20,000 Elephants To Germany!

I wonder, has anyone done an estimate of how many elephants could be hunted if the same criteria used for managing other wildlife were used? I'm guessing that regulated hunting couldn't safely be done on a scale large enough to reduce the numbers as needed.
annual population growth of elephants is 5%.
Game management program would be probably more complicated then just to shoot that, but gives some idea of numbers.

Annual cites permits per country, are far less then that percentage, and will not address the problem of local elephant overpopulation properly.

For example, as per Botswana elephant management program:
population of elephants in 2013 (last hunting pre ban year): 156 401
Cites quota 400.
Same year, 16 elephants were removed as PAC elephants.

(against annual population growth 5% of 2013 census 156.401: 7820?
Also removing old bulls post breading age, does not effect overall population.

So, from this perspective, sending 20.000 eles, to Germany seams like good idea - for start. and after that, 10.000 annually, till reaching sustainable population numbers

:A Banana:
HWL, please understand I did not call German citizens racist. I merely stated that Botswana should use the leftists tactics. Everyone is a racist in their view.
Nothing wrong with your post....btw, I am waiting desirous for the 20000 elephants! I do have a .470 Capstick, a .450 Nitro Express, 3!!! .458 Win-Mag, a .404 Rimless and a .450/400 3".

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FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
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