Whereabouts of Anton Allen

Anton hunted alot with Richard Bonham, now with the Big Life Foundation in Kenya.
All, I have a link to the rare, incredibly hard to find documentary about Bunny Allen, called "A Gypsy in Africa". I managed to talk the production company into burning me one last DVD. They just sent it from England. I believe in sharing so enjoy at your own risk! https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https://wetransfer.com/downloads/bbc01e855ee93b02056c82cde159e6b820240513152432/c2c2353cc704b543b8d512abc8f4459520240513152433/b3a8ed?trk=TRN_TDL_01&utm_campaign=TRN_TDL_01&utm_medium=email&utm_source=sendgrid&data=05|02||42a4fb4248ef4202fe1108dc73617d86|84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa|1|0|638512109766887283|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0=|0|||&sdata=V8TP2inKK/ecudNf7lifN0pebo1F4r+AVgLZlfxDKBs=&reserved=0

Just select, copy and paste the whole thing into a new URL window. Its good for 72 hours

Also, Im trying to send it as an attachment
Thank you for sharing!

I had a lovely day spent with the renowned Bryan Colemen. Sadly, at 92, he is quite feeble and hard of hearing; and his wife is in hospice with dementia. So, there's an emptiness to his house, despite the Africana and memorabilia that covers his home. Nonetheless, he was in good sprits; and we spent the day talking about the Golden Years of his time in Africa. We talked about such characters as Brian Herne, Dougie Collins, Antona Allen, and others. I was able to capture many stories during my time there.

He has one of the best collections of Africana books I've yet seen- first editions of Darkest Africa and the White Nile, to name a few. Sadly, it seems destined for the dustbin as he admitted that his only child, a Son, has no interest in Africa.

He lives with his two terriers and still visits his wife every other day. At Sundown, we drove around his ranch and fed the turtles in his pond. This was punctuated by a Sundowner (beer) on his porch and a dinner I had prepared especially for him- "Swahili Fish" and coconut rice; to remind him of the flavors of Africa. When I asked him, "what place would you most want to go back to, if you had the chance?" he immediately answered "Mombasa". So, I found the dish especially apropos.

Lastly, I thanked him for his time; and he invited me back anytime. I took it all in one final time; gave him a gentle hug; and thanked him for everything. Yet knowing, this quite possibly will be the only time a get to enjoy the company of this remarkable Man. I drove back home at night with the windows down enjoying a lovely Texas spring evening; ruminating on this special day I had been blessed to have.

Was this one of his rifles ?
Very good movie about Allen . Hope it make its way to YouTube one day also if it ok for the license holders of it .

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Safari Dave wrote on CoElkHunter's profile.
I didn't get drawn for Wyoming this year.

Are you planning to hunt Unit 4 this fall?

(Thinking about coming out)
another great review

EDELWEISS wrote on bowjijohn's profile.
Thanks again for your support on the Rhodesian Shotgun thread. From the amount of "LIKES" it received, it appears there was only ONE person who objected. Hes also the same one who continually insisted on interjecting his posts that werent relevant to the thread.
sierraone wrote on AZDAVE's profile.
Dave if you copy this, call me I can't find your number.

David Hodo