Tubby’s Canteen
AH legend
Guessing here but movie was “Jeramia Johnson” and said by Robert Redford to Will Greer ??
Just a little further south
Guessing here but movie was “Jeramia Johnson” and said by Robert Redford to Will Greer ??
@Tubby’s Canteen my Guess: movie Lawerence of Arabia and said by Omar Sharife to Peter O’Tool??Your holy places lay over the Jewish temple the Roman’s pulled down,the Muslim holy places lay over yours which is more holy?
@Tubby’s Canteen: I give up??Just a little further south
@Tubby’s Canteen - that was way TOO EASY for You….serve Me up a softball Q like that !!The cowboys
@Field28 - movie Blazing Saddles and said by Slim Pickens" Dang, that was lucky, doggone near lost a 400 dollar hand car"
@Tubby’s Canteen my Guess: movie Lawerence of Arabia and said by Omar Sharife to Peter O’Tool??
@Fatback - I’m a big John Wayne fan and enjoyed many of his movies in the theaters, ANY movie with John Wayne is better then most movies made today…BUT “Big Jake” was one of his Worst (and I saw it in a Theater)…still enjoyed it !!@Wishfulthinker580, correct. One of my favorite John Wayne movies. I think it gets overlooked a little bit but I really enjoy it. I think maybe because I remember watching it with my Grandpa when I was a boy
@Speedster - movie “The Sons of Katie Elder” the scene was with Dean Martin faking a scam to sell of his “glass eye”I want that eye!
@Tubby’s Canteen — wow, I am stuck here too UNLESS “Stanley” is from a 1930s Laurel & Hardy movie? And even then I have No idea which one??Here you go @HankBuck I’ll lob one in just for you
Stanley, see this? This is this. This ain't something else. This is this. From now on, you're on your own.
@Tubby’s Canteen — wow, I am stuck here too UNLESS “Stanley” is from a 1930s Laurel & Hardy movie? And even then I have No idea which one??
@CZDiesel Nope - a much better movie: “On The Waterfront” said by Marlon BrandoRaging Bull
@Tubby’s Canteen - too easy for your skillsVal/doc in tombstone trying to goad ringo into drawing against him while holding a cocked revolver behind his back. I always got a kick out of how he shrugs it off after the gunfight doesn’t happen “Barber proceed sir”
@Tubby’s Canteen - OK now I’m gonna call “foul” as neither of those are “Classic” movies…. Wasn’t Snowy River a made-for-TV movie late in Kirk Douglas’s career? And I never even heard of “Kingdom of Heaven”?? (Will need to google that “bomb” but was it made in Italy or japan?)Kingdom of heaven
The other one is the man from snowy river
@Tubby’s Canteen - nope, You’ve still got me and any Di Nero movie is certainly a “fair question”… so here are my guesses: Midnight Run?Robert De niro said it to John Cazale does that help?
@Tubby’s Canteen - nope, You’ve still got me and any Di Nero movie is certainly a “fair question”… so here are my guesses: Midnight Run?
@Tubby’s Canteen - very fair question and great movie, have only watched it 2-3 times and never in the theaters and not in at least 15 years or more.The deer hunter