The vx-3i is a quality scope isn't it? Or should I be looking else where?
I think you were settled on a Leupold Vx3i before you started. You just need to read enough positive stuff to be satisfied you are doing the right not an expert but I invest a lot of time reading before I drop $400 on anything. Those scopes are going to be $600 in Australia.
Mostly they are getting good reviews for the rest there is a lifetime warranty if it fails.
The reviews are quoting improved lowlight performance. That’s a plus and something that generally comes at a cost.
.i have various brands of scopes and it took a long time to accumulate these on my average wage but look for the specials once you settle on what YOU want.
For the money the Leupold Vx3i is good value. Buy better if you can afford it, I agree with all the sentiment about not ruining a once in a lifetime hunt but I believe the Vx3i is reliable and capable, not to mention affordable. And that is affordable you you at this point!
I have a Zeiss Diavari, a Kahles Hehlia , a Schmidt and Bender a few Leupold and would really like to Buy a Swarovski. For each of these I want them for different purpose and settled on them on sale or clearance. A Swarovski is unlikely to come on sale or clearance From what I’ve seen. The new 2.4-12 x50 would be great for your .300wm but that’s $1600 in Australia
You may find the actual magnification in the specs part of a scope listing. They are usually rounded to whole numbers on the scope.
The 3.5x May be a little high for scrub or brush. Personal prefernace but how close are you to a potential target? If it’s gonna bite, fight or maul you back get the lower Power and a bigger calibre. Some would use a fixed 4x. I shot a small pig running at me with a .300 wm and an old 4-12 weaver, not my best scope. I didn’t expect to take a shot under 5m. But I hit it. The muzzle blast would have scared it if I didn’t.
Worst case you could resell a Leupold if it doesn’t suit.