20,000 Elephants To Germany!

I wonder, has anyone done an estimate of how many elephants could be hunted if the same criteria used for managing other wildlife were used? I'm guessing that regulated hunting couldn't safely be done on a scale large enough to reduce the numbers as needed. Presumably some combination of culls and more hunting would be needed. But I wonder how big the hunting quotas could get under a sane system not dominated by emotional politics. I would guess that the price could come down a lot, and it might need to, to get the numbers of hunters to make a dent in the elephant over population.

Yes that's a lot of guessing and conjecture but I think people on this site will understand what I'm getting at.
I like the idea of ‘sanctuary countries” for elephants and other mega-fauna. My guess is that the welcome wouldn’t last even as long as the welcome lasted in US sanctuary cities.
I wonder, has anyone done an estimate of how many elephants could be hunted if the same criteria used for managing other wildlife were used? I'm guessing that regulated hunting couldn't safely be done on a scale large enough to reduce the numbers as needed. Presumably some combination of culls and more hunting would be needed. But I wonder how big the hunting quotas could get under a sane system not dominated by emotional politics. I would guess that the price could come down a lot, and it might need to, to get the numbers of hunters to make a dent in the elephant over population.
I would be all for that! Sign me up for an elephant cull hunt any day!!
after watching the video of the elephant charge yesterday in the park Im absolutely in favor of importing 20000 elephants to Arizona, Texas,
new Mexico, would really add adventure to "Christmas vacation". my wife was attacked by an elephant at a circus in the 60s,quite a story, but not now.
I would be all for that! Sign me up for an elephant cull hunt any day!!
Interesting idea. I was thinking of the larger scale culling operations like they used to do in Rhodesia, then Zimbabwe. Based on my casual reading on the topic (in Capstick, and I think there's a cull described in a Wilbur Smith novel that I read in the late 80s...) it sounds like elephant culls take some training and planning to execute properly. E.g., the goal is to isolate a family group or small herd and kill every animal, to avoid panic spreading to other elephants. If I understand correctly, the methods require a high degree of competence in the marksmen and sometimes the tactics involve partially encircling the animals, so you have to be very careful where to shoot, to avoid hitting one of your colleagues. I get the impression that people who have done it found it unpleasant, because it is necessarily bulk scale killing and includes the calves as well. I wouldn't be opposed to try it for the experience, but I'm sure that there would have to be training and testing to ensure the necessary level of competence. I don't know if it would be practical for me to get the necessary amount of training. More experienced hunters wouldn't need as much training as me, but regardless this gets into practical difficulties of how it would be organized for clients coming from overseas, with varying degrees of experience and self awareness of how experienced they are...

Anyway, it's probably never going to happen. Most likely there will be continued habitat damage from local overpopulation, and eventual crashes in elephant populations, because of emotional, uninformed urban voters in the western world and in Africa.
We have. Oryx in New Mexico.
as well as Barbary Sheep, Ibex, and even Tahr I believe! Drove through White Sands once and it was quite the sight to see (just Oryx).
We have the most stupid politicians of the world in Germany.
Green socialists, arrogant, not educated at all, they ruin our economy and social welfare systems...

I am really happy that African politicians blame this idiots in harsh words so everybody in the world realizes what´s going on here.
I fully stand with Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, they did a great job to secure their wildlife - not stupid woke marxists...

As we find ways to bring our own guns to Zimbabwe we will find ways to import hunting trophies to Europe.
Interesting idea. I was thinking of the larger scale culling operations like they used to do in Rhodesia, then Zimbabwe. Based on my casual reading on the topic (in Capstick, and I think there's a cull described in a Wilbur Smith novel that I read in the late 80s...) it sounds like elephant culls take some training and planning to execute properly. E.g., the goal is to isolate a family group or small herd and kill every animal, to avoid panic spreading to other elephants. If I understand correctly, the methods require a high degree of competence in the marksmen and sometimes the tactics involve partially encircling the animals, so you have to be very careful where to shoot, to avoid hitting one of your colleagues. I get the impression that people who have done it found it unpleasant, because it is necessarily bulk scale killing and includes the calves as well. I wouldn't be opposed to try it for the experience, but I'm sure that there would have to be training and testing to ensure the necessary level of competence. I don't know if it would be practical for me to get the necessary amount of training. More experienced hunters wouldn't need as much training as me, but regardless this gets into practical difficulties of how it would be organized for clients coming from overseas, with varying degrees of experience and self awareness of how experienced they are...

Anyway, it's probably never going to happen. Most likely there will be continued habitat damage from local overpopulation, and eventual crashes in elephant populations, because of emotional, uninformed urban voters in the western world and in Africa.
Culling operations are still going on in Africa.
They are not advertised or publicized because of obvious reasons.

Anything is possible in Germany, anyone can come
@ Luederitz: that's exactly how it is in "Good old Germany" of
today! But be careful to underestimate the 'Crats in Brussels - they can
do a lot of harm to trophy importation. So we have to oppose these plans
from the beginning- to start with of course not vote for these green morons
at the European parliament elections.
While they're at it, maybe maybe the CBL mob should donate the 8,000 to 12,000 lions that'll no longer have a commercial value. Call it a "re-wilding" project
Benevolently Germany went in project of rewilding.
And now they dont like it.

According to the article, Botswana has 130 000 surplus elephant. Even if you culled 10 000 a year it would take 13 years, not including births over that 13 years.

The price of elephant trophy hunting would crash over the whole continent, They'd be cheaper than impala. Specialist outfitters in Botswana would go bust.

10 000 elephant carcasses per year would be a shed load to dispose of.

The only way to do it without crippling the industry would be to have it done by government appointed employees / outfitters and not for profit. I'd love to have a crack at a jumbo but doing it as a herd cull would suck beyond belief. Taking out everything right down to an unweaned baby would be soul destroying day after day.

This is what the bunny huggers don't understand, NOBODY wants that job and if nobody does it the problem only ever increases until there is nothing but desert left.

Maybe a solution might be to ban all non hunting visitors from those countries or place a levy on their stay. Only problem is that this is Africa and the extra income would be funnelled into back pockets and the countries themselves would never ban anyone as it would be a loss of tourism dollars / pounds / euros.

Maybe we need to speak to the human traffickers. Get them to change from human cargo to elephant and lion. Send rafts and boats across and just release them on the beaches. See how much love they have for them then.
Cry from the hill top that they, Germany is racist and does not allow brown people to manage their own wildlife. Run stories in every form of media in this “Racist” countries. And U.S. states.

Racist, Racist, Racist. Hammer them with their own War Club
Btw.....we are called Racist at every event..... noting new for a German.
And prowed about!

HWL, please understand I did not call German citizens racist. I merely stated that Botswana should use the leftists tactics. Everyone is a racist in their view.
Wouldn’t it be funny if Botswana could load a couple of dozen onto an old small freighter and actually show up at a German port and jut off load them.

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1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
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@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
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