ZIMBABWE: Matetsi 2, Zimbabwe With Classic African Hunting


AH elite
Feb 1, 2021
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Hunting reports
RSA, Tanzania, Zambia
To start off, I can’t express how delightful and helpful Dawna was with the organization of this safari. If a asked about it then she made it happen. We all know the time and effort via emails, texts, and phone calls that it takes to make things run like clockwork, and this is really what can make or break a safari off the get-go.
My flight path went from Dulles (D.C.) to Ethiopia to Victoria Falls via Ethiopian Airlines. This was a little bit of a double edged sword for reasons as follows:
I will avoid travel through South Africa if at all possible. In order to do that I had to shorten my original 10 day hunt to 9 days to coincide with the airline schedule as they don’t fly into/out of Vic Falls daily. Not a real big issue for me honestly since my license was a short one.
All flights went well and I commend Ethiopian for the exemplary attention they gave me on my short layover to ensure my firearms made it to Vic Falls when I did. That’s where I met my PH Stu Taylor face to face for the first time. We loaded up the Hi-Lux with my bags and headed off. The Matetsi Safari area is only 2.5 hours from the Vic Falls airport- a nice perk! About 2/3’s the way there we wheeled into a small scout camp to pick up Billion, our game scout. While waiting for him to gather his things I decided it was a good time to distribute the tennis balls and candy to the camps children - after the word got out (in short order) we were descended up from every direction! Smiles filled the faces as the goodies were passed out ! I had obtained a fan base for sure. We loaded Billion and kit and headed towards camp. As we pulled up, the camp staff was there ready to greet me. With the safari luggage in the rondavel, a hands-n-face wash, and a change out of 24 hour old clothes I headed to the dining and lounging hut all of 15 feet away. Stu was waiting and informed me that lunch was almost ready. Our chef, Lovemore, had an agenda off the bat - to fatten me up, so if a lion got me at least it wouldn’t have felt like it wasted its’ time. An impressive lunch was presented and pounced on properly then off to qualify the rifles and take a little sight-seeing tour of Matetsi 2. Of course we saw some game especially elephants... when did we not see elephants?! Upon returning to camp we were met by Nelson, our waiter, with the traditional shot glass of Port at sunset... and what a fantastic sunset it was ...as always in Africa. After a drink, we sat down to a wonderful dinner and dessert and Stu talked about our game plan for the first day of hunting. It’s the anticipation that’s the best!!
Photos to follow soon !

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Day 1

The alarm went off before it was any light on the horizon but it was following me as I was already up. I grabbed my daypack which I set up the evening before with binos, cartridge belts, boonie hat, a t-shirt, and the all important snacks, and made the 8 steps to the dining hut. Stu was sitting at the fire pit on the “overlook” patio with coffee in hand. I had my single piece of toast (requested) and honey, juice, and half cup of coffee (that stuff is 110 octane) as I enjoyed the beautifully perfect morning temperature. The plan was to cut some buff tracks somewhere out there and see what we find. The men were on the truck ready and waiting. Stu’s partners in crime for many years were Davey (68 yr old “seen it all twice” veteran tracker) and his son Gift (40 yr old with eyes an eagle would envy), and of course Billion the always smiling game scout. With rifles on board we hit it. I’m sure Stu wondered if I was on a double dose of Adderall or just excited about finally being in Africa but I could tell he was thinking “oh boy”....I was just excited to the Nth degree. The morning ride brought with it sightings of ele (LOTS),cow Kudu and some young bulls, Impala, a grysbok, and even more ele. Just for the record : that’s the last mention of ele I’ll probably make - they were like sand at the beach—everywhere. We checked some water holes but no buff tracks yet. The morning passed and we made our way to camp for lunch. I thoroughly enjoyed the delicious tilapia meal and went to my rondavel for a little nap. Moyline (housekeeper) had opened up my windows and made my room spiffy again.

Day 1 to be continued...


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Much anticipated report. Keep it coming, you know how patient we are. :ROFLMAO: :A Yell::E Dancing:
Loving it. Was just in Matetsi last Dec. bringing back great memories. Rock on!
Interesting that you avoid SA "at all costs" but willing to fly through Ethiopia ?? Warrant in SA ? :ROFLMAO:

Waiting for the rest
Is this Stu Taylor who nearly lost his life in the accidental shooting? If the same he was in Mozambique then.
Yes sir, it is - he is a fantastic PH
God bless him. It was touch and go whether he would be able to recover sufficiently to resume his career - and as you note, he is one of the best. There is a story there which I am sure you heard, that reflects very badly both during and afterwards on the "celebrity" who shot him.

I am certain you had a fantastic hunt, and look forward to the rest of your adventure.
Loving it. Was just in Matetsi last Dec. bringing back great memories. Rock on!
How was the weather in Matetsi in December? I was considering an elephant hunt in that area but concerned that by December the rains may push the big bulls back to Botswana.
Great report so far. I am anxiously following along as I will be hunting out of that same camp in exactly 358 days, but who’s counting, right? Looking forward to the rest of the story.
Day 1 (continues)

Stu and gang were ready to roll out again at 3:30pm. We hadn’t been far when we (well, they not me) spotted 2 nice kudu. Stu put the glass on them and said they were 48-49” so not what we were looking for. We continued. Turning down another path we had to stop for elephants in the road. They weren’t moving so neither did we and Stu hopped it to either get something. It was just after he was talking to Davey that I looked at the hill on my side of the truck and saw a hyena sitting there. I tried my best to get Stu’s attention and finally tapped frantically on the roof of the truck. Stu stuck his head back in the window and I said “hyena” and pointed. The look that appeared on his face told me that I should’ve already been outside the truck. He scrambled to get the sticks and run around to my side as I scrambled to get out and grab the rifle that Gift was handing me. The hyena had already started his assent of the hill and was almost at the top when I managed to get glass on him. It was pretty much a futile effort but I sent one anyway. At 200+ yards I’m sure I shot under him -as hurried as I was I never thought about the proper holdover. Stu said it was only the third hyena he had seen in daylight this year. The ele’s bugged out at the sound of the 404 and onward we went. Hardly even a mile later we were passing what looked to me like a dead elephant, Stu stopped to bino-check it ...and it was! We walked up to it and tracks indicated that it had been freshly eaten on by lions. Not a big elephant and not sure how it died but it sure smelled good and dead in a big way. Billion (game scout) took some photos and decided to retrieve the ivory at a later time as the tusks weren’t giving up the skull just yet. Along our drive to the final destination for the day we passed a small herd of Roan just off the road. If I’d not already taken a good bull last year I would’ve been shooting at this beauty of a bull- he had heavy mass all the way to the ends and Stu said he would go about 26”. It was hard to pass up ! Now our late afternoon plan was to get to Secret Valley and glass for buff. This is actually a series of little valleys and one big valley so we had Gift and Davey embark on a path on one side of the ridge while we checked the opposite side. Stu, Billion, and I got out of the truck and made it about 50 yards when Billion spotted buffalo near the ridge crest only 150 yards away. I glassed them as they went over the top and thought one buff was pretty nice. Stu radioed Davey to meet up with us and we took the track. It was late afternoon and we knew we would be fighting the daylight. The men rolled on with it and we went from open hills to scrub brush back to fairly open ground then scrub again. I had the double in hand and I kept telling myself “bad choice, good choice, bad choice” etc. We were back in the thick stuff when Gift squatted down and pointed ... this is always the best part of the tracking ! Now Stu took over and we started the final approach, using the thick cover to our advantage. I was shadowing him closely knowing he would do the visible sorting. He looked at them then, easing forward, he put the sticks up telling me get ready. Two of the buff were visible and at least 2 weren’t. Neither of the two were great and Stu tried to stretch out a bit to see the others - but it was too much and they all spooked. He said we should be able to pick them up in the morning. If only one had been a shooter! The daylight was nearly gone by now so it worked out right. My first day was done and what a day ! You can’t argue a thing when you get on the sticks !
Upon arrival in camp there again was that traditional shot of port poured by the infamous Nelson. After a quick clean up, it was drink and dinner time....another fantastic meal, then we had a well deserved sit-n-chat at the fire pit for a few before turning in. It was a great first day.



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Your hyena sighting gets me excited as that and buffalo are my 2 main goals for next year. Appears you had a great first day, looking forward to the rest.
Great report so far. I am anxiously following along as I will be hunting out of that same camp in exactly 358 days, but who’s counting, right? Looking forward to the rest of the story.
That’s great news! I’m excited to continue the report !
I hunted in 2014 with Stu’s dad Mike. His Mom had just past and he left to attend matters. They were hunting in Mozambique then. I don’t know if he mentioned his dad was still kicking! I have been in Tiger Bay with Mike and just checking. Great family of hunters!
Great detailed report so far keep at it please.
Glad Stu is back in the game how is injury doing from the accident?

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gunslinger1971 wrote on Gray Fox's profile.
Do you still have the Browning 1895 and do you want to sell it? I'm might be interested. If so please let me know and do you have any pictures?

Steve in Missouri
Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.