AH ambassador
Like to see more of that.
I met a man at DSC that had lost his farms in Zim a few years back. The court had just ruled last week that the government has to immediately pay him damages to his farm (which they produced receipts at court for) that would amount to over $4 million US or immediately sign the farm back over to him. He was excited as there was an actual court date for the closing and it was apparent that they had no way to pay the damages so he is getting his land back. We were in a group of 4 other Zim citizens at the time. Whatever other problems might be existing at the time it was at least encouraging news, and it came straight from the source with a group that knew his situation. It is a least a good start
K-man.....thanks for that note. It would be nice to get an update on this in 6 months or so to see what really happens. I wish him the best............FWB
just finished reading sharps book,very enjoyable.Tarbe, you'll just have to hire John Sharp as a Body Guard!!!
better than the 289.00 i paid in 2002.I remember in '96 on my first trip to Zim, I hunted with a family named Greaves. They farmed and owned Fountain Safaris, son Harry was their main PH if I recall. They had a nice operation, I took some stellar animals with them and a couple not so stellar, but had a great time overall. I recall they were very concerned about the land grab stories flying around at the time. I imagine they either lost their farm or just fled like many did to more friendly parts. I don't know. No doubt Robin, the owner of it all has probably since long passed, he was somewhat elderly then. I got my Courteney shoes in Bulawayo on the way out for a whopping $30 US! Still have them.
tell kirsty and buzz and miles i said hello.Tim, cbvanb and I will be there in August as well. We’re hunting Dande North with Charton/McAllan Safaris. I wish we were going in thru Bulawayo as well, but Harare it is. We are going to charter out to the camp and stay off the roads.
Good thing that the Blacks took the land back from their oppressors 39 years they can finally live in peace and prosperity![]()
Exactly.I think that you miss the sarcasm emoji in my post but my point is that as a whole, black people were way better off under white rule than they are today
I've already heard that from some black people........ but my point is that as a whole, black people were way better off under white rule than they are today
I think that you miss the sarcasm emoji in my post but my point is that as a whole, black people were way better off under white rule than they are today
I don't believe in the moral relativism that suggests people would be better off under other unjust systems.
I got the sarcasm, I just didn't want to agree its an issue of race, its a lot more nuanced than that. I don't believe in the moral relativism that suggests people would be better off under other unjust systems. Its similar to the argument "US slaves were way better treated than they would have been in Cote De Voir and Ghana, therefore slavery wasn't so bad". Just an argument inferred I can't abide.