Recent content by Tubby’s Canteen

  1. Tubby’s Canteen

    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    The book is really good if you get a chance to read it, different title though the book is eaters of the dead.
  2. Tubby’s Canteen

    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    merciful father I have squandered my days with plans of many things this was not among them but at this moment I ask only to live the next few minutes well. For all that we ought to of thought and have not thought and all that we ought to have said and have not said all the we ought to have done...
  3. Tubby’s Canteen

    Requesting help with DIY spring bear hunt in Montana or Idaho

    After reading his posts for awhile I can understand why he has first hand experience being bear sprayed.
  4. Tubby’s Canteen


    To build on what @ DillionG was saying: Im a member of the millennial generation and as such my opinion is surely biased as I’m sure if we’re honest many of your are as well being older gentleman mostly of the baby boom generation. My generation definitely has its faults and you’ll hardly...
  5. Tubby’s Canteen


    Used to see it here the other way log truckers would buy a glider and put a vintage power train to get clear of emissions standards.
  6. Tubby’s Canteen

    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    She sent me to the jesuits didn’t take couldn’t get the hang of turning the other cheek
  7. Tubby’s Canteen

    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

  8. Tubby’s Canteen

    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    That is a woman worth 100,000$
  9. Tubby’s Canteen

    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    Why yes sir in my case an accident at birth but you your a self made man She could lick a regiment but she can’t dance a lick If we get back to this rat trap alive it could be touch and go light this fuse an dynamite not faith will move that mountain into this pass If I tell you you’ll...
  10. Tubby’s Canteen

    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    You’ve got me stumped I know I’ve heard the line and recently the only James gang movies I own are amirican outlaw the long riders and the assignation of Jesse James and I’m almost 100% positive it’s not the last one.
  11. Tubby’s Canteen

    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    Will geer was an amazing actor anyway I’m sure generations will remember him fondly as grandfather Walton. My favourite episodes where him and the Baldwin sisters dipping in the recipe.
  12. Tubby’s Canteen

    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    Partner you just wrote my epitaph
  13. Tubby’s Canteen

    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    Frank uses a Henry or winchester with a ladder sight to take out a Gatling gun in the opening scene Jesse jumps over the barricade he’s hiding behind on a horse and uses pistols for a distraction
  14. Tubby’s Canteen

    OK Boys, let’s play a little trivia!

    Isn’t it amirican outlaws the one with Colin Farrell? I wasn’t sure if it was amirican outlaws or the long riders but I knew it was one or the other.
  15. Tubby’s Canteen

    Mossberg Shockwave

    Have been down this road with my father who has tremors in his hands , Canuck defenders mossberg cruisers pistol grip 870s tried the works only two that he could actually hold and fire well was a mossberg 510 in 410 with a pistol grip and a paratrooper 30 carbine with the wire stock removed.