.
In the armed service (This was just after president Brezhnev got smoked) we were expecting and trained hard for Russian invasion. One of my tasks was close quarters combat defending our anti tank positions. Learning and mastering the technique of shooting full auto bursts with 308 WIN. The technique is based up on balancing the rifle in left and right hand while keeping it a little off the shoulder. Since then I`ve maintained the aiming and target accusition technique by shooting IPSC and skeet.(I do shoulder my rifle and do not shoot my Rigby full auto

When Mr Marc Newton showed me the new Rigby rifles my initial thought was that they where some of the best rifles I`ve ever handled. Great on the range and perfect among the very very best over sticks i Africa. But,,,would they be the best and fastest for any situation for! Therefore my weapon of choice is a maybe 1/4 inch to short, a little too much drop at heel slim and light good old vintage Rigby 416 for BG. Shooting 450 grains bullets at 2350-2400 fps. It sure kicks like hell but also drops everything. Can`t say for sure but I even have it suspected for tipping an elephant over. Tremendous punch!
About the topic here..its not fair I think. 404 Jeff and 416 Rigby is maybe the very best we paying customers can bring to Africa for DG hunting in my mind. But, getting into the details, whatever the 404 can do the 416 Rigby can do at lower pressures. 416 Rigby can push a 450 grain bullet close to 2400 fps with hamster fart in a matchbox pressure which makes all the difference to me.