AH legend
Your right and no offense taken but since when are gun nuts sensible??
a valid point indeed! I happen to be living proof of your statement.

Your right and no offense taken but since when are gun nuts sensible??
I mentioned in my post above it's not on the list of cartridges cause it's parent case was a 378 Weatherby. The ones mentioned all generate from the same parent cartridge. Been in the Holland and Holland store in NYC they have a 465H&H there it's pretty spectacular in every way, but it should be for the price..there is the new 465 H&H I forgot to mention.
The 416Rem was based on the 8mm Rem which was based on the 375H&H..
Sorry this thread seems to have escaped me....
Been shooting and loading for the 400H&H since 2011. Got the 400H&H bug from Duke McCaa and his son of Gulf Breeze Fire Arms after meeting them at the SCI show 2010. Gulf Breeze is a Dakota dealer and they have been selling 400H&H bored Dakota's for some time.
I have shot numerous animals with the 400 including a Cape Buff in Zim in 2012. Can't say enough about this cartridge other than there is no commercial loadings for this round or SAAMI specs, there are a few custom loaders like Superior that loads for the 400H&H.
It will push a 400gr bullet at 2400fps for the magical 5000lbs of energy and send a 300gr TSX down range at 2700fps. Perhaps it is the stock dynamics of my gun but, it's is a very soft shooter and the cartridge feeds extremely easy. Some of the .411 dia bullets on the market are, Barnes, Hornady, Northfork, CEB, Swift and Hawk. Varget, RL15 or H4895 will get you down range.
My rifle started with a new Win mod 70 in 375H&H, a Shilen barrel in .411 dia was chambered and fitted with irons and a Z6 1x6 scope. So far it seems to shoot everything I have put through it sub MOA.
Let me know if I can help I'm not that far from Ontario....
The 300gr Barnes is more than adequate at velocities of 26-2700fps, I have shot two cow elk with this combo at 100 and 150yrds great performance. A good example of lack of integrity is Hornady's 300gr .411 interlock which was designed for the 405 win. At 2700fps it turns everything into a grey mist, make for a great woodchuck load.
I had CEB turn a .411 dia 400gr solid and 370 gr Raptor which they still have in inventory I shot my Buff with the 370gr Raptor. I have a Buff and Eland hunt in the works for the fall of 2017 and I am thinking of using NorthForks 360gr Soft if I take this rifle.
The folks at New England Custom Gun have reamers for this cartridge and they have done more than a handful of 400H&Hs.
I see that you are in the Ontario area, I live in north central Vermont if you have any interest in shooting my rifle.
Jimbob, thanks is there a site that shows CIP registered pressures?
I bought the book. I could only get the Kindle version. So I downloaded the app...The charts are completely illegible and I can not figure out how to zoom on them. Stupid app. I contacted Kindle so hopefully I will get this info.There is a collection of load data in Pierre van der Walt's African Dangerous Game Cartridges but no pressure data.
Mr. Boddington was pretty non- committal in his article and seemed a bit hung up on the fact that the 400 grn cartridges that he shot did not exceed 2400fps, (not quite sure that an animal would notice a 70 fps difference).
The 400H&H for all intensive purposes is still a Wild Cat as there have not been any SAAMI pressure testing done. I have been loading .411 dia CEB bullets and feel very comfortable with a 400grn bullet crossing my chronograph at 2400fps.
Swift does make a .411 dia 35o bullet, I have a box on my shelf and NorthFork makes a 360grn .411 bullet that I think I will be taking to Zim this August.
Shooting a bullet 0.001 undersized should not effect accuracy but a steady diet may have some effect on the throat but this is a question that is better left to the accuracy and barrel boys on this forum.
I have had some trouble loading .410dia bullets with my C&H dies, not getting enough neck tension I have turned down an expander ball but to no avail, may have to turn it down some more or purchase a collett die.
Having the option of shooting .410 dia bullets certainly opens up a few more options for bullet selections, be cautious though as many of those bullets were made for the the 450-400 and may not perform at the higher velocities from a 400H&H.
The invite still stands if you want to visit and shoot my 400 when the weather warms.
Zephyr's offer is an honest one and he's a good guy, I'd take him up on it. I stopped in when I was in VT and had a good chat with him. Got to see some sweet rifles too!Thanks, for the info and the invite! I'll pm you about that.