My Ruger No.1 accepts the 215 gr Woodleigh to a length of 80,00 mmMy 215 gr handload incomparison with a 180gr Winchester PowerPoint. Wish i could have loaded them to a longer overall length.
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@bruce mouldsused within its ballistic capability, however yo load it, it is useful.
what kills it is that the main rifle it is used in is the lee enfield.
while a good military rifle in its era, it has a crap trigger, and stretches brass woefully due to being rear locking.
the 10 shot mag, so useful in battle, is a hindrance in a hunting rifle.
and don"t forget to make sure all rims are on front of lower ones in the mag, or it will jam.
some find cock on closing not to their liking.
a good blow on the back of the firing pin will override the safety and permit an accidental discharge.
as a nostalgia piece, a ruger no 1 in 303 would be nice to own.
more nostalgia with a martini.
with 150 gn bullets it has a place, and another place with the 215 type bullets.
the mk7 military load was totally unsuited to hunting (ethically), while the mk 6 load had certain merit.
Very British and Ruger don’t seem to mix well ? Almost like whiskey and milk!As the second member of my "very british battery", I purchased a .303 British.
It is a Ruger No. 1, same as my .450/400 3" NE.
Does it make sense, to bring it to Africa or is it good for nothing?
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Very British and Ruger don’t seem to mix well ? Almost like whiskey and milk!
@Shootist43Leslie Hetrick, just to clear up my thinking, were you referring to taking a P 14 "lee Enfield" which I thought was already a 30-06 and converting it to 303 British? I'm not familiar with the P 14 (s) that were built in the U.S. for the Brits, but I have a couple of P 17(s) one pretty much as issued (except for a new style ejector) and a well done sporter.
Actually a .280 which is slightly bigger and pretty close ( in ballistic terms) to a 7mm Rem Mag, if I recall correctly. Currently having lunch on site so do not have any references to hand.bob, I believe it was being developed to be a 7mm.
@sestoppelmanDepends on the rifle. The No. 1 Ruger I had was a damn fine shooter with its preferred load. 180gr Sierra with enough 760 to equal a .308 Win. Aint no flies on that. The LSA sporter I have now, shown earlier in this thread shoots factory Remington 215's very well with the open express sights. The round itself may not be as inherently accurate as a few rounds but will shoot along with most given a good rifle.
@steve whiteThe advancement in bullet technology has resurrected several old cartridges--it's almost like an upgrade in caliber as far as effectiveness goes. Some early attempts at high velocity would have been more accepted had they had access to the bullets we all now enjoy. In a nutshell, yes, the 303 is back in the game if you want it to be. BTW there is an interesting chapter in one of Nathan Fosters' books on bedding the old military 303s for long range accuracy. None of it would show externally, either.
@Dr Ray
I don't know about the 303 not being inherently accurate as I've never found that. I've had quite a few that grouped under an inch and a half and sold one beloved No1 mk111 that would regularly group 0.75 inch 5 shot groups with 150 grain hornaday spire points.
They may not be 1/2 minute tack drivers but for game use anything that will constantly group one and a half inches will do me but smaller is better.
@Dr RayBut I only used w open sights and military ammo.
Also I used the Lee Enfield - rear locking.
@bruce mouldsyou will probably get a lot less case stretching than with a rear locking lee action.
(unless the ruger has a loose chamber)
tapered cases are known to stretch more than less tapered ones, but the old lee, being rear locking, is guaranteed to stretch brass.
that is why 303/25 etc were never loaded to full potential.
put the same case in a p14 and higher speeds/pressures will work better.
I knew a guy that had some kind of mauser in 303/25 rimless, where the cases had the rims turned off and an extractor groove cut in them.
interesting but too hard.
I had an Anschutz mod 1530 rear locking action which shot well, but had similar case life to a lee.
quite suitable for using new brass for serious stuff, as the old dead guys did in Africa.
there must be some interesting old cases around Africa if you could only find them in the dirt, rocks, and bushes.