You might be an African Safari hunter if……


If you use your DGR as a laxative. My 404 Jeffery kicks the shit out of me.
When this is your letter opener..

letter opener.jpeg
When you look in your gun room and realize that a .450-400 double rifle, two .375's and three 9.3's might not cover all of your larger game hunting plans
I avoid wearing the safari getup while traveling. I do wear hunting clothes but they look more like something worn to work ... at a hardware store. My boots are inconspicuous. No camo or bespoke safari footwear. I've had people ask at the airport what's the long case for. "Saxaphone." If I was decked out in camo, I'm sure they wouldn't need to ask. I am a hunter but no need to advertise that I enjoy killing things. No Browning buck or Ducks Unlimited decals on my Jimmy's back window.

Guess I'm just not into branding myself. But that's just me.
This is one of very few things I agree with you on, Sir.

I wear tactical green and khaki but I don’t put any gun or hunting related stickers on my vehicles. I actually don’t take pleasure in killing. After the target is down, animal or human, I feel a sense of sadness and melancholy.

I enjoy the process of hunting and the challenge. I also know where my food comes from and find it more ethical to kill what I eat by my hand and if I can’t bring the meat home I want to know that it’s not going to waste.
This is one of very few things I agree with you on, Sir.

I wear tactical green and khaki but I don’t put any gun or hunting related stickers on my vehicles. I actually don’t take pleasure in killing. After the target is down, animal or human, I feel a sense of sadness and melancholy.

I enjoy the process of hunting and the challenge. I also know where my food comes from and find it more ethical to kill what I eat by my hand and if I can’t bring the meat home I want to know that it’s not going to waste.
Agree with you on stickers as this is a great way to get robbed.
I don’t feel the same way when shooting something or someone. If it’s a human it’s a huge sense of relief it was them and not me or mine. If it’s an animal it’s a celebration. I truly respect the process of hunting and in my experience there are a lot worse ways to end a life well lived than a fast surprise bullet. I don’t celebrate the kill as much as I celebrate the life, no matter if it is a human or animal.

You might be an African Safari hunter if you have multiple mounts ready for pick-up at the taxidermist while trying to get your last trophies shipped home from Africa as you are getting on the plane for your current hunt.


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