Spoiler Alert coming:
I am adding to Hunting Day 9 rather than as a separate follow up do to what happens on Hunting Day 10 and in trying to keep a chronological order of events.
Before I get to Hunting Day 10, I need to include this in Day 9:
Since this is my first trip to Zimbabwe, I asked Lloyd about tipping. In my mind the only 5 people that deserve a tip are Emmanuel and Samuel the 2 good trackers, Sharon our cook, the laundress, and the 1 skinner left to finish and prep the buff hide for shipment to my taxidermist in RSA.
Later that evening Lloyd provided with a list of names of everyone, except his name, in "camp", with an appropriate USD tip amount and envelopes with everyone's name respectively on each envelope.
Note: As soon as I find this list I'll post it with the pictures. I thought I had put this list inside my journal. With the chaos of unpacking I may have put it in my Safaris file.
Then came my questions to Lloyd:
Why does Aconte, the tribal scout get a tip?
His job is to supervise hunt(s) on his tribal land. Aconte is paid by the. Tribal Council for observing and. reporting to the Tribal Council about. the hunt(s).
Lloyd's response: (not exact quote, but close) Well, he was with us on the hunt.
Why is _____, pump and firewood, on the tip list? This isn't a bush camp. This is a small lodge. He is doing his normal job.
Lloyd's response: (again not exact quote, but close), He is responsible for keeping water in the tank, collecting firewood, watering the landscape, and he helped a little with the skinning.
Why are there higher recommended tips for Emmanuel and Samuel than the other 2 trackers that were with us most of the time?
Lloyd's response: Emmanuel and Samuel have been with me longer and are more experienced trackers.
I thought long and hard over 2 hours and again after waking up early the next morning about to tip or not, and what if any tip would be justified/deserved while looking at the tip list.
This has been an overall bad experience.
Whose at fault?
Me. With only a head shot, off hand, at a buff, I should have not have fired, even though I felt good on making the shot and I was steady, at relatively close range. My mentality was to end this 9 days of BS.
Lloyd's. He is the PH and responsible for the entire hunt going good or bad, and IMO wanting me to shoot any bull to keep from having to refund any money for me not getting a buff.
No eland in the area. He knew this from the start, so why didn't we hunt in the other "camp" area where the eland are known to be in.
IMO Lloyd is seeing dollar signs not a client. He seems to be only interested in me shooting the higher cost animals, regardless of whether they are a real quality animal, or just telling the client (me) ol' that's a real good animal with him knowing and others seeing/judging it as not that good of an animal.
Spoiler alert: Hunting Day 10 gives more credibility to Lloyd only sees dollar signs instead of a client, and his lacking as a PH.
Trackers. Did they do their job? I can find fault with the least experienced 2 trackers, but they did put forth the effort in tracking and locating buff thou they lack experience; IMO a paying client's hunts should not be a teaching tool. This would or should fall back on any PH.
In reviewing Lloyd's recommended tip sheet.....I need to decide:
A. I can be a total ass by not tipping anyone.
B. I can only tip the cook, laundress, and main skinner.
C. Not be a completely total ass by accepting some of the blame for a bad hunt and tip accordingly to who did what, just not in the amounts I had allotted in planning for my Zimbabwe trip.
I chose option C. thus laying the blame of this bad hunt on myself and Lloyd.
Myself, as the client, at best insisting on having 1 of the more experienced trackers be in our hunting party with 1 of the least experienced trackers every day.
Taking time to judge an animal for myself and then getting confirmation from Lloyd if this is a suitable animal to shoot. Note: remember I'm after an animal that has (mainly) body mass, definitely hard bosses, and a "respectable" amount of horn. A "Dugga Boy" worthy of the nickname "Black Death".
Which by day 9 my attitude changed, it deteriorated into shoot anything to end this BS.
I came prepared for all day, long treks into the bush after buff and eland. I should have been more adamant about hunting and less tentative accepting the norm when it came to the daily routine of 2-4 hours in the morning hunting for buff, the 3-4 hour lunch/rest break at the lodge area, and another 1 1/2-2 hours in the afternoon hunting.
I should have called off the buff hunt after the seventh day. The first clue being on day 1 when Lloyd told me, I wouldn't likely get an eland in this area. The second clue was by the end of day 5 we had only encountered 3 (?) Bulls by themselves and a small herd of 7 to 10 buff with 1 "small"/"young yet" herd bull. And not the: plenty, a lot of, quite a few, a number of good, buff in the area.
Lloyd, PH, he knew this hunt is primarily for a buff and an eland. He knows this area is least likely to have any eland. Starting off by pairing the least 2 experienced trackers to begin the hunt. (Spoiler Alert Hunting Day 10.) Not taking time to judge animals, just the money his client pays for shooting the animals. As in not positively identifying the buff we dropped was in fact not the same buff I may have previously wounded. Nor the hippo was a cow with a calf, and not the bull hippo. Samuel identified my shot as a miss. Not wanting to follow up on a wounded buff we had accidentally crossed trails with. Wounded by a previous hunter or fighting with another bull.
(NOTE: I'm not looking for trouble. IMO Regardless a wounded animal DG or PG needs to be quickly and humanely killed, and not let to suffer.)
I pretty much stated my grievance throughout this post about Lloyd.
In the end I did tip, at a reduced amount and having more thoughts on the overall hunt, prior to dispersing their tips , I only reduced the other skinners' and grounds keeper's tips. The tips were out of what Lloyd would have received thus he received a considerably reduced tip. Which should have been none. (Spoiler Alert...the hippo hunt).
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I will be adding the buff photo and recommended tips sheet once I get them uploaded to my computer. They are not in my phone gallery.