Fellow Hunters,
When I worked in an Anchorage, Alaska gun store, during slow spells I sometimes carried a few optical items outside, rifle scopes, binoculars and spotting scopes, for comparison.
I would set up a steady tripod on the store porch and use it to fasten each item to or, rest ones upon it that had no threaded socket.
I would compare rifle scopes against rifle scopes, binoculars against binoculars and so forth, by looking into the shady woods, at the end of the street, facing south from said porch, always focusing on one particular dead stick, consistently shaded by the thick trees behind it.
Likewise, I would look north, way up the street and try to read license plates on cars parked in front of a business establishment there.
The one thing I noticed was that the highest quality Austro-German products made all the difference in light gathering ability, “crispness” of down range image and etc. and USA Leupold was although not quite as clear or “crisp” as the ones from Zeiss, Swarovski and Lieca but, Leupold was pretty good, especially considering the lower price.
Perhaps the following only indicates that my eyes are too simple, just like my non-technical brain is but, I could detect absolutely no difference between the 30 MM tube rifle scopes and their same brand, otherwise comparable models of 1 inch tube scopes.
In those days, the only 30 MM tube rifle scopes we had there were from Leupold.
Again, comparing Leupold against Leupold, I found no difference between the 30 MM tube and 1 inch tube scopes.
Last but not least, I am with those who think 30 MM tube scopes make hunting rifles with otherwise classic lines, look unpleasantly “top heavy”.
If however, the 30 MM scopes showed me some serious advantage, I would probably have to rethink all of this.
Since however, I am now almost fossilized, yet without ever wishing I had more adjustments in my 1 inch scopes or, battery powered lights in them plus, whatever else the 30 MM folks say we all need now days, it is very likely that I will croak without ever owning a 30 MM tube rifle scope.
This in no way is implying that 30 MM tube rifle scopes are somehow inferior for those folks who prefer them.
I am only saying that I personally have no need for a 30 MM tube rifle scope.
One man’s bread is another man’s poison.
Velo Dog.