
IF.....Trump can get reelected, I seriously hope that he forms a special team to go after everyone responsible for this political hit job.

The better course of action would be to put legislation in place that prevents it from ever happening again...

But that requires R ownership of the house and the senate.. POTUS alone cant accomplish that..

Going after everyone personally would just further demonstrate a concern for self as opposed to a concern for the US as a whole.. and further divide the country.. resulting in more of the same crap repeated over and over and over again by whichever party is in power at the time..

Most Americans, whether left or right leaning know that whats going on in the courts is a circus act and that many (most) of the cases are politically driven and have little to nothing to do with a desire to punish for a criminal act..
IF.....Trump can get reelected, I seriously hope that he forms a special team to go after everyone responsible for this political hit job.

Aaaaand there you go: so basically you accuse Biden of weaponizing the DOJ - of using it as his own hit squad - and you want Trump to turn around do the same thing. That doesn't sound a whole lot like changing the culture of DC; it sounds like perpetuating what's there, but installing a new emperor. Me? I do want things changed, and it's NOT going to happen with either of these decrepit fools in charge. I'm still hoping for that last 2 minute/4 quarter Hail Mary. Or I guess we've moved onto baseball season (Go Royals!), so that Kirk Gibson-esque 9th inning walk off.

TT, I believe you are seeing this from a different angle. Let me explain if you don't mind, how I see this.

I would say this is a good thing, because we do not need corrupt individuals like those currently in the DOJ. Fire them all! I don't think this is a, you did this to me, now I'm going to do this to you. We need reputable individuals in the DOJ who could stand up and say this is not legal, or no I will not do that. Have integrity for a change. I hope that is what Trump has in mind. If the DOJ continues to be weaponize, and they are doing this to a former president (regardless of if he is found guilty or not). What will stop them from doing it to you, or me, or anyone on this forum? Trust me, I've lived in a country where if you were not on their side, you said the wrong thing, or didn't participate in a "peaceful" demonstration, you had no rights, and the courts/police would do anything to ensure you were not a threat to the party.
This in my humble opinion is a serious slippery slope. We are treading in very turbulent waters, and this could very well be heading to the beginning of something more serious. Regardless of if what Trump has done is true or not. Look how the other side is getting away with things. Bill Clinton, paid hush money. Hitlary and the thousands of e-mails that were destroyed, using unauthorized servers to deal with classified information. Russian collusion was all fabricated. I'm not going to get into the Hunter & Big Guy debacle. Nothing has happened to any of them. Meanwhile Trump is being hit from every direction, and he still fighting. I'm ashamed of what the left is doing to him. We are no better than those countries south of us. I hope this makes sense to you.
The only Hail Mary you’ll get is with Trump found guilty and sentenced to life in prison, at 72 years of age a ten year stretch is a life sentence, and President Crapshispants is the only person on the ballot besides somebody no one even in her home state wanted, it’ll be pretty much vote for the Biden of your choice……glwt
He's 77 not 72 and no he won't get a 10 year prison sentence.
TT, I believe you are seeing this from a different angle. Let me explain if you don't mind, how I see this.

I would say this is a good thing, because we do not need corrupt individuals like those currently in the DOJ. Fire them all! I don't think this is a, you did this to me, now I'm going to do this to you. We need reputable individuals in the DOJ who could stand up and say this is not legal, or no I will not do that. Have integrity for a change. I hope that is what Trump has in mind. If the DOJ continues to be weaponize, and they are doing this to a former president (regardless of if he is found guilty or not). What will stop them from doing it to you, or me, or anyone on this forum? Trust me, I've lived in a country where if you were not on their side, you said the wrong thing, or didn't participate in a "peaceful" demonstration, you had no rights, and the courts/police would do anything to ensure you were not a threat to the party.
This in my humble opinion is a serious slippery slope. We are treading in very turbulent waters, and this could very well be heading to the beginning of something more serious. Regardless of if what Trump has done is true or not. Look how the other side is getting away with things. Bill Clinton, paid hush money. Hitlary and the thousands of e-mails that were destroyed, using unauthorized servers to deal with classified information. Russian collusion was all fabricated. I'm not going to get into the Hunter & Big Guy debacle. Nothing has happened to any of them. Meanwhile Trump is being hit from every direction, and he still fighting. I'm ashamed of what the left is doing to him. We are no better than those countries south of us. I hope this makes sense to you.
Just another banana republic……
I would say this is a good thing, because we do not need corrupt individuals like those currently in the DOJ. Fire them all! I don't think this is a, you did this to me, now I'm going to do this to you. We need reputable individuals in the DOJ who could stand up and say this is not legal, or no I will not do that. Have integrity for a change. I hope that is what Trump has in mind.

I wholeheartedly agree: not retaining corrupt individuals is a good idea - fire them all indeed. However, I did read Brett's post as a tit-for-tat kind of thing. Perhaps it was not meant as such? The words "go after" read to me as retaliatory in nature.

What will stop them from doing it to you, or me, or anyone on this forum? Trust me, I've lived in a country where if you were not on their side, you said the wrong thing, or didn't participate in a "peaceful" demonstration, you had no rights, and the courts/police would do anything to ensure you were not a threat to the party.

I do recognize you have a completely different background and truth to speak from on this, and I respect that.

Look how the other side is getting away with things. Bill Clinton, paid hush money. Hitlary and the thousands of e-mails that were destroyed, using unauthorized servers to deal with classified information. Russian collusion was all fabricated. I'm not going to get into the Hunter & Big Guy debacle.

I totally agree: there should be justice in each of those cases, and there has not been, at all. But I also continue to maintain that, as a registered Republican, I hold the people representing me to a higher standard, and wrong by one side does not justify or exonerate behavior by people I might actually vote for.

Meanwhile Trump is being hit from every direction, and he still fighting. I'm ashamed of what the left is doing to him. We are no better than those countries south of us. I hope this makes sense to you.

I guess maybe it could be that one take is he's still fighting? To me it seems more like fighting from a sense of self-preservation and nothing more. Frankly, that's what any of us would do I suppose, but I don't believe he is completely guiltless in all of it, and if I am wrong I will happily eat crow on that.

I too am ashamed of what the left is doing, but I've felt a fair amount of shame over the actions and words of Donald J. Trump too, particularly in the last couple of years.
Guilty of what crime exactly? The sham in New York has yet to name a crime to the conspiracy……. Criminal conspiracy of what?
Jack Smiths charges in the documents case? He was the president he was lawfully in possession of said documents, Obama still hasn’t sent his documents back to the archives,,,,,,,,, that pos so called president in office at present actually violated the law but his stooge AG chose to over look the fact that Crapshispants stole top secrete documents from the time he was a senator….. naw, Trump hurt peoples feelings is the only thing he’s guilty of.
Can someone educate me on the upcoming election in South Africa? I keep seeing articles about how the ANC is set to lose their majority, but coverage is severely lacking, and I am interested in how South Africans view their election options. Are any of the smaller parties expected to form a ruling coalition?
I would say this is a good thing, because we do not need corrupt individuals like those currently in the DOJ. Fire them all! I don't think this is a, you did this to me, now I'm going to do this to you. We need reputable individuals in the DOJ who could stand up and say this is not legal, or no I will not do that. Have integrity for a change. I hope that is what Trump has in mind.

I wholeheartedly agree: not retaining corrupt individuals is a good idea - fire them all indeed. However, I did read Brett's post as a tit-for-tat kind of thing. Perhaps it was not meant as such? The words "go after" read to me as retaliatory in nature.

What will stop them from doing it to you, or me, or anyone on this forum? Trust me, I've lived in a country where if you were not on their side, you said the wrong thing, or didn't participate in a "peaceful" demonstration, you had no rights, and the courts/police would do anything to ensure you were not a threat to the party.

I do recognize you have a completely different background and truth to speak from on this, and I respect that.

Look how the other side is getting away with things. Bill Clinton, paid hush money. Hitlary and the thousands of e-mails that were destroyed, using unauthorized servers to deal with classified information. Russian collusion was all fabricated. I'm not going to get into the Hunter & Big Guy debacle.

I totally agree: there should be justice in each of those cases, and there has not been, at all. But I also continue to maintain that, as a registered Republican, I hold the people representing me to a higher standard, and wrong by one side does not justify or exonerate behavior by people I might actually vote for.

Meanwhile Trump is being hit from every direction, and he still fighting. I'm ashamed of what the left is doing to him. We are no better than those countries south of us. I hope this makes sense to you.

I guess maybe it could be that one take is he's still fighting? To me it seems more like fighting from a sense of self-preservation and nothing more. Frankly, that's what any of us would do I suppose, but I don't believe he is completely guiltless in all of it, and if I am wrong I will happily eat crow on that.

I too am ashamed of what the left is doing, but I've felt a fair amount of shame over the actions and words of Donald J. Trump too, particularly in the last couple of years.
We are where we are because the Republican Party has boxed gloves on while the dems have boxed gloves off, and consistently hit below the belt, with the blessing of a judicial, media, academia ref in their corner--I seriously fail to see how letting Hillary, Hunter, and the dem hydra off scot free will bring peace and unity. It has not in the past, and may be more likely to embolden them. But the bigger issue is that justice needs to be done and seen to be done. If that is "getting back tit for tat" then so be it.
As a nation we are faced with no good political prospects. It's obvious the current administration is inept and consumed with avoiding anything that is a risk politically. They are led by a feeble, old man barely able to construct an sentence. We know what 4 more years of that will lead to. So what happens if Trump wins?

I'd say that depends a lot on how the Republicans fair in the elections for the Senate and House. If they do not retain control of the House the very first thing that will happen is an impeachment attempt. And if the Democrats control the entire congress Trump will be removed from office in short order. If Congress is divided then there will be more of what is going on now only the script will be flipped with the Senate blocking everything that comes up and Trump using executive orders to get things done.

The next few months are going to be interesting to say the least. I look for increased protests and riots over the situation in Israel and the Biden maybe even culminating in a 1968 style Democrat convention...or will be both conventions that are disrupted by riots?

I will not vote for Biden and I'll vote Rep down ticket.
The next few months are going to be interesting to say the least. I look for increased protests and riots over the situation in Israel

Im actually thinking the Israel conflict will lesson significantly between now and November.. and that Biden will claim he is causal to that (even though we all know he wont be)...

Israel continues to downgrade their demands related to a cease fire.. just today they reduced their requirement from 40 hostages to be returned to 33.. (a couple of months ago there was to be no negotiation at all without every hostage returned, Hamas completely eradicated, etc..etc..)..

We still have a little more than 6 months to go before the election.. sometime by mid summer the conflict will either be over, or in a cease fire mode while they negotiate a permanent agreement...

If/when a ceasefire is reached, protests will cease, Biden will claim a huge victory, etc.. and proclaim thats why he should be re-elected..

Im just hopeful the American people arent foolish enough to fall for that line of BS..

Past history unfortunately tells me they will though..
As a nation we are faced with no good political prospects. It's obvious the current administration is inept and consumed with avoiding anything that is a risk politically. They are led by a feeble, old man barely able to construct an sentence. We know what 4 more years of that will lead to. So what happens if Trump wins?

I'd say that depends a lot on how the Republicans fair in the elections for the Senate and House. If they do not retain control of the House the very first thing that will happen is an impeachment attempt. And if the Democrats control the entire congress Trump will be removed from office in short order. If Congress is divided then there will be more of what is going on now only the script will be flipped with the Senate blocking everything that comes up and Trump using executive orders to get things done.

The next few months are going to be interesting to say the least. I look for increased protests and riots over the situation in Israel and the Biden maybe even culminating in a 1968 style Democrat convention...or will be both conventions that are disrupted by riots?

I will not vote for Biden and I'll vote Rep down ticket.
One could only with his VP choice was DeSantis!!
One could only with his VP choice was DeSantis!!

While I dont expect it, I do sincerely hope Trump surprises us with his VP choice, and asks someone like DeSantis, Haley, or Abbott to be his running mate..

IF he were to do that.. and IF they were to accept, I think that would drive A LOT of voters back into his camp and might just win him the election...

Win or lose, Trump only gets 4 more years at best (assuming his health holds up.. he isnt a spring chicken anymore.. that he doesnt get impeached by a D controlled house and senate, etc..etc..)..

The American people need faith in a running mate.. and need something other than Trumps policy promises to bring them to the polls for him.. He still has to get past mean tweets, Orange Man Bad, and frankly all of his very intentionally bombastic behavior in some way if he sincerely wants the office again.. and this person is going to have to come from somewhere other than the far right.. Trump already brings the far right.. he doesnt need any help with that voting bloc.. he needs help quite literally with everyone else..

I'd also hope that Haley or DeSantis could see past the personal bad blood with Trump and realize that in 4 years if Trump is moderately successful in executing policy, whether he continues to mean tweet or not, they would have an extremely viable shot at being next in line... vs allowing someone that is more in the devout loyalist camp (Ramaswamy, Noem, Scott, etc) being a much more viable contender (not necessarily for the office, but for the R seat in the 2028 primaries)..

A pick like Tucker Carlson, Kari Lake, MTG, Sarah Sanders, etc.. will just further alienate him from the centrists and independents.. they do nothing to bring additional votes.. they just further motivate the people that are in his camp.. that doesnt win an election..

While I dont trust Gabbard or fully buy in on her "conversion" to the right.. she might make an interesting pick as well.. she sat on the left for a long time.. could potentially bring a traditionally blue state (Hawaii).. is both a woman and a minority (father is of Samoan heritage).. she could well bring centrist and independent voters into the Trump camp..

While I dont want to lose him in the state... and I also think he is a extremely long shot in terms of being a contender.. I'd personally like to see Abbott picked.. he is considered by many to be a hard right winger (shouldnt upset Trumps base).. but in reality if you look at how he has governed and managed he is certainly on the right, but not nearly as far right as Trump.. he's been loyal to Trump historically (should appeal to Trumps desire to only have loyalists close by).. and he can really accentuate one of the biggest issues on the table this election, the border..... which should be appealing to everyone other than those on the extreme left.. While Texas isnt a swing state this time around.. its getting more and more purple by the day.. bringing Abbott to the ticket locks TX up tightly and alleviates any/all worry that might exist there.. and, while the D's love slinging mud, and are IMO even better at it than Trump is at mean tweeting.. picking on a guy in a wheelchair isnt going to go over very well, and would be a catalyst for moving independents and maybe a few centrist left wingers for reconsidering voting for Biden..

Again, I think Abbott being Trumps running mate is likely a long shot.. and there are selfish reasons that I dont like the idea as well... I do think Trump would likely offer him a very senior position in his administration though (AG? Hes an attorney and the former TX AG..).. which still results in him leaving TX as the governor though..
Sadly, no DeSantis for VP.........in addition, the MNM is boasting that Pres Trump has been seduced by the dark side of The Force..............and has bought into the forever war in Ukraine. It will one day be regarded by America as another mistake...........like VN, Afghanistan, Iraq, .....Guatemala, Iran, Congo.......well, the list goes on..............FWB
While I dont expect it, I do sincerely hope Trump surprises us with his VP choice, and asks someone like DeSantis, Haley, or Abbott to be his running mate..
Don't forget that if the election is close then Trump and DeSantis could have issues by being from the same State. Trump could be President with a Democrat VP.
The talk in the leftist echo chamber is that the most devastating outcome for Biden would be if Trump picked a moderate woman.

The best outcome for Biden would be if he could replace Kamala, but that looks highly unlikely.

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Hi Joshlee0518 (please let me know if you are fine being addressed like that),

Thought I would drop you a PM. It is super exciting to plan a hunt and we are more than happy to assist you. Have you given any thought yet to which species you would like to take?

What do you hunt usually and which weapons/calibers are you using?

Look forward to swapping experiences and ideas.

Happy hunting - Daniel
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