370 Sako Mag (9.3x66)

My Beretta M689 9.3x74R o/u has the 61cm barrels with matching 20/76 ga barrels at 66cm. The rifle has a single trigger with a selector to always fire top barrel first. It has ejectors that are a must for o/u if you hope to reload quickly. Without them, it would be difficult to unload the lower barrel, or with the scope on.

For scope, I use EAW mounts with a compact Leopold 30mm VariX-R 2-7x with illuminated red dot. I am very happy with this setup. It is easy to remove the scope to use the barrel sights and when I put it back on, it is always zeroed in the same place.

It is a very balanced rifle with the Bavarian butt stock, and what I like about that stock is when I put the 20 ga barrels on, it still fits perfectly. That stock design also seems to work with the scope on or off as a rifle. I don't think you could do that with an American or English cut stock. I use a 14 3/4" length of pull, which seems to fit me very well.

Game wise, I would not hesitate to use it on anything up to buffalo sized animals with good premium rounds. I'm sure it will (and has) taken game cleanly all the way up to elephant, but for that I think that I would use something bigger.

Range wise, the 9.3x74R is a solid 200m round with the 286 gr RN load and 250m with one of the faster 232-250 gr loads. My rifle doesn't seem to be too picky with regulating different loads, but I have heard of other people who have had trouble. Only way to know is to just try and see.
Glad to hear u are happy with this setup. On the EGUN - german gun auction, is now Beretta Silver Sable II for Eur 2500 for sale (I doesn,t say if with ejector, but no shotgun bbl. - good price?) plus delivery and lots of paper work. But there is also Browning CCS 525 Elite new, right now only E826 (no ejector). At this price would be a steal, but sure will go up.
Personally I do not like bavarian stocks, hit me in a cheek bone, prefer straight.
But I like the Leupold VxR 2-7X!
I am looking now at different auction for 9,3x62 and even x64 as well, used - they seem to be quite cheap, particularly ZKK 600. Easiest would be to buy inland, but here the market is thin, and import from abroad is a real headache.
BTW I had a fun yesturday, shot a fox w. my 308W. Looking now for row deer or red stag!
Lovu Zdar! and Happy hunting.
Hello all,
long time no see!
Finally I baught a new 9.3x62 Haenel Jaeger 10, repeating rifle (Sako 9,3x66 is twice as expensive and on the web some complained ab. cartridge ejection issues). I got it in dec. and as it is snow here I shot only over the open sights. Short stroke lever, so I am satisfied with it and in the future I may redo it to x66, but it is not 98 model - small ejection window, can,t reload from top. Holds though 4 cartridges and 1 in chamber! I was thinking to load the new african Peregrine bullets. In March I will be hunting in S. Africa cheap lion and female buffalo, but will hire a .375" for now.
Lovu Zdar!

Are you planning to reload your own rounds? If so, you should be able to load the 9,3x62 fairly close to 9,3x66 performance if you use a good high energy powder like Reloader 17 or Viht N540 and load to the same pressure level. Reloader 17 works very well in my rifle.

This will get you close enough to the 375 level that you won't need to hire one. Just develop good loads, practice a lot and use your 9,3.

It would be much better to use a familiar rifle that you shoot well, than one you are not familiar with.

I also believe that RSA allows the 9,3x62 for DG.
Yes, I baught Viht. N550, maybe the faster N540 would have been better. But it,s too late, as I said, it is snow/ice here, and I am leaving in 11 days. I want to get some Peregrine bullets from S. Africa and then have time to develop my softs/monolits/solids for the next time. The cost thru Lufthansa is also very steep: 2 X 250 Eur plus paperwork here and in Africa plus fees, it comes to ab. E750 - nearly cost of my new gun! Sad but true. I will get free rifle for buffalo and maybe E150 for lion, and no hassles. Or a New idea: I may buy a simillar rifle in Africa next time and keep it in the PH,s name for following times!!! Otherwise yes, PH would let me use 9,3 kaliber!
N550 and H4350 would work great as well, but I find that you start running out of room before you get to peak pressures, and I just can't be bothered using a drop tube or case vibrator to settle the powder to get the last few grains in. Might be something to consider though, especially if it is for a prime hunt. Are you able to get Barnes TSX projects there? If you can, the 9,3 cal 250 grainer is a good one.
Lovu Zdar!
I tried the 250gr and 286gr TSX, but after 3 weeks, they say, it is not in storage now, nor in other shops here. I am using 168grs TSX in my 308W, getting up to 890 m/s in summer heat, abot 860 m/s in winter confortably. I will try to get the 230gr VLR4 Peregrine 9.3 for plains game and 286gr VGR3&VGR2 for serious work. That,s if I have time to go to shops or if they deliver to my PH.
Issue to consider with synthetic stocks, is that you often end up with a top-heavy rifle, due to stock being too light and poor fore-aft balance (for the same reason) Worth checking before you buy, as it is much harder to rebalance a synthetic stock with strategically placed lead or steel weights.

N.B. Top-heaviness gets worse when a scope is mounted.
Just an FYI I added 3/4 # to my Savage 116 in .375 Ruger by mixing #8 shot with Silicone sealant. Put it where you need and it stays put. I filled the "waffle" frond and added about 5 oz just behind the grip area.
I have just traded my 2nd hand Sako 85 Hunter to a Black Bear both in 9.3 x 66 so want to keep this calibre going.

As there is almost no load data available I will post mine for the benefit of other 9.3 x 66 users: (This is development was done in my former rifle)

Cases are New Sako; Projectiles are Woodleigh 9.3 mm 286gr PP and primer is Winchester WLR. Dies RCBS 370 Sako Mag (I think they are the only one).Brass had no prep whatsoever they are so well packed and made. (as they should be for the price)

58.5gr Re15 @2250 fps
60.5gr Re15 @2330 fps
62.5gr Re15 @2410 fps Compressed
64.5gr Re15 @2480 fps Compressed

I call 64.5gr Max although no obvious sign of pressure in terms of cratering primers, hard bolt lift etc. Simply its MAX for me!! This rifle weighs 1oz less than 8lbs (Sako 85 Hunter) and whoever said a 9.3 x 62 is more pleasant to shoot than a 375H&H well I take issue with that as I have 2 H&H's & 1 x 375RUM. This little thing kicks with the best of them. Of course my H&H's weigh a fair bit more as they tend to do. As you can see from a velocity point of view its pretty line ball with handloaded 9.3 x 62 ammo which is why at least in Australia rifles in 9.3 x 66 are severely discounted.

Having said that I was blown away by how accurate it was. It is the most accurate out of the box rifle I have ever owned in 25 years of active gun ownership. It wants to place the shots in the same hole - any charge weight.

Other points to note the mag is quite short so you cannot seat the Woodleighs to the cannelure. My loads were seated to a COL of 3.375". To touch lands would need a COL of 3.80. Just shows that you don't have to seat close to lands for accuracy.

Have not adjusted trigger and its a bit heavier than I like but crisp.

Hopefully other 9.3 x 66 owners will also share their experiences.

Now my 85 Black Bear in 9.3x66 is another 2 inch shorter in barrel but heavier profile & fluted. The weigh concerns me a bit 7lb 11oz scoped with a Zeiss Conquest 4x fixed - but geez its such a nice handy package and the stock feels great. Hope it shoots as well as my last one and the recoil isn't too bad.
Hello John, I am glad somebody added news to this thread. Thank you for the loading info. I have a problem with my 9,3x62 regarding the Peregrine 286grs flat point bullets to load into the chamber! They stop halfway, I think on the case mounth (double magazine). Questions, if you know please: 1) Can you load wide flat points in Sako 85 2) Do your Sakos eject cases with no issues? - there is a Youtube video with Sako (Grizzly ?) in .375HH, that occasionally spent case landing back in the action! Good luck with Black Bear, please write more about it. cheers.
Hello John, I am glad somebody added news to this thread. Thank you for the loading info. I have a problem with my 9,3x62 regarding the Peregrine 286grs flat point bullets to load into the chamber! They stop halfway, I think on the case mounth (double magazine). Questions, if you know please: 1) Can you load wide flat points in Sako 85 2) Do your Sakos eject cases with no issues? - there is a Youtube video with Sako (Grizzly ?) in .375HH, that occasionally spent case landing back in the action! Good luck with Black Bear, please write more about it. cheers.
Hi Petrovic,

I cannot answer your first question but on ejection yes there is a issue with some Sako 85 rifles mostly with 30-06 and longer cases. My previous 85M in 9.3x66 ejected perfectly and I tested the Black Bear in the same calibre before buying. No issues. Some just do have an issue there is a YouTube by an Australian guy and I'm afraid the jury's out on if its fixable or not. I think part is inherent in the location of the extractor due to the 3 lug action. The angle of ejection is on the high side. Not all have this ejection issue but some do and the only fix I'd accept is a new gun!

Mind you it's not just the 85. I have a old Sako L691 in 375 H& H that occasionally the case hits the elevation turret and it's not a big turret either just a hunting scope a S&B 1.5 - 6 x42. Something that Sako needs to pay more attention to.

Case ejection is a Sako blindspot imho. But heck otherwise they are such nice rifles! In Oz Sako is synonymous with premium quality.

I did not have any feeding issues with the 286gr Woodleigh PP. We dont get the Peregrine bullets here so afraid I cannot help.
I own a 370 Sako Hunter. Shoot 250gr Barnes TSX’s @ 2560f/s and find it to be very capable, light on recoil and easy to reload. Haven’t used it on Dangerous game, but I’m pretty sure it will be more than adequate on buff, and cats. I recently read in Craig Boddington’s book, “Elephant “ that he was present on a hunt, where ) elephant bulls were shot, using a 370 Sako, and was very impressed with the caliber.
the question remains, why did sako bring out this cartridge when there was already in existance a better one in the 9.3x64.
all they had to do was load 9.3x64 ammo.
the x64 uses an 8mm mauser mag length, which means it also works in a 30/06 mag length.
they originally touted the sako round as having similar velocity to the x64, but went off half cocked and had to back off the load.
a classic case of boardroom boffins knowing nothing about the products they are trying to palm off on an unsuspecting public.
marketing and bean counting overriding the real world.
they have done the same with their rifles.
Just to clarify, the feeding problems I have is with a Haenel rifle in 9.3x62. Personally I like the concept of Sako .370/9.3x66, it fits in the same reciever as 9,3x62! It uses same bolt, you only need to rechamber it. It has (by my calculation) about 2-3% more powder space, that is enough in modern rifles to increase velocity by 100-150 fts, all that you need. The energy is over 5400 Jouls, enough by Namibian law for Elephant and Buffalo Hunting! The 9.3x64 is also excellent and still faster, but the case bottom is wider, needs different bolt and thicker reciever, so it is heavier and kicks like a .375HH (ab. 6000 Jouls).
I find the 9.3x66 optimal for plains game/DG hunting in reasonably light rifle for universal use. I love to buy it, the issue is the ejection. Here in Slovakia the market is very small, so I have no chance to try the rifle, I can only order it and take it. I am glad to hear that John 458Lott has no problem with it. I am leaning towards the Model Sako Classic, love the elegant looks and 3,2 kg - 7 lb weight. In SVK Sako also has high status and excellent reputation.
Xmass greetings!
the 9.3x64 does require the boltface to be opened up from 30/06 size.
however, no mods to the magazine are required.
the x64 rounds feed well .
if you only want less performance than x64 full potential, just load it to lower pressure.
an old mk10 mauser rifle can be fitted with a prechamberd lothar walther barrel for a very reasonable price, and will be a far better rifle than any sako.
you can go with the sako urban myth with so called status, but you pay the price of having a second rate firearm in real life.
Hi Petrovic,

With a 3% powder increase, ALL ELSE BEING THE SAME...!, the velocity gain is no more than 1%. So, with 2450 f/s and 286 grains bullet in the 9,3x62, a realistic top velocity at safe presure, that 1% increase is, roughly, 25 f/s...so the new velocity will be slightly less than 2500 f/s. Not too much for a rechambering work and cost.

Merry Christmas!

Well I am not going to argue what the 3% powder increase is going to do. But most current data from Sako shows Velocity=710 m/s for x62 mm for 285 grs Hammerhead, while for x66 mm it is 765 m/s. Difference is 55m/s which is about 170fts! The new and stronger rifle must be taken into the equation too, I admit. But the longer case in the chamber helps to keep it firmly in place too, for sure. Even the monolitic 285grs Barnes X is doing 745 m/s ab. 2450 fps - good for anything. To load over recommended max. pressures in x62 for tropical countries is always a risk, I would not do it.
My point is why buy the 9,3x62 when there is the universally more useful 9,3x66, espacially for Africa in a standard action!? But if that is not enough, 9,3x64 is certainly as good as 375HH.
Not allot of load data out there for this cartridge so thought I would add experience so far. Recently purchased a second hand Sako 85 Grizzly in 9.3x66Sako.

I'm working up the loads for AR2209 and Woodleigh 286gr PP projectiles (Sako Brass and Federal LR primers). I worked up from 66 to 70gr of AR2209, 70gr is just about as much powder I can stuff in the case. With Woodleigh PP 286 grainers seated to just shy of mag length, there are no pressure signs with 70gr. Group sizes were pretty good all around MOA.

Will continue testing and report back, I'm really interested to see how the Woodleigh 286gr RN POI changes compared to the PP. I will also get some velocity data next trip.
you might find 2209 just a little slow for that case.
it is about as slow as you can go in the x64 case which has a little more capacity.
it is too slow in that case for bullets lighter than 286 gn, although acceptable with 250 gn.
a thing in your favour with it is that if you work up loads, you can compress it fairly heavily.
beware re15 if looking for a faster powder.
it peaks out very fast and loads safe in cold weather might blow primers in hot weather..

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!