Search results

  1. Big5

    Is the .338 Federal OK for plains game?

    I whole heartedly agree with Bill Quimby. There is no need to feel like you must take something 'bigger'. If you are comfortable with your .338 and you shoot it well you will have more gun than you really need. My daughter has accompanied me on two plains game hunts and has dropped each of the...
  2. Big5

    SOUTH AFRICA: BOWHUNT:Back From Africa Bowhunting Report

    . . . the smile on your face says it all. Congratulations!
  3. Big5

    Rifle / Bullet recommendations for plains game?

    BTW. . . I advocate taking two rifles along on all out of the country hunts, therefore I wouldn't disagree with those who will suggest that you also take a .375 H&H, a .340 WBY or a 338 Win Mag, or a 'whatever' along on your plains game hunt. Obviously my main point was if you are...
  4. Big5

    Rifle / Bullet recommendations for plains game?

    You must by now realize that no matter what rifle, caliber or cartridge you pick someone will have an issue with it, or have a personal choice that in their opinion will work much better. Well, so be it, that may be true. However, over the past 20 or so years and many safaris later I still...
  5. Big5

    Hello from Idaho

    Welcome! My preference is also for the more tradition camps in wide open spaces as opposed to a fancy lodge setting. I can assure you that there are many such places in various African countries that will fit the bill for you. I think it’s great that you also want to have your dad along...
  6. Big5

    Greetings from Seattle

    Hi seattlesetters, welcome aboard. It sounds like you're a 'lifelong die-hard hunter' like nearly everyone else here so I have no doubt you'll have a great time on your plainsgame hunt when it rolls around. In the meantime enjoy all the interesting posts on the forum.
  7. Big5

    Greetings from RSA

    Hi Johan, glad you joined us. We'll be waiting for the post on your recent hunt.
  8. Big5

    Elephant Migration Through the Reception of Mfuwe Lodg

    Lodge? What lodge? They certainly know where they want to go and the path they want to follow to get there.
  9. Big5

    Nature's First Drinking Fountain

    . . . he goes back for a second squirt so it must be good.
  10. Big5

    Hunting Buffalo Tanzania

    I suppose the viewing of a video on a compact laptop screen can be deceiving, but to me both bulls appeared to have fairly tight and solid bosses which also appeared to be worn. Those are usually pretty good indications of a very mature bull. Perhaps I should take a closer look on my desktop...
  11. Big5

    Hello from Alaska

    Hi grizzkiller . . . glad you joined us. I've always enjoyed the hunting up your way also.
  12. Big5


    Hi Wendell . . . glad you joined us!
  13. Big5

    Hello from Arizona...

    Hi Jason, Glad you joined us. I'll bet you're on the edge of your chair and ready to be off at a moments notice. I know you'll have a really great time and there will be many of us here waiting for a play by play account of your hunt. Good luck, good hunting and shoot straight!
  14. Big5

    Steyer Hunting Vehicle

    Donovan, thanks for the pics I've never seen one before. It certainly looks like a handy little multi-task vehicle that will get the job done!
  15. Big5

    First Africa hunt - first buffalo (I hope)

    Gotta agree with Calhoun . . . you can't take too many photos (hope you had one along when that black bear was coming up the tree to give you a kiss)? Years ago I rarely took a camera along because I didn't want to be preoccupied with thinking about taking photos rather than giving my full...
  16. Big5

    Greetings from western Nebraska

    Hi Wapiti57, welcome to the forum. Your hunt is right around the corner now. I'll bet you're really 'chompin at the bit' to get over there and get started. I know you'll have a great time and everyone will want to hear the many tales of your hunt upon your return. Good hunting and shoot...
  17. Big5

    Tourist Killed by Lions - WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT

    DUGABOY. . . my sentiments exactly!
  18. Big5

    .375 Ruger

    From my point of view very well said. For the sake of 'sales' marketing and advertising campaigns have been highly successful (as they were designed to) in shaping the way hunters and field sportsmen view the need for equipment (muzzle brakes, camo patterns, knives, huge objective lenses, super...
  19. Big5

    Greetings From the Eastern Slopes of the Canadian Rockies!!!

    Welcome! Glad you joined the forum. There is a lot of great hunting and beautiful country up your way, but I'm sure you'll love the diversity and great hunting over in Africa.
  20. Big5

    Tourist Killed by Lions - WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT

    Like Skyline the only ones I have any real sympathy for are his wife and kids as they were involuntarily placed in the position to watch a fool's final act. Yeah, okay, we've all done foolish things, but there really are some limits. Even for foolishness. "Here kitty, kitty, pose for...
  21. Big5

    Hello From Oklahoma!

    Hi Mark. . . glad you joined us.
  22. Big5

    Hey All

    Welcome to the forum Donovan. As you've already found there are some interesting topics and lots of information to be found here. Join in with a comment or an opinion whenever you like.
  23. Big5

    How common it is to see dangerous game while hunting in Africa

    Christian, For whatever its worth, I don’t think you could have received a better or more clear answer to your question than the one given by Red Leg, along with the very appropriate caveat added by Bill Quimby. That truly is the reality of it.
  24. Big5

    Hello from Pennsylvania

    Hi Christian, Welcome to this forum. I'm glad to see you have such a keen interest in hunting Africa so early on. I have no doubt that you will at some point in the not so distant future be hunting in Africa and enjoying your own adventure. Good hunting!
  25. Big5


    Hello Serbian Hunter, I too welcome you to this forum. I'm glad you are joining us.
  26. Big5

    Hello All

    Hi Joe, Glad you joined. Without a doubt the .375 H&H is at the top of my ‘favorites’ list as well. I’ve used that cartridge on a variety of No. American and African game and it has never let me down. Since I joined recently I've found much information, sound advice and lots of...
  27. Big5

    Hello to all

    Welcome, Dox! I can assure you that you are very welcome here. You are to be admired for having a strong interest in the sport and wanting to join in to discuss hunting with others at such an early point in your life. It appears that you already have a terrific start and I know there are a...
  28. Big5

    Rifle Weight

    When I first became aware of the effort to drastically reduce the weight of rifles it was primarily by custom rifle makers to accommodate those individuals who were into ‘mountain hunting’. Many hunts for mountain species such as sheep, goats, ibex, etc., can be three steps forward in the shale...
  29. Big5

    1st timers animal choice!

    Well said.
  30. Big5

    HUNTING Steenbok

    Ray . . . you are so very correct. A great post which brings back many fond hunting memories. On my first few trips to Africa 20 some years ago all I ever carried and used was my trusty .375 H&H. Along with it I always carried both 300 gr. softs and solids which were quite accurate to the...
  31. Big5

    HUNTING Steenbok

    Anton. . . sure thought I would have learned by now! .
  32. Big5

    HUNTING Steenbok

    Anton. . . I certainly do agree that the best advice for chance encounters with the 'mini's' would be to always carry at least a couple of solids in your ammo pouch. Although a soft/solid ammo mixture is always carried when hunting the big tough buggers with a large bore, it seems to be a...
  33. Big5

    49 days and counting

    Part of the fun of any hunting trip is the organizing of the gear in anticipation of leaving. But, no matter how many trips we go on and no matter how little clothing and gear we pack, it will always end up to be much more than we actually need. . . funny how that works. Have a great time...
  34. Big5

    Tipping Guide

    Jerome, thanks for the very informative post on a topic nearly everyone ponders each and every time he goes hunting. I greatly appreciate the effort and information you put forth.
  35. Big5

    Which is the hardest Spiral Antelope to hunt in South Africa?

    I think 'Frederik' said it best: "It could be any of those depending on the circumstances. . ." Each hunt and our particular experiences as hunters vary so greatly that I think it would be difficult to pick one of them as the single greatest challenge. One thing is for sure, they are all...
  36. Big5

    Hi from South Africa.

    Glad you joined. It's always nice to have someone from your side of the pond to swap information and stories with. In '97 I took my daughter on her first African hunt off the Eastern Cape. She had a great time and returned home with some wonderful trophies and great memories.
  37. Big5

    Now in Las Vegas

    Welcome! Lots of information and many great folks to exchange and share information with on this site.
  38. Big5

    Which .416 and why?

    BangFlop . . . without a doubt all of the calibers you mentioned are fine hunting cartridges and capable of dispatching the largest of game. However, I do agree with Ray that from a practical point of view it’s pretty hard to beat the .416 Rem.
  39. Big5

    "Active Forum Topics" link

    . . . A really great tool to quickly stay informed on topics of particular interest.
  40. Big5

    Perception of Wilderness

    . . . Skyline, to me your post is so sad yet true. It seems that the new age ‘hunter’ wants a four star resort holiday package rather than an outdoor hunting experience. Tents are being replaced with lodges and chalets and true campfire meals are being replaced with a menu selection of gourmet...
  41. Big5

    "You Can't Even Talk About IT" John Stossel

    Thanks DuggaBoy! An excellent post on a topic that should not be of the extreme controversy and polarization it has become. It seems quite indisputable that the method of placing a value on an animal (American Bison, African Elephant and White Rhino) will increase the population where a...
  42. Big5

    Bad Experiences with your PH / Outfitter

    Skyline. . . it can't be said any better than you just put it, sir; "life and real hunting is never a sure thing." With that in mind perhaps many hunting disappointments are rooted in expectations which were set too high in the first place.
  43. Big5

    Bad Experiences with your PH / Outfitter

    Upon comparing my lifetime ‘hunt complaint list’ to my ‘hunt satisfaction list’ I find that I am way, way ahead in the satisfaction department. I’ve hunted most of my life, but upon entering the ‘international hunt arena’ many years ago I decided I could really use some solid advice and sound...