
I'm not going to discuss this any further because you don't seem to get it.
Once again government be it Drump, Brandon whoever is not flying any illegals from outside US, period.
These are people who are vetted and flying here on their own dime!
Illegals are people illegally crossing our borders!
Here are some fact for you:
No, the government does not pay for the migrants’ flights.
Once someone is granted an appointment with a CBP agent in the U.S. and receives authorization to travel, they are responsible for the cost of travel to the United States. This authorization does not guarantee an applicant will get to stay in the country once they arrive; a CBP officer could choose to deny the migrant parole after their appointment at an official port of entry — in this case, the airport.
Additionally, the government only authorizes parolees who can prove they have a sponsor capable and willing to financially support them.
  • A Biden administration program was RESPONSIBLE for flying 320,000 migrants DIRECTLY into the United States between January and December 2023. (True)
See above, You're right, No more need be said, I agree.
Rook, that is the Rub. We want to help everyone. And project stability.

So we are in that region to keep the shipping lanes open while dealing with human animals that do not subscribe to our “Marquess of Queensberry Rules,”.

So IMHO if we are going to stick our nose into every beef around the world then quit dragging it out. Playing by civil rules that only prolong war and entice others.

We need a new rule. if we are going to stick our nose in.

then we are gonna win.

Just like standing Marines in front of the Abby gate for slaughter. That should be a hanging offense. Committing our military and not letting the win from DC ROE teaches the enemy that we are actually not prepared to do what it takes to win.

The US modern version of winning is throwing money, equipment and bodies at the enemy instead of a brutal will to win
Yes, one of my previous coworkers son was on the Cole as a medic. When the Seal team arrived found out the Marine guards M14’s had no ammo in them. (Clinton).

Seal team leader instructed guards to load up and anything within 500yards was to be engaged.
I read this article, and I'll respectfully disagree (snopes is on the left side), and I'll tell you why. My wife and I tried to sponsor her sister to come into the country for a 2-year parole, and after she could apply for legal residency (green card). My wife and I went through the PIA that it is to fill out paperwork for the government, and to provide documentation proof that we could support the individual(s) we were sponsoring. The flight from their original country of Venezuela to the US was their or our responsibility, not the US government. Once in the US, the transportation from the point of entry to their final destination was their or our responsibility. The US never volunteered or insinuated that they were going to provide free travel. Those flights did happen, and they usually happened at night. Whether those travelers were vetted or not, who knows.
I think Brandon's USCIS/CBP (or even through an administrative pathway of the DOS) is probably flying them directly in from outside the country to avoid the media coverage nightmare scenes at the border and to reduce the concierge service the border crashers are causing border agents. It's my understanding that the "border funding" in this last POS "minibus" bill was for increasing staffing for handling the illegals coming in and not for enhanced border security. It easy to spot those who post in these threads who get all their, full of crap, biased, fake,"fact checked" news from CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, NPR, PBS and the like.

Been there done that with K1 and K2 VISAs... times 3! Direct cost to me over $28k, not counting time, energy and stress. The K2 Visa holders, when granted green card status, have to wait for 5 years before applying for citizenship. Where do I sign up for flying immigrant visa applicants or more appropriately fraudulent "asylum seekers" into US for free? Right now I'm tryng to get my wife's two-year-old step niece into the US with an immigrant visa. She was abandoned by her parents, but currently no apparent pathway forward for that since she is a step niece, even though my wife has been granted full guardianship by the country of origin officials. Also have a widowed niece who has two American citizen kids trying to get an immigrant visa into US. She is a nurse with certification and credentials. She keeps running into one roadblock after another within the US DOS/ USCIS system. Unknown when or if she and the kids will be able to enter the US.

I gave this admin a margin for benefit of the doubt for awhile but it has become obvious this border situation/illegal alien issue is planned and has to do with securing more population and more voters for future power and control. Simple as that. So, I have no use for the current POS POTUS nor his admin nor those who support them in any fashion.
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Y'all remember when Billy Jack ran for President?
Maybe we need another Billy Jack....LOL

"One tin soldier rides away....."
In what sane world is this allowed. Our National Guard thrown into this situation with zero means to deal with it.
these combatants should be treated as such.

We have cannons that spray tear gas, tasers, rubber bullets. But instead Biden is ok with our troops being assaulted and hospitalized

My conclusion is indeed the part you don’t like.

In light of that, what’s the objective? Protect the seaways to ensure global stability of commerce.

If they come out to intercept cargo ships, repel them with force. They can keep their chaos and violence on the mainland.

I live near the largest Somali population in America. They have not adapted to western values. They continue to be parasitic on our system and prone to violence. (Randomly throwing a child off the third floor at Mall Of America for sport). Ilhan Omar represents their constituency as congresswoman. Their values are similar.

There are millions of Africans with skilled trades and advanced degrees begging to get into America from Nigeria and Ghana (highest average IQ in the sub-Sahara). They adapt to American culture very well. If we want immigrants, we should look elsewhere than Somalia. If we want global stability, we should do it with force to protect the gulf of Aden rather than getting involved with their feudal pseudo government. Because again, by the numbers it’s easier to negotiate with Koko.

I'm not advocating for immigration from anywhere. I'm also not advocating a weak handed position in regards to piracy, although the piracy problem has largely been resolved (by dealing with it on land mind you).

What I am advocating for is a realistic evaluation of US policy in the region, and Africa at large, simply saying "they're retarded" doesn't accomplish anything.

The kinds of solutions I am wanting to see are ones that are willing to look at places like Somalia and say, "you know.... maybe Western Liberal democratic values just won't work here", similar to the points shared in an article I shared earlier this week...


The US will very often fight tooth and nail to prevent some sort of "strongman" from becoming a leader in places like Somalia, when realistically that's probably exactly what they would benefit from and probably want.

Ilhan Omar represents democrat voters near your state, shame it got to that but that's the reality. Do you really think she would be a mayor in a place like Kismayo? No she would not, not unless the US forced it to happen.

Also, you brought up the subject of "woke"..... How effective have the rest of the people in your neck of the woods been in regards to this stuff? Maybe find some common ground?

The problem with any discussions about Somalia is that they are based in woke assumptions they can be reasoned with, they can order their society if only they had access to opportunity, and that they are logical to a point they can govern their own self interests.

My response:

Average IQ of Somalia? = 68

Koko the Gorilla's IQ = Intelligence. Between 1972 and 1977, Koko was administered several infant IQ tests, including the Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale and form B of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. She achieved scores in the 70–95 range, which is comparable to a human infant that is slow but not intellectually impaired.

What IQ is considered retarded? = 50-70 Mild Intellectual Impairment - (old term Mild Mental Retarded (MR))

To put it bluntly based on the facts above, Koko the Gorilla exceeds the cognitive function of Somalia.
Mimm... Very inappropriate and ugly comparison imho.
Same rankings shows SA at 69 keep that in mind next time you enjoy your time there.
Ilhan Omar represents their constituency as congresswoman. Their values are similar.

Also, do you honestly believe Ilhan Omar would have been elected without the support of White liberals?
Yes, one of my previous coworkers son was on the Cole as a medic. When the Seal team arrived found out the Marine guards M14’s had no ammo in them. (Clinton).

Seal team leader instructed guards to load up and anything within 500yards was to be engaged.
Sorry, this doesn't sound correct, assuming (always dangerous) you are referring to the terrorist attack on the USS COLE.

Did the USS COLE have a Marine Detachment (MARDET)? I cannot comprehend that any MARDET wasn't armed with. But, since the COLE is powered by gas turbine and NOT nuclear power, I don't know why it would have had a MARDET.

Further, US Marines, other than perhaps a "Designated Marksmen" and MARSOC and Marine Raiders have not been armed with M-14's since Vietnam.

There is of course always an exception...
During Desert Storm, enroute to Kuwait as part of the 5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB), with my Marines, I stood up in port security and underway mine lookouts for the USS TRIPOLI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Tripoli_(LPH-10) . USS Tripoli (LPH-10), an Iwo Jima-class amphibious assault ship was designed to transport US Marines to contingencies. That's why my Marines and I were aboard her!

My Marines took over the M-2 .50 caliber Brownings mounted around the ship and we added our M-60's for close in security. As for me as an officer, I had only a M9 Beretta sidearm. That symbol of authority is okay for commanding men but to put my marksmanship ability to use, I drew an M-14 from TRIPOLI's armory and an automatic selector lever for it. I had a ship's machinist install it and I strutted around the ship with a loaded, full auto M-14! That weapon motivated the sailors, I kid you not!

On a Sunday without flight ops, we provide smalls arms training for the ship's crew. I had all the ship's Company Grade (Junior) officers in a line getting more instruction on the M-14 than the 5 rounds they had previously fired in their officer training. I would instruct the officers to fire a few shot one at a time, then with 3 or 4 round remaining in the magazine, I'd flip the selector lever to Auto and have them let her rip! Wow, talk about muzzle rise! I had the magazines loaded with a tracer evert third round to add to the realism! The Chief Petty Officer in charge of the ship's ammunition was torqued at me for robbing the tracers from a 4+1 (4 ball and 1 tracer) belt for this training!

When I learned of the COLE attack, I thought of my experience a decade earlier and wondered where was the in port security?
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“when realistically that's probably exactly what they would benefit from and probably want.”

We have installed puppets all over the world in decades past. Many of them came back to bite us.

Just as removing Sadam Hussain from Iraq. A huge mistake. Those cultures desire dictatorship. Remove one and they install another.

Hopefully we someday realize. We can’t impose democracy on those cultures
I submit that our country IS pretty damn fragile, more so than I have seen on my 68 trips around the sun.
And if you don't think making negative comments about a candidate at every opportunity equates to dissuading support for said candidate, WTF do you think negative advertising is?

I would submit that is exactly what Trump does with any number of fellow Republicans, and yet so many who support him give him a pass on it.
Also, do you honestly believe Ilhan Omar would have been elected without the support of White liberals?

Not at all. She's from the most liberal district in America. Literally, the only State that voted D in the 1984 Reagan/Mondale election. Nonetheless, she is the antithesis of the American dream, she encourages non-integration principles in her constituents, and is quite proud of parasitic behaviors to break the back of this country. Unfortunately, this mentality has worked out very poorly for Somalis in their native lands and in America.

While you'll meet African immigrants throughout America that moved into non-native communities, embraced America, and flourished, you do not see that very often with Somalis.

So back to the global security problem in the Gulf of Aden, the situation is the same. Whether it's average intelligence, or its a bankrupt culture, or if its a tolerance for violence, we cannot fix Somalia. Only Somalians can. In the meantime, I recommend America's interest and focus should be protecting shipping lanes and staying the heck out of their country.
If we want global stability, we should do it with force to protect the gulf of Aden rather than getting involved with their feudal pseudo government. Because again, by the numbers it’s easier to negotiate with Koko

Whether it's average intelligence, or its a bankrupt culture, or if its a tolerance for violence, we cannot fix Somalia. Only Somalians can. In the meantime, I recommend America's interest and focus should be protecting shipping lanes and staying the heck out of their country.

I don't disagree their internal government has strong rifts, ones that go beyond what the US is equipped to handle in many ways. I am not one for constant involvement inside other countries' governments either, far from it. I am for finding long term solutions to problems. How exactly do you think piracy in the region was brought to a heel? Not at sea.

I will also tell you that there are lots of Somalis who are trying to fix Somalia. Those Somalis would also be willing to kill their own countrymen (if they were Shabab) to protect the lives of Americans who are currently there. So again, what I'm not advocating is to make Somalia a 51st state, or to bring millions of them into the US. What I am advocating for is a long term realistic approach to the problem set that is beneficial to both the US and the Somalis. Not just whack-a-mole with every new AQ or Shabab HVI that pops up (costing us millions of dollars and potentially lives) while China cashes in on our efforts.

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The party is self-destructing. They can not agree on a strategy because publicity seekers like Green and most of the rest of the Freedom Caucus are too busy attacking their own. Meanwhile the gullible, innocent, and ignorant cheer from the populist mosh pit. Pathetic were it not so self-destructive - particularly with an election approaching while offering clear evidence the party is apparently incapable of governing.
Pretty ironic that I said something similar but not in the same flowery terms. You see Green as the "undesirable" along with the Freedom caucus. The Trump supporters see the opposite. ALL THE WHILE THE DEMS ARE LAUGHING IN BOTH YOUR FACES.... Fucking Republicans! They will support Satan while you are all fighting over 50 Republican candidates and refusing to support each other.

WTAF!!! You deserve what's coming under Dem rule.

I don't give a flying f**k who you choose. Just ALL get on the same page and win.

Modern Republicans ... Pft!
Pretty good opinion piece by Mathew Chance on the terror attack in Moscow. Unlike the apartment bombings in 1999 which helped propel Putin to power (empowering the false flag enthusiasts), the dictator in Moscow owns this attack. It is made worse by the fact that both the US and UK warned the Russian government of the possibility of just such an attack earlier in the month. No amount of finger pointing at Ukraine, ISIS, or little green men changes that failure.

Pretty ironic that I said something similar but not in the same flowery terms. You see Green as the "undesirable" along with the Freedom caucus. The Trump supporters see the opposite. ALL THE WHILE THE DEMS ARE LAUGHING IN BOTH YOUR FACES.... Fucking Republicans! They will support Satan while you are all fighting over 50 Republican candidates and refusing to support each other.

WTAF!!! You deserve what's coming under Dem rule.

I don't give a flying f**k who you choose. Just ALL get on the same page and win.

Modern Republicans ... Pft!
As long as Trump is our standard bearer and supporting his perceived agenda is more important than governing, then what you suggest is apparently a pipe dream. For God's sake, the Freedom caucus is about to remove the leader of the House (the one they finally accepted) with a national election on the horizon. It will make the party look like a group of gibbering adolescents incapable of governing. I agree. The Democrat leadership is indeed howling with laughter. Perhaps you should redirect your complaint.

My hope is the senate. In any normal election cycle, based on the seats in play, this would be an easy flip for the Republican party. Unfortunately, the same logic prevailed prior to nonexistent red wave in the House two years ago. Gain the majority in the Senate and it won't matter what socialist dreams Biden might have or designs Trump might have on NATO. Fail to take it and the current trajectory will only accelerate.
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we added our M-60's for close in security. As for me as an officer, I had only a M9 Beretta sidearm. That symbol of authority is okay for commanding men but to put my marksmanship ability to use, I drew an M-14 from TRIPOLI's armory and an automatic selector lever for it. I had a ship's machinist install it and I strutted around the ship with a loaded, full auto M-14! That weapon motivated the sailors, I kid you not!

Before my deployment to the Philippines we did a M60 range to get familiar with it, couldn't help but hear all those Vietnam Era songs in my head! haha

Our Partner Force also still widely issued and used M14s and M16A1s, (which made CQB training interesting). On our camp they also had 2 M2A1 howitzers that were from 1942 that got plenty of use as well.
Before my deployment to the Philippines we did a M60 range to get familiar with it, couldn't help but hear all those Vietnam Era songs in my head! haha

Our Partner Force also still widely issued and used M14s and M16A1s, (which made CQB training interesting). On our camp they also had 2 M2A1 howitzers that were from 1942 that got plenty of use as well.
During 1980, I attended Jungle Environmental Survival Training (JEST) at Subic Bay. One of the local instructors was a Negrito tribesman who back in his day, guided General McArthur.

If your Partner Force were Filipinos, those M-14s must have been extra large rifles for most of them.
During 1980, I attended Jungle Environmental Survival Training (JEST) at Subic Bay. One of the local instructors was a Negrito tribesman who back in his day, guided General McArthur.

If your Partner Force were Filipinos, those M-14s must have been extra large rifles for most of them.

Thats awesome, I never got to do any of the Jungle Survival training stuff, but our guys did show us how to make monkey traps with coconuts, haha

Our Scout Rangers in the middle of a QRF response to some Phil SF guys that were getting hammered by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (19 killed that day). You can see the M60s in the pic.


Privates in the Ranger Indoc Platoon getting some CQB training with M14s

(we made the 2 directional shoothouse from pallets)


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SETH RINGER wrote on tracker12's profile.
Khalanyoni Game Ranch wrote on Joshlee0518's profile.
Hi Joshlee0518 (please let me know if you are fine being addressed like that),

Thought I would drop you a PM. It is super exciting to plan a hunt and we are more than happy to assist you. Have you given any thought yet to which species you would like to take?

What do you hunt usually and which weapons/calibers are you using?

Look forward to swapping experiences and ideas.

Happy hunting - Daniel
Our trophy shed is filling up and we are only getting started,

cwpayton wrote on CM McKenzie's profile.
Sir ,is that picture of you packing the shoshone river trail thru buffalo pass? Im trying to get a plan togather for a ride. do you pack professionally or for pleasure. thanks
Cal {cwpayton}
ghay wrote on gearguywb's profile.
Is this rifle sold? If not what is the weight of it and do you know if there is enough difference in diameter between the 35W and the 9.3 to allow for a rebore to a 9.3x62 which is what I am after?
Gary (Just down the road in Springfield)