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  1. Josh P

    Cheaper than Dirt wont see anymore of my money!

    It's literally to each his own on this matter. If you want to take it as a dig, go right on ahead, cause that's up to you as well. Consider a Snickers or a nap. If you just need someone to talk to about the issues of life, feel free to DM me and I'll listen.
  2. Josh P

    Cheaper than Dirt wont see anymore of my money!

    Didn't realize I was giving you a hard time to begin with.
  3. Josh P

    Winchester Model 70 375 H&H, new to me!

    Doesn't is say "1999" on the tag?
  4. Josh P

    Cheaper than Dirt wont see anymore of my money!

    Principles > preferences, but that's for each to determine.
  5. Josh P

    Cheaper than Dirt wont see anymore of my money!

    CTD is mostly D. When there was a scare about a nation-wide ban on 30rd AR mags, they canceled the orders that had already been paid for and relisted the inventory at $100/ea. They are the embodiment of scalpers and gaugers. You would do well to find another vendor.
  6. Josh P

    Proud Father

    Nice office he's got there.
  7. Josh P

    Duty Free Booze

    You can fit even more in there with lowercase letters.
  8. Josh P


    That's a job primarily for fathers, not a government institution.
  9. Josh P


    Hence the popularity of the response, "Ok, boomer."
  10. Josh P


    They also raised both the millennials and gen z by handing them over to educational systems without any accountability. But hey, bootstraps, ya'll.
  11. Josh P

    AUSTRALIA: Australia Buffalo & Banteng With A Rusa To Top It Off

    No wonder is didn't load. There's barely enough bandwidth for those horns.
  12. Josh P


    Certain adjectives and a general lack of an exercised vocabulary do not aid in one's attempt to justify a political stance. If one just wants to uselessly complain, by all means, continue.
  13. Josh P


    I'd encourage moving away from federal funding anyway. There are so many strings attached you may as well not even have a local school board in some cases.
  14. Josh P

    A tick in the usa thats bite can basically turn you vegan...

    I have had zero tick bites while wearing permethrin sprayed lighter, short, OR brand gaiters. Sample size of one, but it has been sufficient in the tick covered woods of the southeast US.
  15. Josh P

    A tick in the usa thats bite can basically turn you vegan...

    At a friend's suggestion, I started spraying it on a pair of boot gaitors instead of clothing that would be directly on the skin. It helps substantially in keeping the ticks off, and is a good solution if you're out in shorts and still want some protection.
  16. Josh P

    Why was the bring back Von Gruff thread deleted?

    For anyone out of the loop.
  17. Josh P

    Why was the bring back Von Gruff thread deleted?

    I'll second that. It can be difficult to not indulge in the pull towards the negative. The more that will, the easier it will be for (most) everyone else.
  18. Josh P

    Why was the bring back Von Gruff thread deleted?

    A forum is the online equivalent to private property. You're free to say whatever you want at your own house, but if you try to say certain things at my house, even if half the neighborhood is over for a cookout, you're going to be asked to be quiet, change the subject, or leave. We, the...
  19. Josh P

    Why was the bring back Von Gruff thread deleted?

    Garry is the kind of person that really makes a forum. Lots of experience, knowledge, and willingness to share. He is a big reason I got enough out of the forum to contribute financially (can we please get another hat run for this purpose?) and it's disappointing to see things turn out this way...
  20. Josh P


    That's partially what makes Senegal so interesting. They realized it's not always a good idea to be on your own in the modern world. Plenty of us that are not African have some understanding of Africa, just not from an African perspective. It's a gigantic and diverse place with many perspectives.
  21. Josh P


    Probably due to the inconvenience of physics. Edit... That might come off a bit more snarky than intended. The headlamp is not the driving force of the bicycle, your legs are the primary means of locomotion. The more complicated you make a vehicle the more likely it is going to have...
  22. Josh P


    They're so good they reported a building falling on 9/11 before it actually fell.
  23. Josh P


    This is the politics thread. We don't do nuance or rationale here. We might as well just type in all caps from here on out.
  24. Josh P


    Nuance is a thing.
  25. Josh P

    Good Gun Deals This Week Slick looking 458wm over on GB.
  26. Josh P


    We have a shorter life expectancy because we get more cool stuff to play with, blow up, drive fast, etc.! Also, the Clinton's don't have as many "friends" in Canada.
  27. Josh P


    It's less the healthcare system and more the industrialized food, lack of activity in lifestyles, and so forth. In many cases people aren't even eating real food. That you won't find a planned parenthood location in a white suburb or a grocery store in the hood is a big issue too. To say the...
  28. Josh P


    Lies, damn lies, and statistics.
  29. Josh P

    If you had a Charles Daly Zastava 98 action, what would you build it into?

    I ended up passing on this deal entirely. I probably had a couple wires crossed when I was looking into what I wanted to do with the thing.
  30. Josh P

    New Member from N FL

  31. Josh P

    Hello from Northwest Florida

  32. Josh P

    When he takes your gun......!? Maybe this is not the career for you

    You pretty much fill that with an epoxy and leave it as-is, right?
  33. Josh P

    Wild Boar Cutlet Rolls

    Whoever decided to do recipes in the articles section is barking up the right tree. Post as many of these as you'd like.
  34. Josh P

    Looking for Australia hunt (low-budget preferred)

    I just try to remember the things that I do have at my disposal that are to my advantage. Am I able to hire a wagon, ox team, and porters to haul off into the unknown for a year to hunt ivory? No, but I do have access to private land deer hunting with one of the most liberal limits in the entire...
  35. Josh P

    So what is it about hunting?

    It's one of those things that if a hunting buddy asks that question, everyone shrugs and says, "Well, you know..." and then we all nod and go back to talking about that big pig we saw that one time in the swamp, when the dog ran after, and I couldn't quite get there in time because I was all but...
  36. Josh P

    Looking for Australia hunt (low-budget preferred)

    That's what I was quoted about 11 years ago. I have nonidea the change in value of that $10k between then and now, with inflation and exchange rates and everything else turned upside-down.
  37. Josh P

    Good Gun Deals This Week

    I really wish that was my thing. It'd make things pretty easy.
  38. Josh P

    Rhino Mount Options

    How far away from the mount will you be when looking from the floor? If far enough away, it might be neat to have the skull and horns as their own thing on a shelf. I doubt most people would know the difference if you never told them one set was a replica. A lot of it depends on personal taste...
  39. Josh P

    Craddock kudu charge

    You'd be a busy man if you offered to cart people to and from the airport in those chariots.
  40. Josh P

    Hello from Austria!

    Welcome to the party, Matt.
  41. Josh P

    Outdoor Cooking/Grilling/Braai Area

    This is how you let people know you have friends without saying, "I have friends."
  42. Josh P

    Outdoor Cooking/Grilling/Braai Area

    This gets me excited for cooking. Those are handy configurations.
  43. Josh P

    Outdoor Cooking/Grilling/Braai Area

    You have my attention.
  44. Josh P

    Outdoor Cooking/Grilling/Braai Area

    Traeger makes a fantastic product!
  45. Josh P

    Outdoor Cooking/Grilling/Braai Area

    That's the plan, to DIY as much as is reasonable. I genuinely enjoy cooking, and outdoor space to prepare from the garden and game will get a lot of use.
  46. Josh P

    Outdoor Cooking/Grilling/Braai Area

    There's a good deal of crossover between hunting and cooking, obviously. What does everyone like for dedicated outdoor cooking areas, be it a simple grill or a standalone Summer kitchen? An upcoming project is open ended at this point and I should start some back-of-the-napkin planning. Water...
  47. Josh P

    Hunting multiple buffalo

    Everybody likes cash flow.
  48. Josh P


  49. Josh P

    Heym 89b 450/400

    #974 is right up my alley, but the strength of #835 would probably be my choice. They're all lookers, though.