Forrest Halley
AH legend
The vertical component in tracking is my big reason for hunting the heavy number 1. That and running into a bear becomes nothing to worry about. 4000 ft-lbs on the minimum end if I slide in a practice load still makes for a calm don't have to put 4 pellets (200 gr) in it, but that's how the tracking distance only has a vertical component! I hope to use it in AK and Africa oneday (and on local bear - many weigh 650-875 lbs,) where that steam is needed! Long ago, 'decided a hot handloaded .300 Win Mag was too much for deer (as i shot 2 with one shot-another was lined up w/ the 1st and they both expired.) I got over it and now we have 3. Anything more than that is a bit extreme, but the idea behind the XML is that 200 gr of powder are required to push a 250-300 gr bullet, accurately to 400+ yds. It works! Plus, or deer and bear seasons run concurrently...