ZIMBABWE: Arnold Payne & Impala African Safaris Nightmare


A lie can be half way around the world before the truth gets its boots on English Proverb

In this instance we could use derogatory language but refuse to stoop to such a level

I want to make it VERY CLEAR that this post is strictly a very HARSH warning for every outfitter. We have been cheated and conned out of over $ 15000.00 by Gene Campbell - [EDITED BY AH FOR PRIVACY REASON] .

We are not looking for a welcoming, a pat on the back and have no time for kangaroo court . This is a SEVERE warning to EVERY outfitter to prevent yourself from being scammed as we have.

Below the true account of how we fell into the Gene Campbell [EDITED BY AH FOR PRIVACY REASON] Trap:

1. We sent a number of e mails to Gene Campbell in early 2012 requesting a deposit to confirm his highly discounted leopard hunt . An Insufficient deposit to confirm his hunt came in late with numerous excuses . We went ahead and confirm the hunt. At no point was a Buffalo hunt ever booked with us.

2. We then received complaints from Gene Campbell about not being able to fit in one airline seat due to his weight problems. The airline stated that either he squeeze into his seat or he buy a 2nd seat. We never bothered pursuing this to avoid any more embarrassment to Gene.

3. Gene Campbell also made a special request that we have drinks in camp for him that were not fizzy as he explained the he has some type of internal problems due to his enormous frame and cannot drink anything with fizz. We happily catered to his drink request.

4. While sending e mails prior to the hunt we offered Gene a cameraman at a ridiculous rate of $150 per hunter to which he refused at Over a 50% markdown . We also asked him if he wanted to pre bait , he agreed and told us to do whatever you need to do but was cunning enough not to pay for pre baiting.

5. We do not force any hunter to pre bait or hire a cameraman , that is their choice and they make the call.

6. 2 weeks before the Safari begins we receive the long email included in his nightmare nonsense post. 2 weeks before the Safari gets under way and we STILL have not received the balance for his discounted Safari . Exactly 10 days before departure we receive a partial payment towards the hunt.

7. Gene Campbells signed contract clearly states that balance must be paid 90 prior to Safari. Every booking term, condition, reservation and payment, trophy fee deposits and all notes are ignored. Amongst other conditions His contract states that if balance is not received no later than 90 days before start of safari we treat the reservation as cancelled. Foolish of us and we allow the Safari to continue.

8. The Safari begins and we have gone ahead and assign PH Graham Mayger to pre bait although pre baiting has not been being paid for.

9. During Gene's hunt where there was supposedly æœore cattle and snares than game the following animals including baits were shot. 25 animals shot during Gene Campbells NIGHTMARE Safari !!!! :

8 bait impala
2 wounded and lost Impala
1 Baboon male
1 trophy impala ram
1 waterbuck bull
1 elephant bull
1 steinbuck ram
1 jackal
1 duiker ram
1 warthog
1 bushbuck
1 kudu bull
1 eland bull
1 wildebeest bull
1 zebra stallion
2 impala rams

10. During the course of the Safari Gene Campbell was unable to walk further than 800 yards on a stalk. His flabby condition prevents him from being able to perform in the field. Anything that involved a gradient he could NOT walk. As a result our PH was forced to either A. leave Gene recovering in the vehicle after the 800 yard walk or B. leave Gene sitting in the shade with a tracker while he rested leaving the PH to go ahead and continue checking baits/ locating trophies for Gene.

11. Graham Mayger is as good as they come and the sheer number of animals shot on Gene Campbells Safari along with the adversity Graham Mayger had to deal with daily speaks volumes. A tremendous and First Class PH who has hunted a number of our clients and was assigned to this Safari . Some clown made the statement that Graham does not have the experience to get you a cat . Be aware that Graham Mayger had SEVEN LEOPARD KILLS in 2012 alone .

Below an e mail direct from PH Graham Mayger related to the Gene Campbell hunt

My name is Graham Mayger PH Licence No. 544 and I was contracted to conduct a Leopard/Plains game hunt for Tiki Drummond through his booking Agent who is Arnold Payne. I have read Gene's report on the African hunting forum so I can give some information from a different perspective.

I was instructed by Tiki to go to the hunt area two days prior to the Clients arrival to pre-bait and scout the area. I shot two Impala which my trackers cut in half to make four baits and we also found an Eland Heifer that had been caught in a snare, so with the Ranch owners permission we used half of the Eland to make up two more baits.

I regarded six baits sufficient for a start because I feel it is more enjoyable for the Client to shoot his own baits rather than have the PH shoot animals that the Client is Paying for.
With the help of the ranch game scout these baits were placed in locations where there were previous known tracks and in one case where a Bushbuck had been killed by a Leopard and placed in a tree. While scouting on the first day we found the fresh track of a Large male Leopard near a pool in a river bed so we placed a bait in this location and I thought this was going to be our best opportunity for a good Leopard.

Gene arrived late in the evening two days after my Arrival from Bulawayo, a three hour drive with Tiki's driver. Obviously tired which is to be expected after traveling half way round the world. I seemed to note an attitude of scepticism from Gene when I met him for the first time and during the next few days there were frequent questions about Arnold Payne, my bait sites as well Leopard population etc.

During the next few days we had no male leopard come to our bait though two baits were taken by females, one with a cub. The big male never returned although we placed fresh baits up twice where we had found his tracks. It is interesting to note that a Leopard hunt on an adjoining concession had no Leopard hits during the same time period as our hunt. The weather was not kind to us over this period and the fact that big male Leopards have large territories and visit their females also mitigates against a successful hunt. A Leopard hunt over a bait is never a done deal as many Clients will attest, some having several Safaris before being successful.

Towards the end of our hunt we received a phone call from the ranch owner that he had a serious problem with a herd of Elephant and would one of the Clients like the opportunity to hunt a PAC Elephant. I tried to contact Tiki or Arnold Payne but they were in their Zambezi Valley concession eight hundred kilometres away and no contact could be made. Gene was keen so we drove to the area where the Elephant had caused serious damage to an orange growing project. After a short exciting hunt Gene shot a Bull Elephant, Gene seems to imply in some communication that this hunt was illegal but I made sure the land owner had the permission from the Local National Parks department to do this hunt. There was nothing illegal about it. All Gene could take were photo's compensating for disappointing Leopard hunt I think.

On our return from the Elephant hunt my vehicle broke down and we made it back to camp with difficulty. I managed to contact Tiki who kindly arranged a Land cruiser to be dispatched from Bulawayo with a Mechanic to repair my vehicle and for us to use the cruiser for the remainder of the hunt. While we waited for the vehicle to arrive we used the opportunity to walk the river to successfully hunt a duiker

Gene mentioned he was really keen to get a Waterbuck as he was unsuccessful on his last hunt in South Africa. So because Water buck were scarce on the concession we were on Tiki and Arnold arranged for us to drive with the loan cruiser one hundred and fifty kilometers to another concession on the last day where Gene shot himself a great Waterbuck.
The next day I drove Gene back to Bulawayo where they went on to Lake Kariba and Victoria Falls, I cannot comment on this part of their Safari because I was not there and only read Gene's story in his hunt report.

In my view, Tiki and Arnold bent over backwards to make this Safari a success under difficult conditions and yes I've read all the Negative reports about Arnold and find it difficult to believe. There was a good report posted yesterday on African Hunting Forum. I have hunted with three of Arnold's clients in the past and Gene is the only one who has complaints.

Gene if Safari means a journey you had a good one and you need to pay up! For the record animals successfully hunted on this safari were ;

8 bait impala
2 wounded and lost Impala
1 Baboon male
1 trophy impala ram
1 waterbuck bull
1 elephant bull
1 steinbuck ram
1 jackal
1 duiker ram
1 warthog
1 bushbuck
1 kudu bull
1 eland bull
1 wildebeest bull
1 zebra stallion
2 impala rams

12. Upon receiving his final hunt invoice we receive a NOTICE e mail from Gene threatening to release his letter if things do not go his way. Bottom line Write off his past due balance for our animals that he shot and killed or he releases his nightmare letter.


In closing , I do not frequent forums but in the course of the nightmare nonsense thread it was brought to my attention that I was called amongst other things the antichrist and some chap stated I personally do not like Arnold . I scratched my head as I have never in my life had a conversation, had a drink or shaken hands with either of these fellows. I am either missing something or must have suffered extreme memory loss because they claim to know me extremely well.
I would be ecstatic to have a conversation with these individuals that claim to know me on condition that they simply educate me thoroughly on my family history in Zimbabwe , my city of birth, my fathers rank in the Rhodesian army, my High School, our Christian Ministry in Matabeleland, my history in the South Eastern Conference , NCAA and International athletics and our hunting concessions. Please enlighten me.

****** As a great hunter of ours described; forums definitely give the true liars, thieves and cons a unique outlet and power that they can abuse
Arnold Payne, thanks for posting on AH.
Now THAT is an interesting letter from Arnold Payne.

I have no dog in this fight. While I have read through the discussions on this forum, I personally won't hunt Zimbabwe. Has really nothing to do with any outfitter or others, it has to do with the political climate in the country. Having been caught in a Pajero dodging bullets before in Sierra Leone, my wife and small children object.

There are always three sides to every story, each person's interpretation and the truth. Each look at it through their own experiences. I don't doubt that Gene feels he was harmed and obviously Arnold feels he was harmed as well. The beauty of a forum like this that each hunter, outfitter or PH may share their experience through their eyes. A zebra, while not a trophy to some, is my most proud trophy for now. If I may respectfully disagree with Mr. Arnold's last comment, while a forum like this can be used by the true liars, thieves and cons to give them a power that they can abuse, time is on the side of truth and time reveals all. The consensus of the many will overcome the voice of the few and what a man is or isn't will yell so loudly that you can't hear what he is saying despite how loud he says it. In this case, Mr. Arnold may prevail or others may have an experience similar to Gene's.

I'm just happy to sit back and read about it and keep counting the days (22 to be exact) till I head back to start hunting Africa again.
In closing , I do not frequent forums but in the course of the nightmare nonsense thread it was brought to my attention that I was called amongst other things the antichrist and some chap stated I personally do not like Arnold . I scratched my head as I have never in my life had a conversation, had a drink or shaken hands with either of these fellows. I am either missing something or must have suffered extreme memory loss because they claim to know me extremely well.
I would be ecstatic to have a conversation with these individuals that claim to know me on condition that they simply educate me thoroughly on my family history in Zimbabwe , my city of birth, my fathers rank in the Rhodesian army, my High School, our Christian Ministry in Matabeleland, my history in the South Eastern Conference , NCAA and International athletics and our hunting concessions. Please enlighten me.

****** As a great hunter of ours described; forums definitely give the true liars, thieves and cons a unique outlet and power that they can abuse


Never said I know you well, but we have met several times at DSC convention, the first time in 2010. I have no interest in your NCAA track achievements or anything else not related to hunting. BTW my website is in my signature line so I have never hid behind a screen name.

In most cases the unhappy hunter/outfitter turns in to a he said they said and only two people know the truth. That is why I did not comment concerning the bad hunt.

I do have one question, if quota is issued on Savuli this year (I have heard it has not been issued, at least as of last week) will you book hunts again on Savuli?

I have seen thieves and liars come and go, but the truth usually comes out on these forums.

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.
Zenbear, amen to that. Jakeintexas is like a liberal. No amount of knowledge will ever persuade the crowd. Just a hunch but jakeintx was going to try and market hunts for arnold? Thats the only logical thing that can possibly explain his abolute refusal to give any credit to all the stories that are out there. Any many with half a brain can understand the ph's above are riding the fence for political reasons but trying to say "yes we all know arnold is the antichrist but fear for our lives if we say so" people need to quit trying to help arnolds reputation. Its something you walk away from and approach at another time once things have been righted. This is a very hopeless cause jake. Hopefully you see that by now. Arnold isnt like by many people and theres simply nothing you can do to change our minds. Sorry bud

It's these kind of posts that lead me to believe little of what you say, baseless speculation! No I am not marketing hunts for anyone! My first post over a year ago was that I booked my first safari. I have hunting around but never Africa. I said I can't comment on other areas in Africa but I can comment on my trip and I thought your posts were lacking any specifics. From your initial claim that I was worthless, to your assertion that where I hunted was an area seized by gunpoint. While Mike is offering at least healthy debate and questions you are not! I am certainly allowed to voice my opinion of someone from my interactions as are you. My opinions are just as valid as yours!

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John Kirk wrote on Macduff's profile.
Great transaction on some 375 HH ammo super fast shipping great communication
akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia