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  1. H

    O'Conner vs Keith (Small & Fast vs Big & Slow) - Which is Best?

    @Tam Dl - I’ve read the same —— NOTHING “bucks brush”, Not a .375 H&H, .45-70, not even a 12 ga slug — ALL will be deflected. The very light fast rounds (50 gr .22-250 etc…) may fragment upon contact with a twigs but No surprise there. Agree with you “Avoid shooting thru brush”
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    Proper Gin and Tonic

    @CBH Australia - You sir know your GIN !! Way over my head
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    Proper Gin and Tonic

    @Lone Star Bluegrass - for me the key ingredient is GIN and a generous pour - 3oz or better, over “large” Ice cubes and no more then 3 oz Tonic with a squeezed wedge of lime or lemon. My preferred Gin: Bombay Sapphire or 2nd best Tanguray — as long as the Gin is over 90 proof (I’m sure there...
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    O'Conner vs Keith (Small & Fast vs Big & Slow) - Which is Best?

    @JG26Irish_2 - I know Jack O’Connor promoted the .270 and was partly responsible for it gaining popularity but I don’t recall him ever using the term “hydrostatic shock”? Maybe he did, his position was that the .270 combined relatively light recoil, flat shooting, and good performance from...
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    30-06 Rifle for Plains Game - How Big?

    @ftrovato — funny, you’ve got a sense of Humor !! And Your opinion is as welcome and valid as many others (at least you’re not pushing the 6.5 Creedmore !)
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    30-06 Rifle for Plains Game - How Big?

    @ftrovato - well gotta like Elmer Keith, he was an icon and had to compete for attention and respect against Jack O’Connor. I believe some of his opinions were “forced” to contradict O’Connor - just so he could establish his own identity, but he knew his stuff and while a bit more of a “Blow...
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    30-06 Rifle for Plains Game - How Big?

    @ftrovato - I think you are in a minority here as the .30-06 has a solid and proven History on African Plains game and also Leopard. Every Hunter should shoot what they are comfortable with, confident in, and can shoot accurately and I’m sure you are an experienced Hunter that has taken game...
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    30-06 Rifle for Plains Game - How Big?

    @steve71 good to “confirm” what should be very obvious —— a .30-06 should be fine for any animal under 1000 lbs anywhere on Earth….with a well placed shot & well constructed bullet —— Not talking about “Stopping a Charge” but under ‘Normal hunting conditions’. If you really “need” more then a...
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    Would you use single shot for Dangerous Game?

    @matt85 - Agree Matt and I had specific conversations with my PH/Buff hunt and Guide in Alaska/Griz hunt on how he would handle things if my animal required a 2nd shot. Both said “unless your animal is posing a danger or is about to ‘get away, thick cover etc..” they would not shoot Unless...
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    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    @Flewis - well. I worked with our PR and advertising dept on a few occasions and also coordinated our response to occasional Protests but PETA and other “kook groups” and had to deal with their “supposed Documentaries” —- both sides participate in Pure Fiction to get their point of view across…...
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    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    @Ontario Hunter - remember there has NEVER been an honest & objective “documentary” made —- the Conclusion was determined before the camera was even turned on. Many situations are heavily staged, some animals shot or tortured by the makers of the “Documentary” and Not real hunters…..PETA, HSUS...
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    New calibre hitting the market

    @BeeMaa: good point and can anyone recall ever reading a really “negative Gun review” in a major Outdoor or Gun magazine? If the reader must “interpret” a lack of gushing praise = Negative review….then the writer is Not giving a real honest & objective review of the gun. Writers certainly...
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    These animals deserve their own rifle

    @wildwilderness - I don’t know how many Mountain Lions you’ve shot or shot out of a Tree? They aren’t “tough” compared to a Leopard (from what I’ve read and been told - I have Zero Leopard experiance) but a .357 mag handgun has less power then a .223 rifle, so you would be on the Very Light...
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    Has anyone else been injured while hunting away from home?

    @KEC - well at least you know now “why” neither of those Paramedics ever became Doctors. I guess without an X-ray or MRI an exact diagnosis is difficult…plus you weren’t in constant pain and you did have someone with First Aide training look you over. You’re certainly NOT a complainer !!
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    GREENLAND: Greenland Muskox With Trophy Hunting Greenland

    @Wade J VanGinkel - $4200 is an UNbeliveably GOOD price….in 1999 I paid $4900 for Quebec Caribou Hunt - 2 caribou, good accommodations and average food. You got a lot of “Wild experience” for your money$$
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    Has anyone else been injured while hunting away from home?

    @KEC - I’m not sure how “tough you are” but after breaking your leg - did you really wait 4 days in Camp before traveling to get Medical help? If so, you are fortunate not to have shot-a-clot and died or gotten gangrene and lost a leg…..WHY did you wait? You must’ve known it was a bad break...
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    GREENLAND: Greenland Muskox With Trophy Hunting Greenland

    @Wade J VanGinkel - nice recap of your hunt and good photo’s - enjoyed it. Your “tip” to arrive a few days early is good advice and I would think most Hunters would know to do that - apparently not. I’ve also thought about a Greenland Musk Ox hunt and debated a Fall or Spring Hunt? I believe...
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    @franzfmdavis - TAXI DRIVER voice over by Robert DiNero
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    @Tubby’s Canteen - there was some very good horseback ridding done in “Snowy River” something rarely seen (actually Never seen) anymore, thats what I recall liking about that movie. It was also Not one of Kirk Douglas’ better movies, his “duel character” roles seemed “corny”. As for “Kingdom of...
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    @Tubby’s Canteen - well “Button” is a big hint - “Open Range” - one of the best Westerns made in the last 40 years…- and Robert Duval said it to “Button”.
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    @Tubby’s Canteen - very fair question and great movie, have only watched it 2-3 times and never in the theaters and not in at least 15 years or more.
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    @Tubby’s Canteen - nope, You’ve still got me and any Di Nero movie is certainly a “fair question”… so here are my guesses: Midnight Run?
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    @Tubby’s Canteen - OK now I’m gonna call “foul” as neither of those are “Classic” movies…. Wasn’t Snowy River a made-for-TV movie late in Kirk Douglas’s career? And I never even heard of “Kingdom of Heaven”?? (Will need to google that “bomb” but was it made in Italy or japan?)
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    @Tubby’s Canteen - too easy for your skills
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    @CZDiesel Nope - a much better movie: “On The Waterfront” said by Marlon Brando
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    @Tubby’s Canteen — wow, I am stuck here too UNLESS “Stanley” is from a 1930s Laurel & Hardy movie? And even then I have No idea which one??
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    @Speedster - movie “The Sons of Katie Elder” the scene was with Dean Martin faking a scam to sell of his “glass eye”
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    @Fatback - I’m a big John Wayne fan and enjoyed many of his movies in the theaters, ANY movie with John Wayne is better then most movies made today…BUT “Big Jake” was one of his Worst (and I saw it in a Theater)…still enjoyed it !! I thought Richard Boone was great in that movie, Maureen O’Hara...
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    @Field28 - movie Blazing Saddles and said by Slim Pickens
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    @Tubby’s Canteen - that was way TOO EASY for You….serve Me up a softball Q like that !!
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    @Tubby’s Canteen: I give up??
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    @Tubby’s Canteen my Guess: movie Lawerence of Arabia and said by Omar Sharife to Peter O’Tool??
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    Movie TRUE GRIT 1969 and “yelled” by John Wayne to Robert Duval
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    Guessing here but movie was “Jeramia Johnson” and said by Robert Redford to Will Greer ??
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    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    Said by Paul Newman in 1969 movie “Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid”
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    Just got engaged (again) now a question

    @Wyatt Smith - most Farmers I’ve met are already Missing a Finger or 2…those guys are tough & capable - can fix anything, build anything —- real Do-it-Yourself guys !!
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    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    @Doug Hamilton - same here Doug, my last update from SCI was years ago and consisted of only a couple back & forth emails with one individual…so I’m Not sure either. SCI is very careful to accept more forms of hunting then B&C or P&Y - they do not have the same standards and SCI considers the...
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    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    @Rare Breed - better buy me “at least ONE” also….everyone becomes more agreeable after sitting down (or falling down) at a Bar !
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    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    @Rare Breed @375Fox ——. I enjoy many Posts from both of you past and recent…You’ve reached a DEAD END on this subject, maybe have a beer/scotch/bourbon (or 6 or 7) and accept this disagreement will Not be resolved. Best Regards
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    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    @Doug Hamilton - SCI has NO specific or measured “Size requirements” for Fenced in game animals but they do state the animals must have terrain that provides “escape cover etc..”….unless there has been a recent change — I called and later emailed a person at SCI about 10 years ago and asked “Why...
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    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    @Flbt - I recall those Quail raise in big pens being billed as “Flight conditioned” birds and they did fly slightly better but still required DRY conditions. These Flight Conditioned birds were more like “athletes” compared to the regular pen raised “couch potato’s”
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    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    @Flbt - you’re right some quail live for days or weeks depending on weather, predation from hawks & fox — but rain is a killer and especially a cold rain. Also, even a heavy dew will wet their feathers, hunting pen quail in wet grasses usually results in a very poor “flight” and after one flush...
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    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    @Doubleplay - it is an interesting stance for SCI and they are very clear on their position against CBL. It seems to contradict their position on other types of put & take and High Fence hunting where they condone it and even give awards, medals, and keep record books for it….calling it...
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    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    @375Fox - I think you know Hunting and logic but you are unfamiliar with “Anti hunting” groups or overly optimistic that they share your logic & ethics. PETA, HSUS, Animal Liberation Front, etc.. only “pretend” to be against certain forms of Hunting and use the emotional word “cruel” to get...
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    Just got engaged (again) now a question

    @Sabre - why take your wedding ring off? Whats the worst that can happen - you Lose your ring finger? So what, it’s the most USELESS of all Fingers and you’d still have “9 left”. Plus think of the Devotion that would Prove to your Wife “honey, I said I would rip my finger off before I’d stop...
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    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    @Wishfulthinker580 - Agree there is NO Point trying to appease the “Anti’s” they are against ALL Hunting and protest whatever type of Hunting gains the most attention & publicity, once that type of Hunting is ended they will just move on to the “Next” type of Hunting. Having worked in Companies...
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    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    @Flbt - ? I don’t understand what you wrote?
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    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    @Flbt - well with Quail who cares - release them a day early and they’ll be dead in 24 hours if a heavy rain or snow occurs, or fox strolls by.. For big game hunts the first thing that would raise my suspicion would be a “Fence” because you can’t have a canned hunt without one….maybe not all...
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    Just got engaged (again) now a question

    @Tubby’s Canteen - your problem wasn’t “a ring” - you had the WRONG RING and/or Not enough rings. Wear a good size High School or College ring - maybe a couple = BRASS KNUCKLES !! You’ll have more One-Punch-Knockouts or at least the fight will be called based on “cuts”. Sure, your fingers...
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    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    @375 Fox - You may have good reason to be very suspicious of those Outfitters claims “Released a month before and now lion hunting on it’s own” etc.. What else are they gonna say “We let him out this morning, if we hurry you can get him as he gets out of the Truck”? Obviously there may be...