10mm auto new pistol which one?

we think alike! I sure dont need another gun but with a big full bag Alaska adventure booked everyone seems to think I need a 10mm instead of a .45.
At this point I have only casually looked at them. I could go with any of them really.
I am following this discussion and looking for advice and ideas.
For that purpose it would be hard to do better than a Glock. If it were me I'd think seriously about the Glock 20 for high capacity, ease of shooting, and ease of carrying vs the Glock 40.
I have a Glock 40 and now recently bought a Smith and Wesson M&P 10mm. Both of my guns are optics ready. They both shoot very well. Just need to put a reflex sight on one of them.
+1 on the Glock 40. I like the longer sighting plane with the 6" barrel and it recoils less than my Glock 27 .40 subcompact. I have Trijicon night sights on it at the moment.
I have a Glock 40 and now recently bought a Smith and Wesson M&P 10mm. Both of my guns are optics ready. They both shoot very well. Just need to put a reflex sight on one of them.
@TOBY458 have you looked at or used a Lasermax? https://www.lasermax.com/products/internal-lasers.html

It seems like a Glock 40 with one of these would be a nice carry gun in bear country.

On my recent Alaska hunt, the guide carried a Glock 40. The assistant guide had a S&W 500, but he didn't carry it very much. A big weight difference between the two.


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I've been watching for a 10mm for a while now but other gun purchases keep getting in the way;)

I am pretty sure when I do pull the trigger, it will be a 1911 style. So although I do know Glocks to be very fine weapons, of those two I would have to go with the Colt.

Personally I've mostly been drooling over a Dan Wesson, just can't decide if a long slide or more standard length, they do several versions in a 10mm.

And now the Ruger SR1911 5" 10mm has caught my eye. Handled one and seemed really decent, especially for the price. And as I have a Ruger collection well on it's way, that is another reason for me to like it. Decisions decisions :)
Long slide, 10mm is harder on parts. Let the full size recoil spring do it's best job. JMHO
Long slide, 10mm is harder on parts. Let the full size recoil spring do it's best job. JMHO
I can see that. Would you prefer to carry the long slide for a defensive weapon on a wilderness hunt?
I can see that. Would you prefer to carry the long slide for a defensive weapon on a wilderness hunt?
I carry a full size 1911, that does not bother me. That said, I train train and train some more with that platform. I do not recommend it for defensive carry unless you really are dedicated to training hard with it. To much to remember if things go sideways. It needs to be muscle memory that takes over.

That's just MHO, in shooting with the platform in high stress environments. Last thing you want is to pull it and press the trigger and nothing happens. Did you take off the thumb safety? Did you get a good purchase to activate the beaver tail safety?

I'm not a telling you not to, just want to bring up some concerns. Some people do not realize.
I carry a full size 1911, that does not bother me. That said, I train train and train some more with that platform. I do not recommend it for defensive carry unless you really are dedicated to training hard with it. To much to remember if things go sideways. It needs to be muscle memory that takes over.

That's just MHO, in shooting with the platform in high stress environments. Last thing you want is to pull it and press the trigger and nothing happens. Did you take off the thumb safety? Did you get a good purchase to activate the beaver tail safety?

I'm not a telling you not to, just want to bring up some concerns. Some people do not realize.
Hmm, so long slide is better. But not as good as a 1911. Which you don't recommend as a carry gun. Unless you are someone who practices as much as you do. I agree in general.....

However I was trying to answer Philip's question on which 10mm to carry on a wilderness hunt.

My thought was a Glock for reliability and high capacity. As well as simplicity. If a grizzly wants to chomp on you, you might want to have more rounds than a compact like the 29. And a full size grip. And maybe a standard barrel length to get at least standard velocity. Granted the long slide should be better for all things except possibly quickly drawing the gun, and comfort and weight to carry on a hunt, possibly up mountains. Where ounces feel like pounds.

I do think for a defense hand gun against the big bears, you either go with a big bore revolver. Or a high capacity 10mm. Theory being you kill the bear with one or two well placed shots with a large hard hitting caliber... Or you rain hell on it with as hard a hitting auto that has the ability to hold lots of rounds and make it turn and rethink it's plans for the day. With the hope of killing it with a round that is as capable as a 357 magnum.
I’m a bit late to the party so I hope you guys won’t mind me chiming in.
I struggled with the decision of what’s the right choice for a griz country handgun and I ended up with a Glock 20. I considered most of the options mentioned and I am happy with the choice I made. The primary application is for use during archery season and I regularly hunt eastern and northern Idaho where I do ocassionally see grizzlies and always see fresh sign. It’s comforting to know I have another option besides a tiny carbon fiber spear ;)
The G20 is already a pretty substantial platform for a carry gun, especially witha full magazine, and the G40 was just too long and too heavy for me. Admittedly I’m not a real big dude at 5’8” and 160 pounds. A larger individual may not care so much, but if you do much walking with a pack on you back and bow in your hands, ounces and pounds start to matter. More so every year it seems!
I replaced the factory sights with Hi Viz Lightwave H3 (Tritium/Lightpipe) and I really like them alot. I had a custom holster guy make me a kydex crossdraw type of holster that puts the gun at about a 45* angle grip forward on the left side, which allows me to ride a horse or in the pickup truck without the gun trying to gouge me in the ribs and its always readily at hand. Works great. Another 1.5” of barrel and slide on the G40 would not work near as well for these application.
I’m handloading 200 gr Swift A-Frames over 12.0 gr of Blue Dot which yields 1200 fps. It’s a stout load, pretty much max, but not unpleasant to shoot. Penetration is fairly impressive.
I think the only additional thing I’m going to do is get a KKM .40 S&W barrel for it as I’ve got a bunch of ammo and brass on hand which will allow me to practice more/cheaper.
I don’t know if that info has any value, but at least it was free! :ROFLMAO:
Hmm, so long slide is better. But not as good as a 1911. Which you don't recommend as a carry gun. Unless you are someone who practices as much as you do. I agree in general.....

However I was trying to answer Philip's question on which 10mm to carry on a wilderness hunt.

My thought was a Glock for reliability and high capacity. As well as simplicity. If a grizzly wants to chomp on you, you might want to have more rounds than a compact like the 29. And a full size grip. And maybe a standard barrel length to get at least standard velocity. Granted the long slide should be better for all things except possibly quickly drawing the gun, and comfort and weight to carry on a hunt, possibly up mountains. Where ounces feel like pounds.

I do think for a defense hand gun against the big bears, you either go with a big bore revolver. Or a high capacity 10mm. Theory being you kill the bear with one or two well placed shots with a large hard hitting caliber... Or you rain hell on it with as hard a hitting auto that has the ability to hold lots of rounds and make it turn and rethink it's plans for the day. With the hope of killing it with a round that is as capable as a 357 magnum.
Thanks Bob. It is a lot to consider.
Thanks Bob. It is a lot to consider.
Another thing to consider when you are on a back country adventure with the potential of bears coming through the alders is how will you carry that 10mm. Currently I am working with a Springfield XDm Elite in 10mm. I like how I shoot the gun, however, finding an appropriate holster has been an issue. After several purchases and returns I am using a Razco Chest Rig that can fit to my Kuiu Pro Bino Holders and my Marsupial Fishing pack.

Some of the questions I have worked through are the following:

1. Do I carry the pistol on my hip belt of my pack? If I do that what happens when I set my pack down and it is two steps away?

2. Do I carry the pistol in a strong side holster? If I do that how will I access it when I am wearing my Pack? This issue is the same for an appendix carry.

3. Do I carry the pistol on a chest rig? If I do that how does it interface with chest mounted bino holders?

Yes, lots of things to consider. It has been a fun journey solving this problem.

Further thoughts on this subject would be appreciated.


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I can't say Glock 40 because it causes me to laugh at the recollection of a fine spoken gentleman whose pride went before a shot in the foot.
Prior to the advent of the G40, I looked at the 20 and the 29. I found that the 29 was a heck of a lot handier coming out of a sleeping bag than the 20. As a result, I enjoy the 29 with a TLR-1 HL mounted underneath. I would urge you to find a light bearing holster if possible for this gun as it makes it much more useful after dark with a light or even better and light and laser mounted. For all the rule 2 crowd that's going to nay say this, just remember you can splash a lot of light around without pointing directly at something. It amazes me how many trainers are dissuading folks from WMLs and lasers lately. It's as though they've never fired a handgun extensively at night.
Hmm, so long slide is better. But not as good as a 1911. Which you don't recommend as a carry gun. Unless you are someone who practices as much as you do. I agree in general.....

However I was trying to answer Philip's question on which 10mm to carry on a wilderness hunt.

My thought was a Glock for reliability and high capacity. As well as simplicity. If a grizzly wants to chomp on you, you might want to have more rounds than a compact like the 29. And a full size grip. And maybe a standard barrel length to get at least standard velocity. Granted the long slide should be better for all things except possibly quickly drawing the gun, and comfort and weight to carry on a hunt, possibly up mountains. Where ounces feel like pounds.

I do think for a defense hand gun against the big bears, you either go with a big bore revolver. Or a high capacity 10mm. Theory being you kill the bear with one or two well placed shots with a large hard hitting caliber... Or you rain hell on it with as hard a hitting auto that has the ability to hold lots of rounds and make it turn and rethink it's plans for the day. With the hope of killing it with a round that is as capable as a 357 magnum.
In this situation, the 20 would probably be the better option.

I did not say a 1911 was better or worse than a long slide. It's two different animals. The 1911 better be put toghter right. (Just had no problems carrying a full size 1911).

No matter which one is chosen, no less the 500 rounds through it before I'm willing to bet my life on it. Might be overkill, it has been something that has always worked for me.
For your original question. Both are great. I own a good amount of 10mm’s. These are my opinions.
The Delta has two issues; first, the barrel isn’t fully supported so cartridge load can be limited and two, there is no feed ramp on the barrel itself so there is a small gap that can/will cause feed issues. There are a few companies that machine barrels specifically for the Delta. It’s not cheap and to add to the price of the gun is what turned me off of it. However, both issues are solved with that.
As for the Glock. I do own their line of firearms except for the GAP models. They fit me great and they take a beating. My main carry when moose hunting is the G20. All have Suarez International triggers. They use the stock trigger bar but change to a flat shoe. It feels better to me. I use plus five extension for hunting and fishing just incase I get multiple families of bears again. They are my primary carry due to capacity and ruggedness.
The Ruger 1911 is a good cheap 10mm. The only issue I’ve had with it was feeding problems. I switch to .45 ACP magazines and works great. Wilson Combat magazines worked the best. After 1k the factory magazines started to work regularly.
Sig P220 Legion is great, love that gun. I’m a big fan of double action, single action with decocker. Really the only downside to it is capacity and weight.
Kimber, another fine 10mm, but some have sat in a store/warehouse for years so the springs are a bit of an issue. Kimber customer service is great on that. They will send you a new spring kit and once swapped out she’s a fun one to shoot.
Dan Wesson is another great one. The Bruin feels like the slide is on roller bearings. It’s silky smooth and I use it deer hunting in Michigan. Silverback which has been discontinued but still available is also a great one. Downside on Dan Wesson’s is the price.
Springfield XDm are my least favorite. For me the grip is not for me. The trigger is also not very good. Upgrades are available. I have never cared for the Springfield line. Again this is personal preference. Others I work with love their XDm’s.
For EDC I use 200gr Speer Gold and hunting is usually Buffalo Bore or Double Tap. I really like the DT 180gr controlled expansion for strictly hunting with 10mm.
Ultimately it will come down to each individual.
Sorry for the length, but I hope this will help with any questio, but ns. Best of luck and the 10mm is a great choice.
Yes it's an old thread but... What don't you like about the XDM trigger? I have read multiple reviews about wilderness carry 10 mm's and both have said XDM Elite over Glock. Multiple reasons, but one of the biggest for me is the ability to shoot hardcast ammo (Not a Springfield or Glock fan but been looking at wilderness carry 10 mm for a while)
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Interesting review of the Sig P320 XTen

The SIG XTen is excellent. I have started accumulating them to replace my arsenal of Glock 20s. It's everything you ever wanted the Glock 20 to be. The P320 XTen is ergonomic, points perfectly, has a great trigger, great sight picture which add up to faster follow up shots and more accurate shooting. Longer barrel, more rifling for more velocity!

If you like your Glock 20 and you don't want to own an XTen, then never touch one. Don't dare look at one at your gunshop or gunshow. Just don't hold one, otherwise you'll open your wallet. You have been warned.
The SIG XTen is excellent. I have started accumulating them to replace my arsenal of Glock 20s. It's everything you ever wanted the Glock 20 to be. The P320 XTen is ergonomic, points perfectly, has a great trigger, great sight picture which add up to faster follow up shots and more accurate shooting. Longer barrel, more rifling for more velocity!

If you like your Glock 20 and you don't want to own an XTen, then never touch one. Don't dare look at one at your gunshop or gunshow. Just don't hold one, otherwise you'll open your wallet. You have been warned.View attachment 494940
Nice photo comparison.
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@RTG, there's a bunch of info out there on the web about the P320 having "uncommanded discharge" or accidental discharge issues. Any thoughts?


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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!