Ahhhhhh, the famous wayne van den berg. I got an earful about you buddy. and let me just tell you not one ounce was negative. Grahm is a great guy and apparently he loves the heck out of you. I would like to personally meet you one day as I consider grahm a friend of mine now. I understand grahm does quite a bit of work for you. I appreciate you helping him out as I know jobs are hard to come by in zimbabwe and grahm is one of the few ph's I could honestly say I would send my kids alone with.
Wayne, I am sorry if you don't like my interpretation of Norman. I'm sure back in his day norman was a good guy and a great hunter. That I have no doubt of. But if you could have just seen his clients face when he refrenced the "blacks" you would have died. Lets just say the man was purposely disrespectful toward all "blacks" and if he would have called them as such his client would have had no problems. Even my wife was a little upset with his insessant use of the "N" word. Normans clients face said it all every time he said it. In addition I can honestly tell you that I had to make grahm and every single one of my zim ph's drink after a kill to celebrate. They thought it was unprofessional and would have no such thing. Grahm had 2 beers our entire safari and that was when I made him have one as a celebration drink. Grahm Mayjer was a prim and proper man and i pray to god I share a camp with him in the future. In addition I would absolutely consider you for a safari one day as well as his words, when rarely spoken, carry a lot of weight with me. As for Norman I just cant say much about a ph who can barely walk merely hours after picking up his client from the airport because he is absolutely stumbling drunk. I asked his client if he was drunk when he was picked him up and he shook his shoulders and looked puzzled and a bit worried when he told me "I honestly am not sure". Wayne, if you consider Norman a friend that is fine. I have tons of friends just like him. However on a business side I have personally fired many employees who have showed up to work drunk. The point of what I referred to earlier in my post was that drinking has its place and in the field with a client while you are working is not the correct place. Its unprofessional in my books. Let me reiterate a last time wayne. If I have offended you because Norman is your friend I am sorry. I'm sure he's a blast to watch race his harley and go fishing with but as a friend you might want to tell him to cut back on the beers a bit when he's working. I never meant to offend anyone but when I give a report I want everyone to know exactly what to expect when they hear names of people they may or may not be hunting with. I can honestly say I would hate to be stuck with Norman as my ph and if I save anyone that experience and aid in their hunt then I am glad to do so.
Finally, Peter I understand you are getting a lot of flack from your boss's because I called norman a drunk. It is past the period at which I can edit that post and I am sorry if I have caused you any hardships. I did try to go back and edit said posts but it is too late. In addition I don't regret doing so. It wasn't speculation on my part as I spent enough time around Norman to form the opinion I stated above. If he truly is the goto guy for cats as the hunting magazines seem to portray i think everyone should know a little more about the man that the magazines don't mention. One has to remember that when any hunting article is written or a tv show is filmed that most of the time the stars of the story are getting their hunts for free. Does anyone think a bad review will ever come of such advertising? That is why I mentioned the real Norman.
wayne i hope to keep in contact with you in the future and could you please tell grahm hello for me, hes a good man. One last thing wayne, would you please do me one favor? Please ask grahm how the fridge is doing. Please try not to crack a smile when you do so as well. Just tell him Tony is wondering. hahahahahaha