AH ambassador
How dare you!!! For your information, do you know how it's posts like this that really anger me to no end!!!
How can I now survive my regular hum drum, normal life destroying shift work, night to day life while thinking about that sort of mind blowing, spine tingling experience.
Unbelievable, and thank God no one was hurt or killed, and I really do mean that.
I truly hope everyone is O.K. in every way.
I'd wager that in time, that will be one of the most cherished moments of your lives.
Best post I've ever read, no kidding.
I'm so jealous, I think?
Might have had a glass of wine or two before writing this so please forgive me.
I hear you! My first elephant hunt changed me. 25 clicks through the Kalahari thorn scrub, 45 minutes up close and personal trying to assess ivory and come up with a shot, a clean brain shot and a charge by the attending Askari. How do you go back to a conference room after that? I sit in meetings that demand my attention but my mind and heart are in Africa.