Search results

  1. 93marlin

    Nitro for Black: which available powders?

    What @rookhawk said!! The man knows his stuff!!
  2. 93marlin

    Want To Buy 9.3x82 Reloading dies

    I once had an over/under Nimrod combination gun, lower barrel was 9.3x82r Dies and brass were "fun" to try and obtain
  3. 93marlin

    DSC thread Deleted

    Pretty easy to read this and understand it... "reserve the rights to remove or modify any Content submitted for any reason without explanation. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We reserve the right to take action against any account with...
  4. 93marlin

    Lyman T-Mag Turret Reloading Press

    It IS a great deal!!(y) I have one of these and it gets most of my reloading duties.
  5. 93marlin

    What Brass Are You Hunting For?

    11.2x60R also known as 43 Mauser
  6. 93marlin

    Dave Fulson is joining

    Welcome to the family Dave. There's some really good people here!!
  7. 93marlin

    Am I the only one who has ever missed?

    I flat missed the biggest whitetail buck I had ever seen! Very old with broken times. I knew I missed instantly. I'm still running that scenario in my mind every time I see a whitetail...
  8. 93marlin

    Round Bullets in Whitworth-polygonal bore

    @TheDoubleD where 'bouts in Manitoba are you heading? I've been up there a few times for bear
  9. 93marlin

    Bruno model 21

    @SGTT , with your rifle being a Stutzen, it may be worth a bit more than standard rifle. I'm seeing decent rifles now going for $1200-$1700. The 8mm for some reason isn't as desirable as other calibers, so yours likely will be at the lower end. Put GOOD pad, Silvers etc, on it, get the set...
  10. 93marlin

    Bruno model 21

    I do believe that you do have a Brno 21 Stutzen. Fantastic rifles! Is there anything on the forward ring? I've have several Brno 21's both rifles and a beautiful little carbine. All of them has the CZ logo over the chamber. The 8x57s is one of the world's great rifle calibers, especially when...
  11. 93marlin

    Cartridges you just hate

    I just can't like the 6.5 creedmore. It an answer to an unasked question. DISCLAIMER: Just my personal opinion. I could be wrong. Or not.
  12. 93marlin

    HR/NEF Handi Rifle 22 K-Hornet

    Last year I picked up a Handi Rifle in 223. Decently accurate and a heck of a lot of fun just plinking!
  13. 93marlin


    Welcome to the AH family!!
  14. 93marlin


    Welcome to the family!!
  15. 93marlin

    Kick ease pad

    I have a few slip-on limbsaver pads around here. For me, I'm 6'3" with chimpanzee arms, the pads are to extend the length of pull...... mostly. Having a an LOP that works for you will have effect of mitigating the recoil. The softness of the pads really help when shooting off of the bench and...
  16. 93marlin

    375 H&H with 300 grain Nosler partition for Black Bear

    For the past 15 yrs I have been hunting black bear, not counting Covid yrs. I've taken 12 bear. The most powerful cartridge I used was a 300 Short magnum. Then my Sauer double rifle in 11mm Mauser. The last cartridge I used last year was a 450 Bushmaster. All of them took decent sized bear...
  17. 93marlin

    Just picked this one up

    I recently bought a "vintage" K-frame. It's model 12-2 with a 2 inch barrel. After not having a K-frame for many years, the model 12 felt like it was made for my hand...
  18. 93marlin

    New member

    Welcome to the forum! I wish that I could help with the 300 Dakota. All I can say is "good luck"
  19. 93marlin

    Holland and Holland .375 2 1/2

    @degoins your H&H is beautiful. And in a very useful caliber!
  20. 93marlin

    G.E. Lewis 450

    @Finn fan From your description, I'm guessing it's a 450 bpe. Those will marked 450 EX. Hopefully you can get look at the flats.
  21. 93marlin

    An unusual 24ga W. Collath Double Rifle

    @buckstix that little double is my dream gun. Stunning is the only word that came to my mind....
  22. 93marlin


    Welcome to the forum! The only way to your addiction is to feed it with many more hunts!!
  23. 93marlin

    New Federal 7mm Backcountry “Ammunition Reinvented”

    I'll stick with my 7x61 S&H
  24. 93marlin

    New Federal 7mm Backcountry “Ammunition Reinvented”

    Sounds like ANOTHER Loudenboomer that will be the 2nd coming!! All game should immediately fall over dead just from fear...
  25. 93marlin

    Combination gun won’t open

    I have had the same problem with a combination gun. It was a case of the primer had flowed back around firing pin in the frame. It was a pressure issue with the rifle cartridge
  26. 93marlin

    Dreyse 11mm Double Rifle - what did I buy? centerfire or needle gun?

    @buckstix I knew you had to be a good guy!! Now I know the absolute reason! The 11mm Mauser double rifle is also a favorite of mine! My own is a JP Sauer circa 1896 I believe.
  27. 93marlin

    Best Advice To Sellers!

    I might add, New member's items will be looked at. And scrutinized thoughly. The above suggestions are most helpful!!
  28. 93marlin

    J.W. Tolley shotgun turns out to be a Double Rifle

    SWEET!! If it all checks out, shoot it and enjoy it. I love my T&L Pryce 500bpe double
  29. 93marlin

    Gibbs 360 No. 2 NE

    I actually started to drool over those photos!! I'm a sucker for smaller bore doubles. Beautiful rifle ya got there!
  30. 93marlin

    Affordable Smallbore Westley Richards Take-Down Rifle

    And another Happy buyer of @rookhawk items. Quality stuff!
  31. 93marlin

    How many double rifles do you own?

    I do have two double rifles, both are pre-1900 hammer guns. The MOST that into them is $3000 for my T&L Pryce 500bpe. The other, a JP Sauer 11.2x60r, I did some trading and after all said and done, I think I have $1200 into it with the trade values figured into that.... I like getting really...
  32. 93marlin

    Newby here

    Welcome to the AH family. There are some really good people.
  33. 93marlin

    A Tribute To One Of Our Own, Golam Habib Dulal

    @Hunter-Habib You sir, are an honorable man. As I become more advanced in my maturity level, it seems obvious, to me, that honor among humanity is lacking.
  34. 93marlin

    What’s this on the barrel for?

    It would be enough for me to make hard pass on it!
  35. 93marlin

    Winchester Model 1905 in .35 Cal

    It's a 35 self loader caliber. Not a 35 Remington. The Remington was more powerful, not really sayin' much, than the 35 Self Loader. They were neat Blowback action action. Many had developed a crack in the fore arm due to the weight necessary for the blowback to work properly with the rifle.
  36. 93marlin

    Im a new member and here's a little bit about me

    Welcome to the forum!
  37. 93marlin

    Back Up For Sale Is A Ruger No.1S-C 45-70

    Umm, I believe that the rifle was marked SOLD. Look above at #12 comment Aug 24
  38. 93marlin

    Obsolete cartridges

    Well, it wasn't in Cartridges of the World. Ken Waters "Pet Loads" is where I read about the 318 bullet in the 8x57. All that was said make sure of the diameter of your rifle. Start with some reasonable loads well below the maximum listed. The 8x57 is a great cartridge! Enjoy your sporter...
  39. 93marlin

    Obsolete cartridges

    If I remember correctly, there's an issue of Cartridges of the World has separate loadings for the 318 bullet. I'll check and see if I can find my copy. I currently have three 8x57 sporters. All with the S bore. Awesome caliber!
  40. 93marlin

    My new English SxS acquisition

    @rookhawk it's because you sir, are one of many people on this forum that are a fine example of a "good person"
  41. 93marlin

    My new English SxS acquisition

    I bought the perfect shooters cap for that beautiful double. I bought it from @rookhawk
  42. 93marlin

    500 Nitro Express loads

    Welcome to AH Dr Narendra Yadav There is great number of good people here that can help!
  43. 93marlin

    Why Long LOP on Euro Rifles?

    My Sauer double rifle has a 14 3/4 LOP. It fits me like a bespoke shotgun. All of American rifles need at a 1 inch thick slip-on pad to feel "normal" to me. I'm tall, 6'3", with long ape-like arms
  44. 93marlin

    Do German's just do it best?

    My two favorite rifles are German. From the Imperial Germany era. The oldest is an 1879 produced single shot bolt built on an 1871 action. The second is the rifle in my avatar. 1896 produced JP Sauer double rifle. I have an English double rifle 1870's 500 BPE. The German guns are favorites.
  45. 93marlin

    The New "Old" Ford Bronco

    I have a '22 Silverado with a diesel! And plan on buying another when it's time for my current one to go, hopefully a few more years down the road...
  46. 93marlin

    New guy

  47. 93marlin

    Greetings from France

    Welcome to the best and friendliest forum around!!