I would not and never have compared a Whitworth or any Zas rifle to a $10,000 Rigby, only a fool would. But for the money I have found them to be a very good value and the proof is in the pudding so to speak. Mine and similar vintage Whitworth's come bedded with real epoxy, not Theromoplastic, ( hot glue) like a model 70, in two place for the magnums. The recoil lug and a second lug under the barrel forward.. Most I have seen have very nice walnut stocks and yes bereft of much if any finish.
When I got mine in 1984 I applied a few coats of tung oil and it looks acceptable to this day, that after 3 safaris totaling about 33 days. It now carries scars that wont be removed.
Nothing has ever gone amiss with mine that could be blamed on the rifle, it has always performed perfectly in its operations. If I do my part it is as accurate as almost any rifle I have owned and every one of the Mark X's I have owned also shot very well, good barrels.
I have heard many tales of how the recoil pads disintegrated over time but mine is still original and still on the rifle, a little hard but still serviceable. The rifles whose pads seem to fare the worst that I have seen are Parker Hale rifles.
So for the naysayer legion I would say OK, fine, whatever. If you have never had one and only go by what other netxperts say, well that's fine too, but if the best you can do is say its no Rigby, well no duh, few things are!
Mine is the best $485 rifle I ever bought! And one of the best looking too. Here is a pic of my ugly worthless rifle.