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  1. D

    Eating cats

    We ate the loins from the first leopard I shot, and they were very good. We BBQ'ed them just like you would any steak. They were white meat like pork, and tasted very similar to pork, I thought. It was good enough that I had 2nds. I haven't eaten lion, but the hyenas sure seemed to enjoy it...
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    Any experiences with Global Rescue and do you all think satellite phones are a worthwhile thing to r

    Global Rescue is very highly regarded by most who belong. I will be using them the next time I hunt in Africa, without hesitation. Certainly for dangerous game hunting, but I know a fellow who was hunting in Mozambique who used GR to evacuate him to Johannesburg, as he had an eye problem...
  3. D

    Where would you go ?

    In Zimbabwe, the Matetsi and Deka Safari Areas, both have that kind of bull. Also, the Bubye Valley Conservancy and Malapati Safari Areas. In South Africa, either Johan Herman Safaris or Ernest Dyason of Spear Safaris. Both kill some really nice buffalo. In Zambia, Andrew Baldry of Royal...
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    A great Eland

    What an incredible eland! Congrats to the very fortunate hunter.
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    Judging Cape Buffalo

    Here are a couple of nice bulls from Kruger. I took these photos east of Satara. How do you guys like these two? I'm not sure why those didn't show on here. If you simply click on the links above, you'll see the pictures of these two fine bulls.
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    What was your first hunt like?

    My dad started carrying me on his back out across a pond to go duck hunting when I was 5 years old. By the time I was 9, I'd shot my first duck, a drake greenwing teal, using an old single shot .410. That started a lifelong passion for hunting that has never abated and since then I've been...
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    Advice needed on first African Safari

    I've sent you a PM and hope to be of additional assistance. Namibia has some fantastic options for what you're seeking. However, South Africa does as well and a sleeper for what you're seeking may be a couple operators who have large private holdings in Botswana. No matter where you go, the...
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    I thought I'd add that he took these pictures in the Letaba Elephant Museum, in Kruger National Park. The museum is located inside Letaba Camp, and is very well worth visiting if you're ever there.
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    "Low Fence" Elephant Hunting

    That is the 'buffalo fence' that keeps buffalo and much other wild game to the north side of the fence, and keeps them out of cattle grazing areas. Given that for perspective, it's interesting to see how easily an elephant steps over the fence. Years ago, I hunted in Deka SA in Zimbabwe...
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    Monster Ele in Zim with TheSafariConnection & Jimba Safaris

    Nice bull, congratulations.
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    On your first African hunting safari how many animals did you take?

    On my first safari, in Zimbabwe, I took 16 trophy animals and 5 or 6 bait animals. Highlights were a 58 lb elephant, a big tom leopard, 2 buffalo that were both over 41", a 45" sable, 54" kudu and 31" waterbuck. That hunt was 24 of the very best days of my life, and still stands as the finest...
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    I shot my big Buffalo with my bow...

    What a fantastic buffalo bull! Congratulations on a great adventure. Can you post any pictures of the elephant?
  13. D

    Biggest Lion in Africa

    I have to agree with Kelly. This isn't hunting, it is nothing more than trophy shopping. Like with high fenced elk, I have no regard for someone who resorts to this sort of thing to obtain a specimen. It IS NOT hunting! Now, I say this as someone who spent 37 days over two safaris, 15 days...
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    First Time to South Africa

    You're going to love it! I took my family, wife and two children, to Limpopo Province last May/June, and we had the trip of a lifetime. Where will you be going on this trip? What will you be hunting? How long will you be there? I'm sure we can all give you some ideas on great things to do...
  15. D

    What do you get for under $400p/d?

    I've said for years that hunting in Africa is the least and most expensive hunting one can do, and all at the same time. It is the least expensive in terms of daily rate and per animal in many cases, and the most expensive if you go to a premium desitination with high daily rates and expanded...
  16. D

    How did you get interested in Safari hunting?

    Dugaboy1, that's an outstanding story! My own interest in Africa was somewhat similar, as my grandfather would take me down to 'Simms Hardware' in Sacramento a few times a year, and they had a large number of African animals on the walls. Simms was mainly a gun store, even though they sold...
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    Only Option or Elephantine Overkill?

    Very good essay. He gave this more research and thought than so many who write about this subject. I wish more people would read this article.
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    Taking the wife along...

    My wife has accompanyed me on three of my four safaris. The first time, a 24day hunt in the Deka Safari Area, she went out with us quite a few days and generally had a blast. She got chased up a tree by a buffalo bull, had the wits scared out of her when a Black Rhino chased our truck down the...
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    Wrong Animal!! Now what?

    Don't feel too bad. I have a friend who had this happen with a BONGO. He has one mounted that is much smaller than the one in his photos. He explained that when it came home from the taxidermist, it was the wrong animal and nobody knew anything about how it got switched or was of any help...
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    Avoid Trophy Seizure - US Fish & Wildlife Services Starts Zero Tolerance Policy

    What I am failing to comprehend is why ANYONE would put up with this bullshit. USFWS is a government agency. That means they work on behalf of the people, not the other way around. If the animal was legally taken, with proper paperwork, then there should be no question at all as to its...
  21. D

    6.5mm for plains game hunting?

    I shoot a .264 win mag quite a bit for my western states hunting, and it is outstanding in game up to the size of elk. I imagine it'd be a great plains game caliber in Africa for everything other than perhaps Eland, but keep in mind that it wouldn't be legal in all countries. Zimbabwe has a...
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    Just cleared my own trophies... easy!

    I just wanted to post for those who are interested in clearing their own trophies, as I just got home from collecting my animals from our June trip to South Africa. I had 2 crates, including a warthog (which has to be signed off by USDA). I was amazed at how easy it was to clear my own stuff...
  23. D

    Scope or no Scope for Elephant hunting

    I"ve only taken two elephants, both with open sights. In both cases, I would not have been able to pull the shot off as easily if I'd been shooting a scoped rifle. One bull was stopped at about 10 yards as he was coming for us, and the 2nd bull was taken at about 25 yards, but was spinning to...
  24. D

    Update to wife's opinion on zebra

    Here's a photo to give you a taste of what you're about to enjoy. There's nothing better than having your entire family along with you. I wish I'd started taking my kids sooner.
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    High fenced property - how big is big enough?

    I've been following this thread with interest, but hadn't decided to post until now. I think there has been an excellent exchange of viewpoints and ideas so far. When I went on my first safari, in 1983, I hunted the Deka concession in Zimbabwe for 24 days. That was pretty wild Africa...
  26. D

    Nyala or Kudu - Which is your favourite?

    I have to agree with Bill about sable, they are a special animal. I was fortunate to take a fabulous 45" bull in 1983 and have not hunted them on my subsequent safaris. I still regret not having one on license in 1989 in Botswana. Most of the sable I'd heard of being taken in Botswana were...
  27. D

    Nyala or Kudu - Which is your favourite?

    I've taken a couple greater kudu and one nyala. For me, I'd have to say that I prefer to hunt Kudu, but then I really love elk hunting here in the USA, and that probably has something to do with it since kudu might be the African equivalent of elk. I will say that in my limited experience with...
  28. D

    How will you measure the value of a hunt, in Inches or in memories?

    I go for the experience, hands down. I've never entered a single animal I've taken into any record book - SCI, Rowland Ward, Boone & Crockett or Pope & Young; though I've taken more than a few animals that would make these various books. What I've taken away from my hunts are the memories...
  29. D

    Hunting Nyala - What is a fair price?

    Are you buying a HUNT, or are you buying a trophy? There is a lot more to determining the best 'fit' in a hunt for you, Nyala or any other game, than simply the trophy fee charged by the safari operator.
  30. D

    African Elephants: How to Die?

    Excellent essay. This is a problem that needs attention very soon. The animal rights groups, or NGOs, that use the tourism argument seem to get away with their audiences not considering the effects on tourism of hundreds, or thousands, of dead elephants on the visitors. I can't imagine there...
  31. D

    New Gun Rules for South Africa?

    When we went through Tambo in May/June, we had no problems with our ammo in either direction. I put my ammunition in a locked hard case that I bought from Sportsman's Warehouse, it was an aluminum case that would be suitable for a camera, and it held 3 boxes of ammo with room to spare. I then...
  32. D

    Call of the Wild - Lion Roar

    That reminds me of the nights we enjoyed hunting with Spear Safaris in June. We had lions around our camp every night, and they did quite a lot of roaring. For me, that was a lighlight of our trip. The first time I ever heard lions roaring at night, we were hunting in the Chararra...
  33. D

    1st timers animal choice!

    My first trip was not typical compared to what most do. My first african hunt was in Zimbabwe for 24 days. I took elephant, leopard, 2 buffalo, kudu, sable, waterbuck, zebra, a phenomenal klipspringer, warthog, impala, duiker, grysbok, and several other animals that don't come to mind at the...
  34. D

    How far out do you book your safaris?

    FFemt, I sent you a PM, check it out and email me if I can answer any additional questions.
  35. D

    What is wrong with you people?

    When I went on my first African hunt in Zimbabwe back in 1983, Rosslyn Safaris (and most all of ther other Matetsi operators) offered 5 day Sable hunts. They were a common, though special, game animal then (I don't know about current populations in Matetsi) and it was a nice thing to be able to...
  36. D

    Bullets Choices for 375 H&H Multi-Species Hunt

    I have to agree with Ray, there are many excellent bullet choices available today, and most will do a great job. I've taken african game with Hornady, Woodleigh, Trophy Bonded, Nosler, A Square, Barnes and never had a problem with any of them performing just fine. Most of us who worry about...
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    The Often Discussed Question of Back Up Shots

    I think the way you do this is to communicate with your PH when booking the hunt. If you're hunting dangerous game, be fully prepared for your PH to shoot at his discretion, not to fit your desire to kill your own animal. Their responsibility is to ensure everyone gets home safe, and in one...
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    Hunting Accommodation - Luxury or Basic?

    FFemt, Since you commented on 'primitive luxury,' I thought I'd post a few more photos of our camp. It truly was just what you describe. Indoor bathroom with nice hot shower, but step through to the sleeping area,and it was a large tent, albeit with a very comfortable, dare I say plush, bed...
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    Judging Bushbuck

    Here's a very nice bushbuck shot by Ernest Dyason of Spear Safaris earlier this year.
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    Your opinion on Best Caliber for plainsgame in Africa?

    With the exception of Eland, a .30-06 is plenty of gun for any other plains game you can hunt in Southern or East Africa. Can other guns do a better job, probably for some of the bigger stuff, but the '06 is plenty, and would work adequately for Eland too. Now, if I could only take 1 rifle...
  41. D

    First Blood - Who pays the trophy?

    On the other hand, Ray, it doesn't always work so well. I was once on a Coues Deer hunt in Sonora, and ran into one of these situations that was a bit awkward. One of the other hunters was an SCI collector type (had to have 1 of everything life size mounted in his room, but didn't hunt many...
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    Judging Cape Buffalo

    Here are a couple more buffalo to judge. Ernest Dyason of Spear Safaris has previously asked me to post these on another African hunting website, so I know he's fine with me posting them on here. What do you all think of these two buffalo they took earlier this season.
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    First Blood - Who pays the trophy?

    I'm a bit surprised to see this thread on here, as the same one is running on another forum, also started by Bushwack. It is very simple, if you draw blood, you're going to pay for the animal. If your PH, in his judgement alone, decides a back up shot is warranted, you should have nothing...
  44. D

    Hunting Accommodation - Luxury or Basic?

    Nearly every night I've hunted in Africa, 68 days in all, have been spent sleeping under canvas. The tents we've used have ranged from fairly basic to downright luxurious, but they've all been very comfortable. Here are a couple photos of my tent accomodations in South Africa on this year's...
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    Bullets Choices for 375 H&H Multi-Species Hunt

    You've gotten some great advice on bullets from these guys, but don't think for a minute that 300 grain Nosler Partitions won't work for buffalo. They're fine to shoot buffalo with, about like a Swift A frame, and while different than a TBB Bear Claw, just as good. I get the impression that...
  46. Cape Buffalo in South Africa

    Cape Buffalo in South Africa

  47. Cape Buffalo in South Africa

    Cape Buffalo in South Africa

  48. Cape Buffalo in South Africa

    Cape Buffalo in South Africa

  49. Cape Buffalo in South Africa

    Cape Buffalo in South Africa

  50. D

    Buffalo or Sable???

    If you can swing it, I'd do both. I did just that on my first safari, which was in the Deka Safari area in Zim. Took 2 buffalo and a fantastic sable. While I may never shoot another sable, I'm very glad to have one, and I've shot 4 more buffalo, and expect I'll shoot more of them than any...