Search results

  1. wildwilderness

    Need 375 ruger brass

    I have had very good luck on this forum with “classifieds” of course you being new and not being part of the community would be an easy target. Super easy to know the good ones and those who are endorsed by other contributing members. A simple history search of posts etc will reveal a lot...
  2. wildwilderness

    What is going on with tipping culture in the hunting industry?

    That is a direct result of the pay arrangement between the outfitter and guides. If no tip was expected I bet the guides would demand higher pay from the Owner/Outfitter (who would then pass it on is cost of the hunt and thus the cycle goes) As I stated above it’s a way for business owners to...
  3. wildwilderness

    What is going on with tipping culture in the hunting industry?

    When tipping comes up I always think of the opening scene in Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs-
  4. wildwilderness

    What is going on with tipping culture in the hunting industry?

    The thought is it keeps employees working even though their true salary/hourly pay rate or is low. Sort of transferring the cost of payroll to the consumer and not the business owner. Payroll is usually always the highest expense in a small business. So in Covid lots of them cut...
  5. wildwilderness

    Last Chance For CITES Brown Bear Hunt!

    Very nice pictures. Does Romania allow bowhunting of those Brown Bears?
  6. wildwilderness

    Waterbuck - South Africa

    I wasn’t planning on shooting one but seeing one up close I couldn’t pass. My daughter was with me on her first safari to South Africa I had a chance at a Defassa waterbuck in Cameroon but passed because of the license limitations - in hindsight should have shot
  7. wildwilderness

    Discontinued Product Frustration

    Yes, and the perfect hair product I use is discontinued! Can only find it at secondary sellers for 5x the price for now. Soon it will be unobtainable! :(
  8. wildwilderness

    These animals deserve their own rifle

    Absolutely a mt. Lion with hounds out of a tree needs its own firearm. Would be ridiculous to carry a big heavy double rifle miles chasing up and down. I would use a Handgun for sure for a cougar- I have a Ruger Blackhawk in .357 mag from my Father (who never hunted) that would work great and...
  9. wildwilderness

    Save Valley Conservancy

    From my understanding having gone once with a questionable outfit that is no longer there- There are various concessions. Different operators own and lease the concessions. Some Areas are better than others- based on hunting pressure, anti-poaching efforts and natural habitat. They all...
  10. wildwilderness

    Leopard / Buffalo Hunt Chewore Zimbabwe 2025

    I am correct in understanding this statement ^- That you pay the $8000 leopard trophy fee ONLY IF a leopard is killed? Yes or No? If that is the case this is a great deal for sure! Most every leopard hunt I have looked at is full fee upfront, Day fees AND Trophy fee whether a leopard is...
  11. wildwilderness

    Cost for Me To Take The Big 5

    Nobody can guarantee the future, Tomorrow is promised to No One. I say that as my sister in law lays dying in hospice at 49 yrs old from sudden cardiac failure Now is as best of time as ever to chase your dreams! They definitely are achievable with hard work and sacrifice. It’s just a...
  12. wildwilderness


    Welcome to the archery rabbit hole. Do all the learning you can. Learn about proper spine (it’s not called grains like you said) each company has different numbers for models of arrows they make. With Carbon it is common that the spine which is actually a standard deflection measurement...
  13. wildwilderness

    Cost for Me To Take The Big 5

    Big 5 is definitely more achievable than the 4 North American Wild Sheep! I would love to kill a Rhino with a Bow and Arrow, but doubt that will ever be legal again :(
  14. wildwilderness

    9.3x62 Noob

    I really like the 9,3x62 - mine is a rebarrelled Ruger M77 I have a vortex 1-8x24 scope on it and has always worked well. I think a 2-10x would be the highest magnification I would go- it’s not particularly fast and with heavy bullets it’s not a long range cartridge. Especially if dangerous...
  15. wildwilderness

    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    CBLs are still plenty dangerous from people I have spoken to that have hunted them. (They were bowhunting) Would love to see someone try the Masai spear hunt of a lion and CBL would give the best opportunity. Since it is a lightning rod for Anti’s it’s a much more touchy subject. I guess...
  16. wildwilderness

    Baboon hunting

    I have passed opportunities at some free ranging ones. Not sure but didn’t interest me to just kill one, or pay a trophy fee…. On another hunt from a farmed area the owner was adamant we shoot them on sight. My son shot a couple nice ones. Smart and spooky when pressured like that
  17. wildwilderness

    Live Animal Relocation to USA

    Coyotes not so much- they actually help keep raccoons, skunks and opossums down which do more damage to nesting ground birds
  18. wildwilderness

    DANGEROUS 7 and PG...Where?

    If money was no problem it would be easy! I would just hunt everything EVERYWHERE! If limited to one country than probably Tanzania or Zambia…. But the real limiting species is rhino. How many countries allow Rhino hunting? Looks like only South Africa and Namibia
  19. wildwilderness

    "Stolen Valor" - in the hunting field/industry

    Look up Rowdy Dowdy Photo shop bear- back when social media was getting big he made a lot of false hunting claims, AS WELL as being a Navy SEAL so real Stolen Valor,. Lied his way to be fake famous and get on some TV shows etc. Was funny times when he was outed
  20. wildwilderness

    So Bye-Bye Miss American Pie

    A few years back I met a Mexican Rancher who was pivotal in helping Desert Bighorns in Sonora through the game ranching and wild transplant program. He said he could sell a 200” Desert Sheep for $1M then. With inflation we see the $1.3M is real I absolutely rather see people giving large...
  21. wildwilderness

    So Bye-Bye Miss American Pie

    That is the price to pay for a 200” ram! If you want to move up in the 700 club you need a 200”er for sure
  22. wildwilderness

    So Bye-Bye Miss American Pie

    I see it as simple supply and demand. Many North American Baby Boomers are spending their money. The Demand for trophy hunts is high and supply low. The populations of Western States have increased double the rate. Increasing Demand and sucking up all the general tags. Increased human...
  23. wildwilderness

    Want to buy 470 NE brass...

    Look up DishaK had a post on here for new 470 brass by Barnes. I got a small lot from him. PM me if you want his contact
  24. wildwilderness

    My second Ruger Red Label for Sale!! 20ga, English Stock, and Magnificent Wood!

    Oh dang, I just bought a 20ga O/U 2 days ago. Yours has way better wood. Unfortunately can’t buy 2 in the same week GLWS
  25. wildwilderness

    The .35 Whelen Pistol

    Seems to me a 358 win would make more sense in a pistol with those same lighter bullets
  26. wildwilderness

    Trijicon Cr do HX 1-8x28 with Talley rings

    What would shipping to AK be?
  27. wildwilderness

    Rebore 0.270 to 9.3x62

    I’m sure JES rebore has done it. But honestly I think it’s more predictable to go with a new barrel. I sent a previous 270 to McGowen and they put a 9.3x62 barrel on it easy and affordable
  28. wildwilderness

    Alberta & Saskatchewan Whitetail Outfitters

    No personal experience but have heard very good things about Rob Nye is Saskatchewan and Mikes Outfitting in Alberta. Would this be a bow hunt or rifle?
  29. wildwilderness

    What do you do when you fill your package early?

    If I’m not interested or cannot add more animals I will I’ll change my flights and go home! I really don't like sitting around and the cost to change is usually minimal and well worth it to get home days early. I can often go back to work early as well and easily recoup $. Now some folk don’t...
  30. wildwilderness

    .375 h&h custom... who made it?

    Take the stock off and see what is on the action
  31. wildwilderness

    VA Medical Care

    I too have had good care at the Anchorage VA. Just minor stuff and preventative care has been easy. My Dad has used the San Diego VA for 25+ years starting with a cancer diagnosis. He has no complaints and is still going strong (the 100% disability rating has definitely helped his retirement...
  32. wildwilderness

    30-06 165 grn TTSX fast enough

    All copper bullets behave differently than cup and core. You cannot apply the same thought processes to both. You are more likely to get a bang flop from a Barnes going faster (usually lighter weight) because it expands more and has a bigger shock and more trauma. A heavier Barnes going...
  33. wildwilderness

    Ruger Hawkeye 375 Ruger barrel thread?

    Have you looked at Porting the rifle? Magna Port is a common name in the industry. Used to be done a lot more before muzzle breaks and now suppressors became popular/available. Keeps the more traditional look of a front sight and minimal noise increase. Not as much recoil reduction as a...
  34. wildwilderness

    Where to get 470 NE brass?

    I am looking to buy some 470 NE brass. Any leads on where to find some? Thanks
  35. wildwilderness

    Last-minute Cancellation Hunt ndumo HUNTING SAFARIS Exportable Elephant Offer 2024

    Looks likes some nice Bulls- what the average size of tusks there?
  36. wildwilderness

    Elephant U.S. Import Permit Approved!!!!

    What are the other recommended permitting services?
  37. wildwilderness

    Rmr base options for Sabatti double?

    Thanks for the advice. I will look into Hirtenberger
  38. wildwilderness

    Any recommendations for a two person/ 4 season tent?

    Yeah at double the weight. Yes it’s a great shelter but the weight penalty when putting miles on is a no go for sure. I am just not seeing the need for a 4 season tent in October in the L48
  39. wildwilderness

    Any recommendations for a two person/ 4 season tent?

    I use the Kuiu Summit Refuge 3p all the time in Alaska sheep mountains. If you are serious about light weight the floor less is the way to go. I guess some people think the L48 need 4 season tents for fall hunting but I don’t see it unless you are talking above 10,000’ ?
  40. wildwilderness

    Rmr base options for Sabatti double?

    Yes as stated the rifle IS with Ken Owens. I am trying to figure out Exactly what I should do for a sight and mounts before he sends it to me. Thus all the questions and why I want Exact model numbers, brands etc to move forward. Thanks
  41. wildwilderness

    Rmr base options for Sabatti double?

    Does a base come with the RMR? Is the one you are showing a special order?
  42. wildwilderness

    Rmr base options for Sabatti double?

    Hi, I have a Sabatti 470 with Ken Owen. How do you like the mount? Did the RMR not work with the factory screw holes? I have not received the rifle yet (had it sent there straight from the seller) Anything else advised?
  43. wildwilderness

    Best Sighting Option Ele Double Rifle

    Please provide more details- I am not familiar with a swing mount? Also which scope do you have? Pictures of the setup?
  44. wildwilderness

    Best Sighting Option Ele Double Rifle

    I am putting together a Double Rifle for Elephant in Zim next spring. I have a Sabatti 470 NE with Ken Owen’s that he regulated at 60 yds. What sighting system should I use? Possible day or night shots. My eyes are OK, only wear reader glasses (1.75x) so far
  45. wildwilderness

    Which countries offer the most affordable Sheep/goat hunts?

    I would look into Namibia- (am here now waiting out a leopard) More free range options than South Africa with similar prices. Free range usually has less animals and less diversity. But if it’s your first time there will be plenty of options- but Oryx and Kudu are very common free range in...
  46. wildwilderness

    Which countries offer the most affordable Sheep/goat hunts?

    #3 might be the best value. I would guess there are so many options a lot would have to depend on the hunter. I would rather a South Africa Buffalo for that price and a couple plains game added on can still be under budget. Or you can find an Zimbabwe Elephant for that much, I’m booked for...
  47. wildwilderness

    The 2025 bowhunting prep begins, shooting bushbuck @35 yards, duiker @ 50 yards everyday

    Great setup! I need to get a couple 3D targets for my backyard range!
  48. wildwilderness

    470 Reduced Practice Loads

    Which backer rod- open or closed cell? Any specific diameter? I new I should have bought a CZ sxs shotgun last year when I found them on clearance AND a $100 factory rebate!
  49. wildwilderness

    470 Reduced Practice Loads

    So the recommendation is to use IMR 3031 with the 500gr bullet? Can it be used with a lighter bullet?