Search results

  1. 93marlin

    Bring Black Bear Back

    Biggest problem I've had is mud covering my license plate!!!!
  2. 93marlin

    Bring Black Bear Back

    No problems. Just have the paperwork that the outfitter should provide. Most of the time they haven't even needed to even see the bear. I've done it at least a dozen times driving!
  3. 93marlin

    Video of giraffe harvested with 6mm

    My thoughts are "use enough gun" to take an animal quickly and cleanly. If you cannot shoot a rifle that will do that, then don't hunt that animal!!! If, hypothetically, you are chosing to use a very small bore just to prove that it can be done, is wrong on so many areas. The margin of error is...
  4. 93marlin

    You meet the nicest people on AH!

    Recently, I had opportunity to buy a hat from @rookhawk. A super nice guy. I had to go through his state, Wisconsin. He invited me to to do face to face visit. However, I was traveling in the north part coming back from Manitoba. He's considerably further south. There's a couple of other AH...
  5. 93marlin

    How did you get your handle or user name?

    I used to have a collection of Marlin 1893 & '93 rifles. Plus is use it on flea bay.....:E Shrug:
  6. 93marlin

    Walter Locke & Co, Calcutta 577 EX double rifle - Jones Under-Lever

    @buckstix Fantastic hammer gun!
  7. 93marlin

    Spam is getting Annoying!

    Report it as soon as you see it. It helps!
  8. 93marlin

    London Made 375H&H Safari Rifle by C&H

    I have owned exactly ONE C&H rifle. A Schonauer in 375 Express 2 1/2". Absolutely fantastic rifle. Unfortunately I had to sell it in an unfortunate time financially speaking..:confused: @rookhawk you have truly great rifle made by one the only premium English gun companies left. Good luck with...
  9. 93marlin

    New member

    Welcome to the family! Lots of great people here
  10. 93marlin

    Belleville Boots

    I have a pair of Belleview Air Force Temperate boots that are my go to hunting boots. Belleview boots are the best boots for the money on the market in my humble opinion.
  11. 93marlin

    19 year old shoots wolf in self defense!

    Wolves are there and are predators. Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, BOTH peninsulas have acknowledged populations. I always carry at least a 22 revolver when out in the more desolate parts of Michigan. Some folks may say that a gun isn't necessary. It's better to have and not need it than...
  12. 93marlin

    For Sale Prewar German Mauser Sporting Rifle by H Barella in 9.3x62

    Beautiful pre-war Mauser action rifle!
  13. 93marlin

    For Sale Prewar German Mauser Sporting Rifle by H Barella in 9.3x62

    It helps to see both if you zoom in on the front sight.
  14. 93marlin

    For Sale Custom Husqvarna 270 Win

    I am very surprised that this is STILL for sale!! I thought it would have been sold more than a year ago.
  15. 93marlin

    .376 Steyr or 9.3x64 Brenneke

    Have a good gunsmith take a look at it. If he says the action is safe, after the barrel getting run over, take a look at the 9.3x62 ballistics. See if it'll meet your requirements.
  16. 93marlin

    .376 Steyr or 9.3x64 Brenneke

    A 9.3x57 military rifle? That most likely will be a Husqvarna, in a '96 or '98 action. A 9.3 x 62 would be a terrific and reasonable, cost wise, conversion. Not as powerful as the other two options mentioned, however, still with more than enough power for elk and bear.
  17. 93marlin

    Norma Brass Restock (+Sale) Including Dangerous Game Calibers

    Any word on Bertram products? So far they're the only ones that carry 43 Mauser brass. Thank you!!
  18. 93marlin

    Surplus Husqvarna Mausers in 9.3x62

    I have two Husky rifles at the moment. One built on an FN 98 action in 8x57. Another built on the M-96 action in 9.3x57. Both are strong well built rifles. The only thing I would caution, many develop a very small split behind the action tang. They usually not anything to worry about, just not...
  19. 93marlin

    11mm Mauser brass wanted

    Hmm, 43 Mauser is listed, that's the same as 11mm Mauser. Retail cost shows 350. No quantity is mentioned that I can see. I'll get in touch with @RAVEN ROCKS PRECISION to see what they have to say. Thanks for the information!
  20. 93marlin

    Cheap 20 ga

    @yamoon most of my guns are not new. One is a little 410 single shot "hardware" gun. Made by Stevens, marked and sold by a hardware store. It's far from new condition. To put back into good working order all it took was a new mainspring. Exterior is "patina"! And I wouldn't think of of...
  21. 93marlin

    11mm Mauser brass wanted

    Some of you know that I have a Sauer double rifle in 11mm Mauser caliber. My number of pieces of brass is getting low Now I'm buying another 11mm Mauser rifle. I'm looking for any available number of pieces of brass, either new or otherwise. Hopefully someone here has some that they could part...
  22. 93marlin

    M70 300 Dakota

    Someone buy this!! Terrific rifle for a terrific price!!
  23. 93marlin

    Remington 700 ADL - 300 Ultra Mag

    Well, dang it!! I just bought another rifle literally yesterday! Great price on this one. Good luck with the sale!
  24. 93marlin

    Anyone interested in my Kuzey .22cal airrifle

    Hmmm, all I can say is "beware"
  25. 93marlin

    Potential Scammer Trying to Use Other People's Sales Posts

    The bast&@ds are getting sneaky. Be vigilant everyone in anything that involves buying, selling or even the eventual exchange of money or information of any kind!
  26. 93marlin

    I'm Running for the NRA Board of Directors

    At one point, I too was a long time member of the NRA. Handgun instructor, etc. Then the selling of life insurance and other tasteless things started. I stopped all of my affiliation with the NRA. Good luck! I wish you the very best of luck!!
  27. 93marlin

    Hello from Michigan

    Two michiganders welcoming at the same time?!!
  28. 93marlin

    Hello from Michigan

    Welcome to the forum from the Tip of the Mitt! There's a lot of great people here.
  29. 93marlin

    New member

    Good morning and welcome to the forum.
  30. 93marlin

    Kindle by the campfire

    Plus she's a member here!! Awesome book!
  31. 93marlin

    Reintroduce Grizzlies!

    More mountain lions might be great idea also. Might cut the numbers of tree huggers. Just a thought, I could be wrong...
  32. 93marlin

    Exquisite Matched Pair of Custom Mauser Stalking Rifles .35 Whelen & .458 Win Mag

    Nah, sounds like you have it just about right! Fine rifles, like fine whiskey is never the wrong decision!!
  33. 93marlin

    Summer Yard Sale - Last Day Clearance - Everything Further Reduced

    @rookhawk I'll take #21 the Stetson wool cap if still available. PM coming shortly
  34. 93marlin

    For Sale Husqvarna M1640 30-06

    I'm currently in upper Manitoba bear hunting. If you still have it when I get back home next week, I'll try to get in contact with you about the rifle.
  35. 93marlin

    For Sale Husqvarna M1640 30-06

    Didn't you list that a year ago? If it didn't have the white spacers, you and I would be talking!!
  36. 93marlin

    Bear hunting in Maine

    I have been fortunate enough to be involved in skinning & processing my bear. 2 years ago, 6'1" squared. Last year, 6'6" squared Before that I no longer remember
  37. 93marlin

    Bear hunting in Maine

    That's a good way to judge. However, that's not always true about the short legs. Last year I had a long legged bear come in. Easily over 7ft squared. The single largest black bear I've personally seen in the woods. Unfortunately, I could not get a shot!
  38. 93marlin

    Bear hunting in Maine

    Grey Owl out of Lynn lake.
  39. 93marlin

    Bear hunting in Maine

    I am currently on my way for my 12th Canadian bear hunt. Some areas near the canal border have a "good" population of 150-200lb bear. The past two years, I've been in north central Manitoba. Bear avg over 200lb, last year, mine was 301lb. This year I'm heading almost to Nunavut. Seems to have...
  40. 93marlin

    Primitive North American Stone Weaponry - Mysteries

    @rookhawk In the photos shown, there's one thing in common. The hole. That alone would preclude those from being used as a weapon. That hole is a weak area. My first thoughts, they are decorative. I my small collection of stone tools and points, there a couple that seem to to have HAD a hole at...
  41. 93marlin

    LH Heym SR20 375 H&H

    Almost a perfect big game rifle for a lefty like myself!
  42. 93marlin

    Greetings from Canada!

    Welcome to the forum from Michigan!!
  43. 93marlin

    Hey Everyone...

    Welcome from Michigan! There's a fantastic bunch of people here!!
  44. 93marlin

    Kowa TSN-88A Prominar Angled Spotting Scope 25-60x Wide Eyepiece

    Yup, pretty telling about the flip on the pricing. Plus ignoring @BeeMaa photo request .
  45. 93marlin

    Somebody needs to buy this 7x57

    I have a 9.3x57 built on a '96 action. Beautiful wood stock. I paid $550 for it. I wonder Should I ask 4K for it if I sell it? :unsure:
  46. 93marlin

    New member vetting

    Trust your gut!!!
  47. 93marlin

    Bertram Brass is closing

    Not good news :(
  48. 93marlin

    I’m starting to be concerned! Should I be?

    Exactly!! My grandson is in Saudi Arabia right now. His issues are the cost of water and the heat.
  49. 93marlin

    Safari rifles, combo package

    Exactly what I thought!