Wounded animal?

I'd say if the bullet contacts any part of an animal its "wounded" and the trophy fee should be paid.
Even it it does survive as you say and it can be hunted as a meat animal, on an economic basis you reduced that animals value for the land owner. That trophy value is what they used for their livelihood and deciding whether trophy hunting on their land is worth it. You shot and wounded it as a trophy animal, you have to pay that full trophy fee.
So how do you tell if the bullet hit the horn or not?

I've seen pronghorn that have been hit in the horn just shake their head, and I have seen others drop like a rock only to get back up once they regain their senses. I have also killed mule deer by hitting them in the antlers which cause some brain trauma bad enough that they either died or we were able to get to them to finish them off. We also had a bull elk not even break their stride when it was hit in the antler. We knew that he got hit because we found him 2 days later and managed to get a good shot off to drop him.
The last time I hunted South Africa, meat hunters on the property killed a wildebeest with several (5-6) healed-over broadheads in it.

The landowner must have made a bunch on that animal.
The last time I hunted South Africa, meat hunters on the property killed a wildebeest with several (5-6) healed-over broadheads in it.

The landowner must have made a bunch on that animal.
That's pretty damn poor shooting to miss a body shot and clip a horn or antler. Either practice more, get closer or stay home.
So how do you tell if the bullet hit the horn or not?

I've seen pronghorn that have been hit in the horn just shake their head, and I have seen others drop like a rock only to get back up once they regain their senses. I have also killed mule deer by hitting them in the antlers which cause some brain trauma bad enough that they either died or we were able to get to them to finish them off. We also had a bull elk not even break their stride when it was hit in the antler. We knew that he got hit because we found him 2 days later and managed to get a good shot off to drop him.
I once saw a nice pronghorn (14" plus?) with a bullet hole in one of the horns being field dressed by a couple of knuckleheads that I KNOW didn't have permission to hunt by the landowner down by Aguilar. Anyway, I'm sure their first shot was through that horn.
I shot a decent eight point whitetail a while ago that was kinda facing me with his head down eating . I was trying to whack him in the neck basically, aiming between his rack. Bullet just clipped the G2 on the way in. Still hit where intended and killed him. Don't tell Bob it was a .243 lol
I would definitely expect to pay for an animal shot in the horn
I definitely take a hard line on this one. If I ever do hit an animal in the horn and lose it, I expect to pay the fee in full. The animal is now disabled to a degree. It has also lost most of its trophy value. The moral to the story is: avoid shooting animals in a non-vital area. If fortune frowns on you, pay the man.
Hmmm, I thought we only shot animals that were old and past their breeding age anyway…
You put a bullet through it-you pay for it
Came across an interesting situation recently and would love to hear others' opinion on it. If a hunter shoots off an animal's horn(s) and the animal is not otherwise injured and gets away, does that usually count as a full price wounded animal? On the one hand that animal cannot be marketed as a trophy to future hunters, while on the other hand there is still a more or less healthy animal in the field that can be hunted for meat?
Yes full price
You pay.
Wounded you pay.
Hunt long enough even with lot of practise you will end up wounding its part of the sport.
That is an interesting situation. Typical the general policy for outfitters is if you draw blood then you have purchased the animal. I am not absolutely certain what the majority of outfitters would say about this example. I know that the outfit I worked for we would consider it a wounded animal.

This is an interesting situation I have not really ever given to much thought to. But I would be pretty confident saying that even if you just hit the horn this would be considered a wounded animal.
Thanks everyone for your opinions! Just to clarify, this did not happen to me. Just a classic case of "asking for a friend". It happened on a culling hunt and the hunter tried to brain shoot an eland cow, took off both her horns near the base. In my opinion it was an obvious case of wounded animal and full fee is due. Ended in a bit of an argument between the hunter and farm owner, just wanted some independent opinions. It seems that most people agree that it is indeed a wounded animal. That is why I typically aim for the vital area. I will take a bit of meat loss any day over a lost animal.
Ended in a bit of an argument between the hunter and farm owner, just wanted some independent opinions.

No ifs or buts - bullet contacting the animal = wounding. Speculating on the severity of the wound or the animal's probability of survival is just that, speculation. The hunter owns the animal and is good for the trophy fee. And is responsible for following up the animal and finishing the job that he started - old age, time constraints, ill-health, unfamiliarity with the terrain, inappropriate equipment, lack of intestinal fortitude etc are not disclaimers. Yes there may be limits to this but not making a concerted effort to do the honorable and ethical thing is unacceptable in my view.

If the land/animal owner wishes to waive or discount the fee that is his prerogative, NOT that of the hunter.
Came across an interesting situation recently and would love to hear others' opinion on it. If a hunter shoots off an animal's horn(s) and the animal is not otherwise injured and gets away, does that usually count as a full price wounded animal? On the one hand that animal cannot be marketed as a trophy to future hunters, while on the other hand there is still a more or less healthy animal in the field that can be hunted for meat?
There is a German saying..." zahlen macht Frieden" witch means pay it, and there is peace.

As a guest, I would not go away otherwise.... you made the damage, so just pay.

I know someone who got a great deal on a 1 horned sable( still a lot of money)....late afternoon he got his chance....took the shot and promptly shot the remaining horn off...
They found the horn...
They could not find the sable and the sun set....
Next morning they found the eaten up by jackal carcass....expensive lesson....
I know someone who got a great deal on a 1 horned sable( still a lot of money)....late afternoon he got his chance....took the shot and promptly shot the remaining horn off...
They found the horn...
They could not find the sable and the sun set....
Next morning they found the eaten up by jackal carcass....expensive lesson....
In the state I live in it states in the rule book.That whom ever downed the deer is his or her deer.So if I shot a deer and was blood trailing it and another hunter shot it it would be his or her deer.If it was a lethel shot and the deer ran by me and i dowend it,I would give it to the guy who put the first lethel hit on it.This is were ethics comes in play.

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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
Hello, My wife and I hunted with Marius 2 years ago. He fit us into his schedule after a different outfitter "bailed" on us. He was always very good with communications and although we didn't end up meeting him personally, he called us multiple times during our hunt to make sure things were going well. We were very happy with him.
TERMINATOR wrote on Cuthberto's profile.
Reach out to the guys at Epic Outdoors.

They will steer you right for landowner tags and outfitters that have them.

I have held a membership with them for years and they are an invaluable resource.

Way better that asking random people on the internet...WAY better

Raskolnikov743 wrote on skydiver386's profile.

Did you ever find your 30-06 CZ550? I own a fairly solid conditioned one, if you wanted to talk.
