Hello everyone,
First I would like to thank one of hunters from Germany, Frank for the great pictures of the camp! I hope that he continues with his story and that he can fill in details that I am not at liberty to state on a open to the public forum!
We had a very disappointing series of hunts. The community disappointed us greatly, they were allowed to roam and cut thatching grass in our prime hunting areas, cattle invaded all of the water points as the people and the cattle came in the game left. We also were in a struggle with the Staff of the adjoining National park and the "anti hunting NGO" who seem to be running the park! Then there was the internet hacker who diverted a deposit from Germany it ended up in Nigeria, bye, bye $5,000.00!
We hope to have these problems under control for the future, be assured we will take no deposits on future hunts, unless we know that we will have full co-operation from the community that we are trying to support. We plan on meeting with the proper National Parks representative concerning their staff and the NGO operating in the national park.
If the above mentioned problems are addressed we will be doing our hunts earlier in the year in 2019 probably starting around 1, April. If the problems cannot be addressed we will not be operating in the Mucheni Conservancy, we will loose, the community will loose, but most of all the wildlife will loose.
Cheers, Lon