I always remember taking a pistol course years ago. Sitting at lunch one day, we all got into a discussion about various pistol calibers. Which is best, 9mm with magazine capacity, 45 ACP with bigger heavier bullets and battle-proven ability, 10mm with velocity, etc.
Finally someone turned to the instructor who was quietly eating his lunch and asked him, "If you knew you were gonna be in a gunfight, which pistol would you choose?"
He chewed a bit, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and drawled, "Well, boys, if I KNEW I was gonna be in a gunfight, I'd choose the 12 gauge shotgun in the trunk."
You could have heard a pin drop. Lesson learned.
In this application, it all depends on the situation, right? Trying to reduce the number of rifles to carry on a plane, maybe want to shoot some PG and also have the ability to take a buffalo hiding in thick cover with branches and brush all around him? The scoped 375 or possibly the 416 all day long. Trying to shoot a leopard at last light off a rest in a blind? Again, the scoped 375.
Following up said leopard or buffalo if he's wounded and might come from close range in thick cover? Now you KNOW you're gonna be in a gunfight. Maybe the calculus changes a bit, huh? What about hunting anything in an area with thick cover and a lot of elephant cows? You start to ask yourself if it's only a tool for hunting, or are you choosing a tool for self-defense? Maybe you start to value sheer power and quick-handling characteristics above all else......
I voted 470NE, but I love 'em all.