Since we shot the elephant the first day, we had most of a week to simply enjoy. The rest of the time was spent casually hunting a Wildebeest and Impala, getting lessons from the trackers in bushcraft & tracking and identifying birds and flowers and such, and hunting wild honey. We had such a fun time! No pressure, we did what we felt like every day. I got to track elephants with the best coaches in the world for one afternoon. And track Impala another morning. The crew was especially accommodating to my wife, who is vey interested in wild flowers, plants and trees. Nyathi was a fountain of knowledge and knows the English name, Latin name, and Shona name of most any plant we asked about. And food and medicinal uses. Criton is a wild honey hunter in the off season. He showed us his skills. We actually followed a legendary Honeyguide bird to a wild bee hive. The legend is true! That was as interesting as anything I've ever done in the bush. Also harvested honey from the stingless Mopane bees. I recommend such activities to anyone who wants to have a full cultural experience in the African bush.
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