Search results

  1. Shade Asbhire

    450/400 Nitro 3-inch Sabatti Double Rifle Plus Dies, Bullets For Sale

    Hey Cajun check your messages when you have time please. Interested in the gun. Thanks.
  2. Shade Asbhire

    WIN a FREE Hunt from NKWE SAFARIS in Botswana Valued at US$5,500 for 1 Hunter/1 Observer for 2022/2023 in a Random Drawing Giveaway

    I never met him but have seen a lot of his posts. Enjoyed his recaps of the hunts. "In honor of Cal Pappas - NKWE SAFARIS"
  3. Shade Asbhire

    Wanted ISO Sabatti 30-06, 30r Blaser 8x57 Etc

    I am searching some of the smaller caliber doubles made by Sabatti. I know the risks of going with Sabatti as i already have some. I would be interested in other small caliber doubles as well though (Minus Baikal, Fun to shoot but i prefer accuracy as well). Love the SxS but not opposed to O/U...
  4. Shade Asbhire

    For Sale Sabatti 470 NE

    NTO. Please message me when you get a chance. I’m ready to buy it now.
  5. Shade Asbhire

    This Can't Be Real Right? 470 NE Merkel

    Yea they are popping up like crazy on GB. Buddy offered a buy it now price on a double the other day. Guy accepted then wanted payment through apps, any app that wasn't protected. Found same gun on GI and called the guy there. Said it was def a scam since he had the gun in Texas and the listing...
  6. Shade Asbhire

    Alabama/Mississippi Trophy Deer Lease W/ Lodging

    I am interested in the property and would like to know more details, Location? Quota? Management restrictions etc. Please send me details.
  7. Buffalo Hunt South Africa

    Buffalo Hunt South Africa

  8. Buffalo Hunt South Africa

    Buffalo Hunt South Africa

  9. Buffalo Hunt South Africa

    Buffalo Hunt South Africa

  10. Buffalo Hunt South Africa

    Buffalo Hunt South Africa

  11. Zebra Hunt South Africa

    Zebra Hunt South Africa

  12. Buffalo Hunting South Africa

    Buffalo Hunting South Africa

  13. Buffalo Hunting South Africa

    Buffalo Hunting South Africa

  14. Buffalo Hunting South Africa

    Buffalo Hunting South Africa

  15. Shade Asbhire

    SOUTH AFRICA: 2021 South Africa Recap With Double Shot Outfitters

    Just a few pictures to go with the story.
  16. Shade Asbhire

    SOUTH AFRICA: 2021 South Africa Recap With Double Shot Outfitters

    We follow the tracks for a bit but realize the wind Is at our backs and It will be hard to get on one. We stop to talk and before we could say anything a bull burst out of the brush 30yds from us. We can hear him running for a long way. It Is amazing with their size how well they can hide...
  17. Shade Asbhire

    SOUTH AFRICA: 2021 South Africa Recap With Double Shot Outfitters

    We set him up the pictures and being my first Water buck I admire his body size. I have been around them before but cannot get over his body size. Huge!! He has nice horns, right at 27” but he Is an old bull with huge bases and unique whiteness to his horns. The workers show up and It takes 7 of...
  18. Shade Asbhire

    SOUTH AFRICA: 2021 South Africa Recap With Double Shot Outfitters

    My first trip will always be burned into my memory for ever. Something I will not forget. Hopefully even when I am much older and going senile It Is my stories of Africa that I repeat and Indulge people with repeating the same stories! The next few years though I have managed to make It back 6...
  19. Shade Asbhire

    SOUTH AFRICA: 2021 South Africa Recap With Double Shot Outfitters

    Date: June 2021 Area: South Africa-Limpopo Providence Outfitter: Double Shot Outfitter After reading so many reports here for so many years I figured It was my turn to finally share something. I am not as great of a storyteller as some of the guys here (Love when you feel like you are...
  20. Shade Asbhire

    WANTED: South Africa Cull Hunt September 2021

    Thanks for the input Phillip, i left it vague with good reason. I wanted a broad range of options and i received exactly what i was hoping for. I have chosen someone and already started the planning. Thanks for the response though.
  21. Shade Asbhire

    WANTED: South Africa Cull Hunt September 2021

    Thanks to everyone that has responded but I have found what I am looking for! Will be headed back to SA in September. Happy hunting!!!
  22. Shade Asbhire

    What’s your guys opinion on a 375 flanged double rifle by Sabatti?

    Luke, your going to get a lot of Flak for a Sabatti post. That being said a friend and I have one in 450-400 and after 200+ rds through it and 3 capes as well as plains game out to 100yds to their credit we have not had any issues. My only suggestion would be to ensure its not one of the first...
  23. Shade Asbhire

    Lioness Hunt South Africa US$3,000 Kalahari 2021

    Thank you for the heads up. No worries though he can respond when he is able to. I am a patient man lol.
  24. Shade Asbhire

    Lioness Hunt South Africa US$3,000 Kalahari 2021

    Hi Hans, sorry for the late reply but I emailed you once again.
  25. Shade Asbhire

    WANTED: South Africa Cull Hunt September 2021

    I am thinking of taking another trip to SA this September and looking at options for a cull hunt package. Typical 5 to 7 day package including all the normal lodging etc. Prefer a relaxed hunt vers a trophy hunt that is hard core and non stop. It would be and one guest. Please feel free to...
  26. Shade Asbhire

    Lioness Hunt South Africa US$3,000 Kalahari 2021

    I Pmed you. Very Interested!
  27. Shade Asbhire

    Wanted ISO Barnes Solids For 450/400

    Looking for some Barnes solids to reload in my 450/400 casings for a Cape next month. I know Hornaday makes some decent ammo but I am a true Barnes fan through and through. Would love to find some to load if anyone has anyone. Ill pay the price and shipping. I have been to Africa a few times...
  28. Shade Asbhire

    Looking For A Sabatti Baikal Spartn 45-70 Double Rifle

    Thanks Kent. Would you mind PMing me the pawn shop name?
  29. Shade Asbhire

    Looking For A Sabatti Baikal Spartn 45-70 Double Rifle

    Every possible site I can find online that sells that I have looked at. Even the private classifieds. Just haven’t come across one yet. Always a day late. Story of my life haha.
  30. Shade Asbhire

    Looking For A Sabatti Baikal Spartn 45-70 Double Rifle

    I am searching for a 45-70 Double rifle. Prefer SxS. Looking online they seem to fly off the market as soon as they hit it. Does not have to be one of the brands listed. Interested in any decent deals. I have other doubles but I am a huge 45-70 fan. Gun would mostly be used to very close range...
  31. Shade Asbhire

    4 Doubles For Sale

    Are these still available? I am very interested.
  32. Shade Asbhire

    Shipping from US (Texas) TO South Africa?

    Thanks for all the reply's. Its not so much the shipping that i am having issues with. its obtaining the CITES permits for the shipping. I have contacted a few shipping companies and i'm waiting for responses.
  33. Shade Asbhire

    Shipping from US (Texas) TO South Africa?

    It seems most all Taxidermist have experience with shipping FROM Africa to the States. I am how ever looking for a Taxidermist preferably located in Texas (South if possible) to ship some capes and antlers from Texas TO SA. I had a friend hunt with me recently from SA that harvested 2 Axis, 2...
  34. Shade Asbhire

    Limpopo bird hunting

    I have been reading this forum for a few years but haven't posted much. I do want to thank everyone for so much valuable information though. I am going on my third trip to SA next month. Early June. I will actually be hunting two different places. One I have been to before one I have not. One is...
  35. Shade Asbhire

    Free Hunt for One Hunter & One Observer from Arc Africa Hunting Safaris for 2015

    We droopped these guys off to stalk up the hill side and we where going to go around incase they got past the hunters. Before we could get to far they decided to come back across and cut between us. If you will notice the hunter picked the gun up before getting us in the line of fire.
  36. Shade Asbhire

    WANTED: Nilgai Hunt

    Don't know if you found anyone yet but if not check these guys out,,,,, Adam and Cody will take care of you and they have been outing records book animals down a lot lately!