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  1. Karamojo Bill

    Timing Your Shot In Africa

    shot timing I hunt mostly Columbia blacktail here in Oregon. They are VERY wiley and even Jim Shockey says they are among the hardest animals to hunt. Thick brush and super senses combined with the fact that they are not patternable like some other species of US deer. Yep! When the chance is...
  2. Karamojo Bill

    Update to wife's opinion on zebra

    Quite awhile back I asked for input on animals for my second safari. That was before I'd gone on my first safari for blesbok, gemsbok, impala, and lioness, (baboon & jackal that we ended up never trying for). I'd said that my wife had not wanted me to shoot a zebra because they looked...
  3. Karamojo Bill

    Your opinion on Best Caliber for plainsgame in Africa?

    I'll throw my .02 cents in I have only hunted Africa once, (But am going back in 2010 with my sons). I shot nearly everything on my safari with my old Remington 700 in .338 WM because my CZ .416 Rigby wasn't cycling correctly. I use 250 gr Nosler Partitions. My wife made a comment at the...
  4. Karamojo Bill

    Looking to teach and hunt in Africa...

    hello Fellow educator Scotty, I also am a certified k-8 teacher. I have 26 more weeks to go then I can hunt full time. 30 years in the classroom will have been enough for me. Right now, I teach U.S. History in Oregon. Good luck on finding a place.
  5. Karamojo Bill

    How tough are YOU?

    I shot a white rhino with a slingshot!;) Did i mention that it was already dead:p
  6. Karamojo Bill

    Nyala or Kudu - Which is your favourite?

    next time.... for sure! My next time over I WILL take a nyala! They are BEAUTIFUL. I would have taken one last time but my $$$ were already over my planning. I would also like to take a better kudu as well...the list goes on & on!
  7. Karamojo Bill

    SOUTH AFRICA: Long Time Since Hunt But Flame On

    I went to SCS in South Africa. My plan was to hunt blesbok, gemsbok, impala, lioness,baboon, & jackal. I HAD THE BEST TEN DAYS OF MY LIFE. I was crying the last day because I had to leave the best friends I have ever made. I shot an impala on the first day after sighting in my .338 WM &...
  8. Karamojo Bill

    1st timers animal choice!

    I ended up shooting an impalla on my first day & last day...(a cull that a poacher had wounded), a gemsbok, a kudu, blesbock, & a lioness the thrill of my life having been charged by one the day before by one. Damn near crapped my pants & DID puke afterward. Call me anything you want my "canned...
  9. Karamojo Bill

    Free Hunt From Leeukop Safaris for 2010

    Enter ME! Enter ME! my safari was the best ten days of my life!!!!! LeuuKopp must mean Lion head! I am one! I LOVE Africa to the point of learning the language(S)!
  10. Karamojo Bill

    Is it too late to pre-apply for South Africa Firearms Permit???

    I leave for RSA in 11 days:thumb:. I wanted to use a meet & greet for getting my rifles through customs in J'burg. Can it it still be done? Any reccomendations on companies? Much Thanks,
  11. Karamojo Bill

    Hunting in South Africa

    thanks for the post lawrence, I'm so excited to see your country and hunt it! Only one month until I'm there!
  12. Karamojo Bill

    1st timers animal choice!

    My First hunt 35 days until I leave! The animals on my list: Gemsbok, impalla, blesbok, baboons, jackals, and though I'll probablly get flamed for the "canned hunt", lion. I also have enough $$$ to pay for a kudu if a nice one steps out.
  13. Karamojo Bill

    49 days and counting

    I have most of my ammo in a small pelican case in my checked luggage. A small pistol case with 2 boxes in my wife's checked luggage. Good luck to you!
  14. Karamojo Bill

    49 days and counting

    Is it too early to pack???!?!?! I fly out of Portland, OR for J-Burg in 49 days:biggrin2:
  15. Karamojo Bill

    GREAT reason for a PH shot colaboration

    I heard a day or so ago that Gideon was back to work....not full duty guiding yet but back!
  16. Karamojo Bill

    Cape Buffalo - What does it taste like?

    it tastes like CHICKEN:tongue: Sorry I HAD to say that:p
  17. Karamojo Bill

    Death by Double Rifle

    A friend just loaned me his copy of Death by Double. GREAT DVD!!!! I really liked this one a LOT! There were two charges that would have been enough but the rest of the video was SO cool!
  18. Karamojo Bill

    Great Fishing

    Hi I'm a Doryman Hey guys! I'm a doryman. We launch directly into the surf & come in at about 25+ kts and slide up on the beach. I catch salmon, albacore tuna, halibut, ling cod, seabass, and various other groundfish.
  19. Karamojo Bill

    5 most challenging species excluding the big 5

    I have no exeprience in Africa YET & I agree that this is an African forum & I think that the question was about African game....That being said, I have to comment on DOJ's comment. I live in N/W Oregon. Jim Shockey has made the comment "that other than polar bear due to the climate and...
  20. Karamojo Bill

    "You Can't Even Talk About IT" John Stossel

    I saw it! I saw it and I was astonished that the anti was so opposed :nonono: to the idea though Stossel could site many instances where it had saved species from extinction! Ya can't change some people's minds...In other words, "Don't confuse me with the facts!"
  21. Karamojo Bill

    Leopard Hunting Accident Involving Craig Boddington's Daughter

    The Boddingtons I sent General Boddington a PM telling him of my respect and sympathy for both he & Brittany and that I hoped that he could get back on the horse as soon a possible. He returned it and said that Brittany was doing well and a lot stronger person than he had realized. Like I...
  22. Karamojo Bill

    Who has what booked?

    2009 & 2010 I have gemsbok, kudu, impalla, blesbok, baboon & lioness for 2009. I leave in 90 days!:daydreaming::clapping: In 2010 I have my wife & two adult sons going with me again. This time After asking you all what I should take, I've decided that cape buff for me, leopard for the wife...
  23. Karamojo Bill

    What should I shoot on my 2nd safari?

    It's becoming clear I think that what I will do is....Go and enjoy every minute. Share some sundowners with my family. Not go with a list of must haves, but rather shoot what Lady Africa offers me a good representative of the it a cape buff or a duiker.
  24. Karamojo Bill

    GREAT reason for a PH shot colaboration

    AMEN! AMEN and prayers for both. That's just like Gideon putting himself in harms way for another! The reason I chose him origionally is he's pulled not one but TWO leopards who were chewing up people off of them and stabbed them to death!
  25. Karamojo Bill

    Bolted to Death

    I watched my new DVD "Bolted to Death" with my son on my birthday yesterday. I REALLY enjoyed it!:wub: So much so, we watched it two times in a row! I never do that because I feel life is too short and there is too many movies out there to watch one more than once in a blue moon. Since my...
  26. Karamojo Bill

    GREAT reason for a PH shot colaboration

    Defer to first hand knowlege I HATE hearsay that's why I didn't post the name. Jerome & I have been in contact. He knows the family and is trying to reach them for first hand info. Once Jerome's call goes through, I hope that he will give us first hand infromation.
  27. Karamojo Bill

    GREAT reason for a PH shot colaboration

    I just heard yesterday that the PH I was going to use had the HUGE misfortune of being gored by a cape buffalo! The story I HEARD is a client had made a poor shot on a cape. They were following it up in thick brush and it had circled back and caught him from behind. He had the skin on his...
  28. Karamojo Bill

    Leopard Hunting Accident Involving Craig Boddington's Daughter

    My condolances I am with HH here. Ther are many "Know-it-alls" who will try to point fingers. They say hindsight is 20/20, but if ya weren't there its a lot "better" that that. If it were me under that cat, I guess I'd have to say thank you to Brittany for giving it her best.
  29. Karamojo Bill

    Let's dream...What new gun?

    Let's dream AH friends....If you WERE to purchase a new gun :huntingrifle::gunshooting::shootingrevolver: what would it be??? I guess I'd like a custom double in .505 Gibbs with beautifully engraved scene of a lion taking down a cape buff. Of course it would have fancy checkering on a...
  30. Karamojo Bill

    A Long Shot

    Ya know HH, I never took pictures that day...My Step-father had COPD and I had a lot of work to do getting two elk cleaned, quartered & packed to the road. Then a 100 mile drive to my butcher's cooler. I wish I would have now because he's gone:(. He was a terrible shot but a great fisherman...
  31. Karamojo Bill

    Howdy from the West Coast.....

    Welcome Howdy there Heeler, I know what you mean. I have my first safari in August and have already booked a second for the next year!:eek: My bag is similar to your for #1. Have you taken a blackbuck yet? I sure like those little fellers with the spiral horns. I have a cousin in TX...
  32. Karamojo Bill

    What should I shoot on my 2nd safari?

    Zebra Well I took her to the SCI B-B-Q at one of our local members house with a 4000+ sq ft trophy museum.....She saw the rugs and full body mounts of the different types of zebra....I used the donkey in pajama's line and I think it will be OK now. I have NEVER seen such a place. This guy...
  33. Karamojo Bill

    What should I shoot on my 2nd safari?

    The safari is in RSA Friends, I'm not holding out for a 60" kudu....,Heck, I'd take a nice old 52", though my buddy shot one that went 61 3/4" in the same consession last year. I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie, (as you can see by my signature line), so the DG REALLY interests me. But the...
  34. Karamojo Bill

    A Long Shot

    Long shot Gloucester, that's a cool story...better that you have witnesses;). Here's mine, I was hunting Roosevelt elk in the Oregon coast range with my step-father who had a disabled hunter status. We came upon a herd on a knoll about 350 yds away where the powerlines went through the...
  35. Karamojo Bill

    What should I shoot on my 2nd safari?

    Well friends, I leave for safari #1 in 104 days :daydreaming:. Bag is for this trip from little to big is: jackal, baboon, impala, blesbok, oryx & lion. If a 60" kudu steps out he's had it too :huntingrifle: I'm going to RSA in 2010 with my 2 adult sons & wife for 10 days. What should be...
  36. Karamojo Bill

    HornadyDGX vs. Norma A-frame

    Results Thank you for the input, gentlemen. I couldn't find my post to check on reccomendations. It had been moved and I didn't know this one existed. :o I took both to the range. Both seemed to group about the same, in the same spot:clapping:. I shot up both boxes. After the initial...
  37. Karamojo Bill

    HornadyDGX vs. Norma A-frame

    My safari is in less than 110 days:D. I have lioness, oryx, impala, & blesbok on my permit. I have obtained 2 boxes of Norma A-frame and 2 boxes of Hornady DGX. I need to blast some for sight-in & practice w/ my .416 Rigby. If it were you, (experience preferred), which ammo would you shoot up?
  38. Karamojo Bill

    Plains Game calibers

    My rifle choices for plains game 1st). I won a .416 Rigby at the local SCI banquet...where else should it be used than Africa? I was going take my 7mm-08 because my '06 is a semi and they are not allowed in RSA. I also thought my wife might want to shoot something. 2nd) My PH told me...
  39. Karamojo Bill

    Hunting Lion

    I understand your point Skyline I get your point completely. I didn't know that some of the concessions are so small. That is just something that's been bothering me. All the anger toward there affordable lion hunts when there, IMHO is no difference to the Midwest/Texas style of whitetail...
  40. Karamojo Bill

    Hunting Lion

    canned lions I've been following a debate on AR about the "canned lion hunts" in South Africa. Yes, there is a high keep the plains game in as well. It's a huge concession....I don't know how may acres but it's 10's of thousands. The lions are not drugged, the are not socialized...
  41. Karamojo Bill

    Cape Buff Double Strike

    WOW Damn, some guys can fall in crap and come out smelling like a rose!
  42. Karamojo Bill

    Man Eating Crocodile - WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT

    WOW All I can say is it must have sucked to be him! I HEAR that part of the reason they kill so many people is the mind set of the natives. One will take a girl doing the family laundry off a rock and her sister will go back to the same rock to do it the next day.
  43. Karamojo Bill

    Africa is a drug

    So that you may understand OK, It's clear that you need some history here. My folks divorced when I was 11. Mom & I moved to the Oregon coast in to a area the the nearest stoplight was 25 miles away. One TV channel that was snowy, little radio, party lines on the phone....internet...
  44. Karamojo Bill

    Africa is a drug

    I also think about Africa EVERY day. I've read everything I can get my hands on. only 146 days until my first hunt, ( but who's counting but me;)). I think about it more than girls when I was 15. My sons are now infected as is my wife. WHAT A DISEASE! By the second trip I should have...
  45. Karamojo Bill

    Africa is a drug

    I'm told here & on other forums that Africa is a drug. That I'll be planning my next trip before I get on the plane to come home. etc. etc. Ok so what is it when you plan your next trip BEFORE you make the first??? I bought a 10 day 4 hunter auction at the local SCI banquet on Saturday...
  46. Karamojo Bill

    Judging Gemsbok/Oryx

    THANKS OHS, THAT was more than I could ever ask for as far a as an answer to my question! I really appreciate the pictures. Who ever said a "Picture is worth 1000 words" was right...and the pictures with the words are invaluable! I guess Id rather have an old boy that's broomed off a bit...
  47. Karamojo Bill

    Judging Gemsbok/Oryx

    Reading the post on the buffs was great. They are not on my bag (this time), so I thought I'd ask about gemsbok/oryx. I hear that the females sometimes have longer horns than the males. What makes a good trophy and what makes an exceptional trophy?:confused: I'm really enjoying this site...
  48. Karamojo Bill

    Greetings from South Africa

    Where are you located in RSA? Greetings, I was just wondering where in RSA are you located? I'll be near the town of Brits in only 150 days!!!! YAHOO!!! Can you tell, I'm a bit excited to visit & hunt your counrty???;)
  49. Karamojo Bill

    Just retired

    Where in the NW are you? Welcome, I live just west of Oregon's capital city. Where are you located? I hunt roosies too!